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Last active January 5, 2023 11:34
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UE4 Pause - Resume Game
There's a function you can call to pause / resume the game in UE4:
UGameplayStatics::SetGamePaused(GetWorld(), true); //true = paused, false = resume
So you would do something like this:
void Pause()
if(myGamePaused) UGameplayStatics::SetGamePaused(GetWorld(), false);
else UGameplayStatics::SetGamePaused(GetWorld(), true);
But there's a problem, if the game is paused, it also pauses the object responsible for pausing/resuming the game. Because of this, you won't be able to resume the game. There's a workaround though...
The actual problem here, is that the PlayerController stops processing its inputs, so your pause manager won't be able to catch them and unpause the game. The solution is to specify the input of the pause key to keep catching the events when the game is paused, and this can be done like this:
FInputActionBinding& toggle = InputComponent->BindAction("Pause", IE_Pressed, this, &AMyActor::Pause);
toggle.bExecuteWhenPaused = true; //EVEN THOUGH THE GAME IS PAUSED, CATCH THIS EVENT !!!!
And now the method Pause will execute even if the game is paused so this means you will be able to unpause the game correctly. YAAAAY :D
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Thanks a lot, saved me a lot of time

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Thanks you!

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junka030 commented May 6, 2021


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Thanks a ton!

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