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Last active March 7, 2020 14:14
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Parcel v1 change build output dir instead of a flatten structure
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const replace = require('replace-in-file')
const escapeRegExp = require('lodash.escaperegexp')
// the directory in which you're outputting your build (come from parcel)
const basePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist')
console.log('basePath', basePath)
// the file lists remain location unchanged
const blackList = ['manifest.webmanifest']
// the name for the directory where your static files will be moved to
const assetDir = 'assets'
// the directory where your built files (css and JavaScript) will be moved to
const compiledDir = 'compiled'
// if the assetDir directory isn't there, create it
if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(basePath, assetDir))) {
fs.mkdirSync(path.join(basePath, assetDir))
// same for the compiledDir directory
if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(basePath, compiledDir))) {
fs.mkdirSync(path.join(basePath, compiledDir))
const globalResult = {}
function replaceFile({ filePath, names, fromFn, toFn, reason }) {
names.forEach(name => {
const fromString = fromFn(name)
const toString = toFn(name)
const options = {
files: filePath,
from: fromString,
to: toString,
countMatches: true,
try {
const r = replace
.map(changedFile => ({
from: fromString,
to: toString,
matches: changedFile.numMatches,
replaced: changedFile.numReplacements,
reason: reason,
.filter(x => x.matches || x.replaced)
if (r.length !== 0) {
globalResult[filePath] = (globalResult[filePath] || []).concat(r)
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error occurred:', error)
// Loop through the basePath directory
fs.readdir(basePath, (err, files) => {
// store all files in custom arrays by type
let html = []
let js = []
let css = []
let maps = []
let assetFiles = []
files.forEach(file => {
// first HTML files
if (file.match(/.+\.(html)$/) && !blackList.includes(file)) {
} else if (file.match(/.+\.(js)$/) && !blackList.includes(file)) {
// then JavaScripts
} else if (file.match(/.+\.(map)$/) && !blackList.includes(file)) {
// then CSS
} else if (file.match(/.+\.(css)$/) && !blackList.includes(file)) {
// then sourcemaps
} else if (file.match(/.+\..+$/) && !blackList.includes(file)) {
// all other files, exclude current directory and directory one level up
// check what went where
// create an array for all compiled assets
let compiledFiles = css.concat(js).concat(maps)
// replace all other resources in html
html.forEach(file => {
reason: 'html static assets',
filePath: path.join(basePath, file),
names: assetFiles,
fromFn: name => new RegExp(escapeRegExp(name), 'g'),
toFn: name => assetDir + '/' + name,
reason: 'html compiled files',
filePath: path.join(basePath, file),
names: compiledFiles,
fromFn: name => new RegExp(escapeRegExp(name), 'g'),
toFn: name => compiledDir + '/' + name,
// replace source map links in js
js.forEach(file => {
reason: 'js source map',
filePath: path.join(basePath, file),
names: maps,
fromFn: name => new RegExp(escapeRegExp(name), 'g'),
toFn: name => compiledDir + '/' + name,
// replace source map links in css
css.forEach(file => {
reason: 'css source map',
filePath: path.join(basePath, file),
names: maps,
fromFn: name => new RegExp(escapeRegExp(name), 'g'),
toFn: name => compiledDir + '/' + name,
// replace static assets links in css
css.forEach(file => {
reason: 'css static assets',
filePath: path.join(basePath, file),
names: assetFiles,
fromFn: name => new RegExp(escapeRegExp(name), 'g'),
toFn: name => assetDir + '/' + name,
// special review for manifest
reason: 'manifest rewrite',
filePath: path.join(basePath, 'manifest.webmanifest'),
names: assetFiles,
fromFn: name => new RegExp(escapeRegExp(name), 'g'),
toFn: name => assetDir + '/' + name,
Object.keys(globalResult).forEach(key => {
// move js and css and maps
compiledFiles.forEach(name => {
fs.rename(path.join(basePath, name), path.join(basePath, compiledDir, name), function(err) {
if (err) throw err
console.log(`Successfully moved ${name}`)
// move staticAssets
assetFiles.forEach(name => {
fs.rename(path.join(basePath, name), path.join(basePath, assetDir, name), function(err) {
if (err) throw err
console.log(`Successfully moved ${name}`)
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