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Last active April 1, 2016 07:01
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Given a string of 0s, 1s and ?s (wildcards), generate all 0-1 strings that match this pattern, e.g.
1?00?101 -> [10000101, 10001101, 11000101, 11001101]. You can generate strings in any order that suit you.
class Tree(object):
def __init__(self, x):
self.val = x
self.left = None
self.right = None
def binary_string_permutations_recursive(inputstr, node):
if len(inputstr) == 0:
return node
node = Tree(None)
val = ""
i = 0
while i < len(inputstr):
if inputstr[i] == "?":
node.val = val
node.left = binary_string_permutations_recursive("0" + inputstr[i+1:], node.left)
node.right = binary_string_permutations_recursive("1" + inputstr[i+1:], node.right)
i = len(inputstr)
val += inputstr[i]
i += 1
node.val = val
return node
def path_from_root_to_leaf(root, path, all_paths):
if root is None:
return path
if root.left is None and root.right is None:
return path
path = path_from_root_to_leaf(root.left, path, all_paths)
path = path[:-1]
path = path_from_root_to_leaf(root.right, path, all_paths)
path = path[:-1]
return path
def binary_string_permutations(inputstr):
result = None
result = binary_string_permutations_recursive(inputstr, result)
all_paths = []
path_from_root_to_leaf(result, [], all_paths)
output = []
for path in all_paths:
tmp = "".join(path)
return output
import unittest
class TestBinaryStringPermutations(unittest.TestCase):
def test_get_string_permutation_simple(self):
out = "10?0"
expected = ["1000", "1010"]
actual = binary_string_permutations(out)
result_set = set(actual)
actual = sorted(list(result_set))
self.assertEqual(len(actual), len(expected))
i = 0
isvalid = True
while i < len(actual):
if actual[i] not in expected:
isvalid = False
i += 1
self.assertEqual(True, isvalid)
def test_get_string_permutation_complex(self):
out = "1?00?101"
expected = sorted(["10000101", "10001101", "11000101", "11001101"])
actual = binary_string_permutations(out)
result_set = set(actual)
actual = sorted(list(result_set))
self.assertEqual(len(actual), len(expected))
i = 0
isvalid = True
while i < len(actual):
if actual[i] not in expected:
isvalid = False
i += 1
self.assertEqual(True, isvalid)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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