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Last active October 30, 2017 07:27
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Offline Service Worker
const VERSION = '{%VERSION%}';
const ASSETS = [];
let offlineReady = false;
let offlinePage = undefined;
function requestExpectsHTML(headers) {
if (!headers) {
return false;
const acceptHeader = headers.get("Accept");
if (acceptHeader) {
return acceptHeader.indexOf('text/html') !== -1;
return false;
function isUrlPathAllowed(path) {
return ALLOWED_URL_PATHS.some(allowedPath => {
// Special check for root
if (allowedPath === '/') {
return allowedPath === path;
return new RegExp(allowedPath).test(path);
async function swInstall() {
const cache = await;
await cache.addAll(ASSETS);
await self.skipWaiting();
async function swActivate() {
const keys = await caches.keys();
const deletes = [];
for (const key of keys) {
if (key !== VERSION) {
await Promise.all(deletes);
if (self.registration.navigationPreload) {
// Enable navigation preloads!
await self.registration.navigationPreload.enable();
await self.clients.claim();
async function addToCache(req, res) {
const cache = await;
cache.put(req, res);
async function updateCacheEntities(entitiesToKeep) {
const cache = await;
const cacheKeys = await cache.keys();
const existingEntities = => key.url);
const entitiesToDelete = existingEntities
.filter(entity => !entitiesToKeep.includes(entity) && !ASSETS.includes(entity));
await Promise.all( => cache.delete(entityToDelete)));
async function addCacheEntities(entities) {
const cache = await;
const cacheKeys = await cache.keys();
const existingEntities = => key.url);
const entitiesToAdd = entities.filter(entity => !existingEntities.includes(entity));
await cache.addAll(entitiesToAdd);
async function fretchFromCache(req) {
const cache = await;
const cacheRes = await cache.match(req);
if (!cacheRes) {
throw Error(`Item not found in cache`);
return cacheRes;
async function fetchFromNetworkAndCache(req) {
const res = await fetch(req);
addToCache(req, res.clone());
return res;
async function fetchNetworkFirst(req) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const reasons = [];
// Try netwrok first
try {
return await fetchFromNetworkAndCache(req);
} catch (e) {
// Network failed so try cache
try {
return await fretchFromCache(req);
} catch (e) {
// Even cache failed so fallback to browser default
throw Error(reasons.join(`, `));
async function fetchFastest(req) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const networkFetch = fetchFromNetworkAndCache(req);
const cacheFetch = fretchFromCache(req);
let rejected = false;
const reasons = [];
const maybeReject = reason => {
if (rejected) {
reject(Error(reasons.join(`, `)));
} else {
rejected = true;
// Whichever resolves first will be the winner
cacheFetch.then(resolve, maybeReject);
networkFetch.then(resolve, maybeReject);
async function prepOffline(e) {
offlineReady = false;
try {
const offlineDataRes = await fetch(;
const offlineData = await offlineDataRes.json();
const offlineAssets = offlineData.assets;
await updateCacheEntities(offlineAssets);
// Set and add offline page to the asset queue
offlinePage =;
await addCacheEntities(offlineAssets);
offlineReady = true;
} catch (ex) {
// Offline Prep failed
async function swFetch(e) {
// Initial checks, return immediately if
// 1. user is online
// or
// 2. Offline cache is not ready
if (navigator.onLine || !offlineReady) {
const req = e.request;
const url = new URL(req.url);
if (req.method !== 'GET') {
if (requestExpectsHTML(req.headers)) {
if (url.origin === location.origin && isUrlPathAllowed(url.pathname)) {
} else {
self.addEventListener('install', e => e.waitUntil(swInstall()));
self.addEventListener('activate', e => e.waitUntil(swActivate()));
self.addEventListener('fetch', e => swFetch(e));
self.addEventListener('message', e => prepOffline(e));
async function swFetch(e) {
// Initial checks, return immediately if
// 1. user is online
// or
// 2. Offline cache is not ready
if (navigator.onLine || !offlineReady) {
const req = e.request;
const url = new URL(req.url);
if (req.method !== 'GET') {
if (requestExpectsHTML(req.headers)) {
if (url.origin === location.origin && isUrlPathAllowed(url.pathname)) {
} else {
self.addEventListener('fetch', e => swFetch(e));
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I'd recommend replacing requestExpectsHTML() with event.request.mode === 'navigate', which is supported in recent versions of Chrome and Firefox, and will give you a more robust way of checking for navigations.

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As mentioned, you might be able to move from calling prepOffline() from within a message handler to wrapping it with event.waitUntil() and putting it in your fetch handler, after you call event.respondWith() with your navigation response.

The one wrinkle is that property that you need within prepOffline()—if you can automatically infer it based on the navigation URL then that would work, but if you need to calculate it using logic on the client page, then I guess sticking with message passing would make the most sense.

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senthilp commented Oct 6, 2017

event.request.mode === 'navigate' is a great idea. Will incorporate that.
W.r.t. the message passing, there is some tricky logic on the page side. So, for now, will stick with it.
Thanks for "lie-fi" timeout logic. Will try to incorporate that too.

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