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Created July 17, 2015 12:15
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Mixpanel API supporting extension and sending ip address
package com.mixpanel.mixpanelapi
import{URLEncoder, URLConnection, URL, InetAddress}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import org.json.{JSONArray, JSONObject}
class ExtendedMixpanelAPI(protected final val eventsEndpoint: String, protected final val peopleEndpoint: String) {
* Constructs a MixpanelAPI object associated with the production, Mixpanel services.
def this() {
this(Config.BASE_ENDPOINT + "/track", Config.BASE_ENDPOINT + "/engage")
* Sends a single message to Mixpanel servers.
* Each call to sendMessage results in a blocking call to remote Mixpanel servers.
* To send multiple messages at once, see #{@link #deliver(ClientDelivery)}
* @param message A JSONObject formatted by #{ @link MessageBuilder}
* @throws MixpanelMessageException if the given JSONObject is not (apparently) a Mixpanel message. This is a RuntimeException, callers should take care to submit only correctly formatted messages.
* @throws IOException if
def sendMessage(message: JSONObject) {
val delivery: ClientDelivery = new ClientDelivery
* Attempts to send a given delivery to the Mixpanel servers. Will block,
* possibly on multiple server requests. For most applications, this method
* should be called in a separate thread or in a queue consumer.
* @param toSend a ClientDelivery containing a number of Mixpanel messages
* @param ipAddress an ip address to be used in event geo localization
* @throws IOException
* @see ClientDelivery
def deliver(toSend: ClientDelivery, ipAddress: IpAddressParam = IpAddressParam.IgnoreIp) {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val ip = "ip=" + (ipAddress match {
case IpAddressParam.IgnoreIp => "0"
case IpAddressParam.UseSenderIp => "1"
case IpAddressParam.SpecifiedIp(ipAddr) => ipAddr.getHostAddress
val eventsUrl = eventsEndpoint + "?" + ip
val events = toSend.getEventsMessages.asScala.toList
sendMessages(events, eventsUrl)
val peopleUrl = peopleEndpoint + "?" + ip
val people = toSend.getPeopleMessages.asScala.toList
sendMessages(people, peopleUrl)
* Package scope for mocking purposes
private[mixpanelapi] def sendData(dataString: String, endpointUrl: String): Boolean = {
val endpoint: URL = new URL(endpointUrl)
val conn: URLConnection = endpoint.openConnection
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf8")
var utf8data: Array[Byte] = null
try {
utf8data = dataString.getBytes("utf-8")
catch {
case e: UnsupportedEncodingException => {
throw new RuntimeException("Mixpanel library requires utf-8 support", e)
val base64data: String = new String(Base64Coder.encode(utf8data))
val encodedData: String = URLEncoder.encode(base64data, "utf8")
val encodedQuery: String = "data=" + encodedData
var postStream: OutputStream = null
try {
postStream = conn.getOutputStream
} finally {
if (postStream != null) {
try {
catch {
case e: IOException =>
var responseStream: InputStream = null
var response: String = null
try {
responseStream = conn.getInputStream
response = slurp(responseStream)
} finally {
if (responseStream != null) {
try {
catch {
case e: IOException =>
(response != null) && (response == "1")
protected def sendMessages(messages: List[JSONObject], endpointUrl: String) {
var i: Int = 0
while (i < messages.size) {
var endIndex: Int = i + Config.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE
endIndex = Math.min(endIndex, messages.size)
val batch = messages.slice(i, endIndex)
if (batch.nonEmpty) {
val messagesString: String = dataString(batch)
if (!sendData(messagesString, endpointUrl)) {
throw new MixpanelServerException("Server refused to accept messages, they may be malformed.", batch.asJava)
private def dataString(messages: List[JSONObject]): String = {
val array = new JSONArray
private def slurp(in: InputStream): String = {
val out = new StringBuilder
val reader = new InputStreamReader(in, "utf8")
val readBuffer = new Array[Char](BufferSize)
var readCount = 0
do {
readCount =
if (readCount > 0) {
out.append(readBuffer, 0, readCount)
} while (readCount != -1)
protected val BufferSize: Int = 256
protected val ReadTimeoutMs: Int = 120000
sealed trait IpAddressParam
object IpAddressParam {
case object IgnoreIp extends IpAddressParam
case object UseSenderIp extends IpAddressParam
case class SpecifiedIp(ip: InetAddress) extends IpAddressParam
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