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Created July 22, 2016 18:54
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data RegEx a = Star (RegEx a)
| Conc (RegEx a) (RegEx a)
| Lit a
| WildCard
match :: (Eq a,Show a) => [a] -> RegEx a -> Bool
match [x] (Lit y) = x == y -- 'a' >>> 'a'
match _ (Lit _) = False -- 'aaa' >>> 'a'
match [x] WildCard = True -- 'a' >>> '.'
match _ WildCard = False -- 'aaaa' >>> '.'
match [] (Star _) = True
match xs (Star r) = or $
let l = length xs
in [0..l] >>= \n ->
let (prefix,suffix) = splitAt n xs
in [match prefix r && match suffix (Star r)]
match xs (Conc r s) = or $ do
let l = length xs
n <- [0..l]
let (prefix,suffix) = splitAt n xs
[match prefix r && match suffix s]
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