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Created November 6, 2017 23:02
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flake8 settings for python flake8 lint
// debug mode (verbose output to ST python console)
"debug": false,
// run flake8 lint on file saving
"lint_on_save": true,
// run flake8 lint on file loading
"lint_on_load": false,
// run lint in live mode: lint file (without popup) every XXX ms
// please, be careful: this may cause performance issues on ST2
"live_mode": true,
// set live mode lint delay, in milliseconds
"live_mode_lint_delay": 1000,
// set ruler guide based on max line length setting
"set_ruler_guide": false,
// popup a dialog of detected conditions?
"popup": true,
// highlight detected conditions?
"highlight": true,
// highlight type:
// - "line" to highlight whole line
// - "error" to highlight error only
"highlight_type": "error",
// color values to highlight detected conditions
"highlight_color_critical": "#981600",
"highlight_color_error": "#DA2000",
"highlight_color_warning": "#EDBA00",
// show a mark in the gutter on all lines with errors/warnings:
// - "dot", "circle" or "bookmark" to show marks
// - "theme-alpha", "theme-bright", "theme-dark", "theme-hard" or "theme-simple" to show icon marks
// - "" (empty string) to do not show marks
"gutter_marks": "theme-simple",
// report successfull (passed) lint
"report_on_success": false,
// blink gutter marks on success (will not blink with live mode check)
// this icon is not depends on 'gutter_marks' settings
// please, be careful: this may cause performance issues on ST2
"blink_gutter_marks_on_success": true,
// load global flake8 config ("~/.config/flake8")
"use_flake8_global_config": true,
// load per-project config (i.e. "tox.ini", "setup.cfg" and ".pep8" files)
"use_flake8_project_config": true,
// set python interpreter (lint files for python >= 2.7):
// - 'internal' for use internal Sublime Text interpreter (2.6)
// - 'auto' for search default system python interpreter (default value)
// - absolute path to python interpreter for define another one
// use platform specific notation, i.e. "C:\\Anaconda\\envs\\py33\\python.exe"
// for Windows or then "/home/whatever/pythondist/python" for Unix
"python_interpreter": "auto",
// list of python built-in functions (like '_')
"builtins": [],
// turn on pyflakes error lint
"pyflakes": true,
// turn on pep8 error lint
"pep8": false,
// turn on pydocstyle error lint
"pydocstyle": false,
// turn on naming error lint
"naming": true,
// turn on debugger error lint
"debugger": true,
// turn on import order error lint
"import-order": false,
// import order style: "cryptography" or "google"
// See also:
"import-order-style": "cryptography",
// turn off complexity check (set number > 0 to check complexity level)
"complexity": -1,
// set desired max line length
"pep8_max_line_length": 160,
// select errors and warnings (e.g. ["E", "W6"])
"select": [],
// skip errors and warnings (e.g. ["E303", "E4", "W"])
"ignore": ["E202"],
// files to ignore, for example: ["*.mako", "test*.py"]
"ignore_files": []
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