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Created February 25, 2014 13:23
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iCloud Junk Mail Redirection
on run {input, parameters}
set spamAccount to ""
set tempFolderName to "JunkMail"
set tempFolderPath to path to home folder
set maxSendAttempts to 5
set maxSentDeleteAttempts to 10
set deleteSentMessage to false
set deleteJunkMessage to false
-- Test behaviour by observing the home directory and the drafts box in Mail
set testingBehaviour to true
-- From here onward should not need to be modified
set tempFolder to (tempFolderPath as string) & tempFolderName
-- Creates temporary folder for junk
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists folder tempFolder) then
make new folder at tempFolderPath with properties {name:tempFolderName}
end if
end tell
tell application "Mail"
set junkMessages to every message of junk mailbox
set messageCount to (count of junkMessages) as number
if (messageCount is greater than 0) then
-- Sets uniqueID to "spam report " & (round (random number from 10000 to 99999) rounding down as string)
set messageSubject to "spam report - delete now"
set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:messageSubject, content:" "}
tell newMessage
make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:spamAccount}
end tell
set counter to 1
repeat with junkMessage in junkMessages
-- Marks as Junk for Mail
set junk mail status of junkMessage to true
set sourceFile to (tempFolder & ":ml" & counter & ".eml")
set thisSource to the source of junkMessage as string
set f to open for access sourceFile with write permission
set eof of f to 0
write thisSource to f
close access f
tell "Finder"
set theAttachment to sourceFile as alias
end tell
tell the newMessage
tell content
make new attachment with properties {file name:theAttachment} at before the first character
end tell
end tell
set counter to counter + 1
end repeat
set should play other mail sounds to false
if testingBehaviour is false then
-- Tries to send the message up to 5 times
set attemptCount to 0
repeat until attemptCount is maxSendAttempts
set sendResult to send newMessage
if (sendResult) then
exit repeat
set attemptCount to attemptCount + 1
end if
end repeat
if attemptCount is greater than or equal to maxSendAttempts then
display alert "Unable to send message." as critical
end if
display alert "Spam redirected" message messageCount & " messages were redirected to Apple!" as informational
end if
-- Pauses for one second to wait for the sent message to show up
delay 1
-- Deletes sent message
if deleteSentMessage is true then
-- Tries to delete the message over 5 seconds, at one second intervals
set tryToDelete to 0
repeat while tryToDelete is less than maxSentDeleteAttempts
set sentMessages to every message in sent mailbox where subject is messageSubject
if (count of sentMessages) is greater than 0 then
repeat with sentMessage in sentMessages
set deleted status of sentMessage to true
end repeat
-- stop checking
exit repeat
-- increment deletion counter
set tryToDelete to tryToDelete + 1
-- Pause for one second
delay 1
end if
end repeat
if tryToDelete is greater than or equal to maxSentDeleteAttempts then
display alert "Unable to delete sent message." as warning
end if
end if
-- Deletes junk messages
if deleteJunkMessage is true then
repeat with junkMessage in junkMessages
set deleted status of junkMessage to true
end repeat
end if
end if
-- Turns sounds back on
set should play other mail sounds to true
end tell
-- Deletes temporary folder
set posixJunkFolder to POSIX path of (tempFolder)
set deleteCommand to "rm -Rf " & quoted form of posixJunkFolder
do shell script (deleteCommand)
end run
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This is a small Apple Script to redirect all current junk mail to Apple. Partially tested on Mavericks, Mail v. 7.1.
Clean-paste code into new workflow (run applescript action) to have it working.

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