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Created November 15, 2022 09:45
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// * ================================================================================ YoutubePlaylistTimer
// * ---------------------------------------------------------------- seek video and bind timeupdate event
const YoutubePlaylistTimer = () => {
delegateEvent("video", "timeupdate", updatePlaylistTimer);
// * ---------------------------------------------------------------- update playlist timer when timeupdate
const updatePlaylistTimer = () => {
const isPlaylist =
new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get("list") !== null;
if (!isPlaylist) return;
const [progressBar, timeTextSpan] = prepareTimerDom();
const [currentTime, totalTime] = getTime(); = (currentTime / totalTime) * 100 + "%";
timeTextSpan.textContent =
prettySec(currentTime) + " / " + prettySec(totalTime);
// * ---------------------------------------------------------------- calc
const getTime = () => {
const playlistItems = [
...document.querySelector("#content #playlist").querySelector("#items")
const currentVideoIndex = playlistItems.findIndex(
(e) => e.attributes["selected"]
const timesList = =>
/** currentTime, totalTime */
return [
timesList.slice(0, currentVideoIndex).reduce((a, e) => a + e, 0) +
timesList.reduce((a, e) => a + e, 0),
// * ---------------------------------------------------------------- View Layer
<div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px; width: 100%;">
<div style="position: absolute; height: 2px; background-color: red; width: 1.00522%;"></div>
<span style="position: absolute; top: 2px; right: 2px;">00:01:19 / 02:10:59</span>
export progress and text node
const prepareTimerDom = () => {
const parentContainer = document.querySelector(
"#content ytd-playlist-panel-renderer"
// * ---------------- already loaded, fast return
if (parentContainer?.querySelector("#youtube-player-timer")) {
return parentContainer.querySelector("#youtube-player-timer")?.children;
// * ---------------- container view
const timerContainer = document.createElement("div"); = "youtube-player-timer";
Object.assign(, {
position: "absolute",
top: "0",
right: "0",
width: "100%",
// * ---------------- progress
const progressBar = document.createElement("div");
Object.assign(, {
position: "absolute",
height: "2px",
backgroundColor: "red",
// * ---------------- timer text
const timeTextSpan = document.createElement("span");
Object.assign(, {
position: "absolute",
top: "2px",
right: "2px",
// * ---------------- append view = "relative";
// * ----------------
return [progressBar, timeTextSpan];
// * ================================================================================
// * ---------------------------------------------------------------- utils
// * ---------------- hh:mm:ss => sec
const ToSec = (timeStr) => {
if (timeStr === undefined) return 0;
const t = timeStr.split(":").map(Number);
if (t.length === 2) {
const [mm, ss] = t;
return mm * 60 + ss;
} else if (t.length === 3) {
const [hh, mm, ss] = t;
return hh * 3600 + mm * 60 + ss;
} else {
return 0;
// * ---------------- sec => hh:mm:ss
const prettySec = (s) => {
const ss = s % 60;
const mm = ~~((s % 3600) / 60);
const hh = ~~(s / 3600);
return [hh, mm, ss].map((e) => String(e).padStart(2, "0")).join(":");
// * ---------------------------------------------------------------- delegate helper
const delegateEvent = (selector, eventName, handler) => {
domObserver(selector, (node) => {
node.removeEventListener(eventName, handler);
node.addEventListener(eventName, handler);
// * ---------------------------------------------------------------- dom observer
const domObserver = (selector, callback) => {
// * ---------------- already loaded
document.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach((node) => {
console.log("[domObserver] existed node", node);
// * ---------------- keep observering new nodes if matches selector
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationList, observer) => {
mutationList.forEach((mutation) => {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach((node) => {
if (!node.matches?.(selector)) return;
console.log("[domObserver] new node loaded", node);
observer.observe(document, {
attributes: false,
childList: true,
subtree: true,
// * ================================================================================
const main = () => {
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