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Created April 11, 2019 12:56
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import { animationFrameScheduler, defer, Observable, range } from 'rxjs';
import { map, takeWhile, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
/** Observable이 구독된 이후 지난 시간을 rAF 마다 반환합니다. */
export function timeElapsed(scheduler = animationFrameScheduler): Observable<number> {
return defer(() => {
const start =;
return range(0, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, scheduler).pipe(map(() => - start));
/** 지정된 시간(단위: ms)동안 0-1 까지 반환합니다. */
export function duration(milliseconds: number, scheduler = animationFrameScheduler): Observable<number> {
return timeElapsed(scheduler).pipe(
map(elapsedMilliseconds => elapsedMilliseconds / milliseconds),
takeWhile(timing => timing <= 1)
export const quarticInOut = (t: number) => (t < 0.5 ? +8.0 * Math.pow(t, 4.0) : -8.0 * Math.pow(t - 1.0, 4.0) + 1.0);
export interface ScrollDownAnimationOptions {
distanceOffset: number;
durationTime: number;
* 목적지(distanceOffset)로 지정된 시간(durationTime)(단위: ms) 동안 부드럽게 스크롤
* 합니다.
* @example*
* scrollDownAnimation({
* distanceOffset: 500,
* durationTime: 255,
* }).subscribe();
export function scrollDownAnimation(options: ScrollDownAnimationOptions) {
const startOffset = getScrollYOffset();
const direction = options.distanceOffset > startOffset ? 1 : -1;
const distance = Math.abs(options.distanceOffset - startOffset);
return duration(options.durationTime).pipe(
map(timing => timing * distance),
tap(frame => {
window.scrollTo(0, startOffset + frame * direction);
interface Props {
title: string;
durationTime: number;
className?: string;
function ScrollDownButton({ durationTime, title, className }: Props) {
const { animate, cancel } = useScrollDownAnimationBehavior();
const handleClick = useCallback(
() => {
const { height } = getViewportSize();
animate({ distanceOffset: height, durationTime });
[durationTime, animate]
() => {
const subscription = merge(
fromEvent(window, 'wheel'),
fromEvent(window, 'mousewheel'),
fromEvent(window, 'touchstart')
).subscribe(() => {
return () => {
return (
<button aria-label={title} onClick={handleClick} className={classNames(css.button, className)}>
import { useEffect, useMemo, useRef } from 'react';
import { interval, Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { switchMap, takeUntil, throttle } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { scrollDownAnimation, ScrollDownAnimationOptions } from 'core-animations.ts';
* 지정된 위치로 부드럽게 스크롤 시킵니다. Throtting이 적용되어 있어 여러번 호출하더라도 애니메이션
* 재생 동안에는 호출을 무시합니다.
export default function useScrollDownAnimationBehavior(): {
animate: (options: ScrollDownAnimationOptions) => void;
cancel: () => void;
} {
const eventStreamRef = useRef(new Subject<ScrollDownAnimationOptions>());
const cancelStreamRef = useRef(new Subject<void>());
const animationSubscriptionRef = useRef(Subscription.EMPTY);
const animate = useMemo(
() => (options: ScrollDownAnimationOptions) => {;
const cancel = useMemo(
() => () => {;
useEffect(() => {
animationSubscriptionRef.current = eventStreamRef.current
throttle(({ durationTime }) => interval(durationTime / 2)),
switchMap(options => scrollDownAnimation(options).pipe(takeUntil(cancelStreamRef.current)))
return () => {
}, []);
return { animate, cancel };
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