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Created May 15, 2017 21:42
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Webpack error message plugin
var stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi');
var jsStringEscape = require('js-string-escape');
var RawSource = require('webpack/lib/RawSource');
var errorTypePattern = /ModuleBuildError:[^:]*: /g;
// a webpack plugin to emit a js asset which displays build errors
function ErrorMessagePlugin(filename) {
this.filename = filename || 'webpackErrorMessages.js';
ErrorMessagePlugin.prototype.apply = function(compiler) {
var pluginContext = this;
// if there are errors, replace the output of any bundles with an error message
compiler.plugin('emit', function(compilation, done) {
var errorJsCode = '';
if (compilation.errors.length > 0) {
errorJsCode = renderErrorJsCode(compilation.errors);
compilation.assets[pluginContext.filename] = new RawSource(errorJsCode);
function renderErrorJsCode(errors) {
var cleanedErrorMessage = cleanCompilationErrorMessages(errors);
var errorPageHeader = '' +
'<style>body { font-family: sans-serif; }</style>' +
'<h1>Webpack Build Error</h1>';
var errorJsCode = '' +
'document.body.className += " webpack-build-error";' +
'document.body.innerHTML = "' +
errorPageHeader +
'";\n' +
'var errorDisplay = document.createElement("pre");\n' +
'errorDisplay.textContent = "' +
jsStringEscape(cleanedErrorMessage) +
'";\n' +
return errorJsCode;
function cleanCompilationErrorMessages(errors) {
var errorMessages =;
return stripAnsi(errorMessages.join('\n\n')).replace(errorTypePattern, '');
// from webpack/lib/Stats.js
/* eslint-disable */
function formatError(e) {
var requestShortener = {
shorten: function(request) {
return request;
var showErrorDetails = true;
var text = '';
if (typeof e === 'string')
e = {
message: e,
if (e.chunk) {
text += 'chunk ' +
( || +
(e.chunk.entry ? ' [entry]' : e.chunk.initial ? ' [initial]' : '') +
if (e.file) {
text += e.file + '\n';
if (
e.module &&
e.module.readableIdentifier &&
typeof e.module.readableIdentifier === 'function'
) {
text += e.module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener) + '\n';
text += e.message;
if (showErrorDetails && e.details) text += '\n' + e.details;
if (showErrorDetails && e.missing)
text += e.missing
.map(function(item) {
return '\n[' + item + ']';
if (e.dependencies && e.origin) {
text += '\n @ ' + e.origin.readableIdentifier(requestShortener);
e.dependencies.forEach(function(dep) {
if (!dep.loc) return;
if (typeof dep.loc === 'string') return;
if (!dep.loc.start) return;
if (!dep.loc.end) return;
text += ' ' +
dep.loc.start.line +
':' +
dep.loc.start.column +
'-' +
(dep.loc.start.line !== dep.loc.end.line
? dep.loc.end.line + ':'
: '') +
return text;
/* eslint-enable */
module.exports = ErrorMessagePlugin;
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