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Created June 3, 2022 16:52
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#Screen Config
#The duration of GUI background color and blur radius animation in milliseconds. (0 = OFF)
#Range: 0 ~ 800
animationDuration = 200
#The GUI background color in #RRGGBB or #AARRGGBB format. Default value: #66000000
#Can be one to four values representing top left, top right, bottom right and bottom left color.
#Multiple values produce a gradient effect, whereas one value produce a solid color.
#When values is less than 4, the rest of the corner color will be replaced by the last value.
backgroundColor = ["#66000000"]
#Add blur effect to GUI background when opened, it is incompatible with OptiFine's FXAA shader and some mods.
blurEffect = true
#The 4-pass blur effect radius, higher values result in a small loss of performance.
#Range: 2 ~ 18
blurRadius = 9
#A list of GUI screen superclasses that won't activate blur effect when opened.
blurBlacklist = ["net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.ChatScreen"]
#Tooltip Config
#Whether to enable Modern UI tooltip style, or back to vanilla style.
enable = true
#The tooltip FILL color in #RRGGBB or #AARRGGBB format. Default: #D4000000
#Can be one to four values representing top left, top right, bottom right and bottom left color.
#Multiple values produce a gradient effect, whereas one value produce a solid color.
#When values is less than 4, the rest of the corner color will be replaced by the last value.
colorFill = ["#D4000000"]
#The tooltip STROKE color in #RRGGBB or #AARRGGBB format. Default: #F0AADCF0, #F0DAD0F4, #F0FFC3F7 and #F0DAD0F4
#Can be one to four values representing top left, top right, bottom right and bottom left color.
#Multiple values produce a gradient effect, whereas one value produce a solid color.
#When values is less than 4, the rest of the corner color will be replaced by the last value.
colorStroke = ["#F0AADCF0", "#F0DAD0F4", "#F0FFC3F7", "#F0DAD0F4"]
#General Config
#Play a sound effect when the game is loaded.
ding = true
#View system config, only applied to Modern UI Core.
#Force layout direction to RTL, otherwise, the current Locale setting.
forceRtl = false
#The global font scale used with sp units.
#Range: 0.5 ~ 2.0
fontScale = 1.0
#Default scrollbar size in dips.
#Range: 0 ~ 1024
scrollbarSize = 8
#Distance a touch can wander before we think the user is scrolling in dips.
#Range: 0 ~ 1024
touchSlop = 8
#Minimum size of the touch target for a scrollbar in dips.
#Range: 0 ~ 1024
minScrollbarTouchTarget = 16
#Minimum velocity to initiate a fling in dips per second.
#Range: 0 ~ 32767
minimumFlingVelocity = 50
#Maximum velocity to initiate a fling in dips per second.
#Range: 0 ~ 32767
maximumFlingVelocity = 8000
#Max distance in dips to overscroll for edge effects.
#Range: 0 ~ 1024
overscrollDistance = 0
#Max distance in dips to overfling for edge effects.
#Range: 0 ~ 1024
overflingDistance = 12
#Amount to scroll in response to a vertical scroll event, in dips per axis value.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1024.0
verticalScrollFactor = 64.0
#Amount to scroll in response to a horizontal scroll event, in dips per axis value.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1024.0
horizontalScrollFactor = 64.0
#Font Config
#Bitmap-like mode, anti-aliasing and high precision for glyph layouts are OFF.
#A game restart is required to reload the setting properly.
bitmapLike = false
#Bilinear sampling font textures with mipmaps, magnification sampling will be always NEAREST.
#If your fonts are not really bitmap fonts, then you should keep this setting true.
#A game restart is required to reload the setting properly.
linearSampling = true
#A set of font families with precedence relationships to determine the typeface to use.
#TrueType and OpenTrue are supported. Each list element can be one of the following three cases.
#1) Font family name for those installed on your PC, for instance: Segoe UI
#2) File path for external fonts on your PC, for instance: /usr/shared/fonts/x.otf
#3) Resource location for those loaded with resource packs, for instance: modernui:font/biliw.otf
#Using pixelated (bitmap) fonts should consider other settings, and glyph size should be 16x.
#This list is only read once when the game is loaded. A game restart is required to reload
fontFamily = ["./erfan.ttf", "Segoe UI", "modernui:font/biliw.otf", "Noto Sans", "Open Sans", "San Francisco", "Calibri", "Microsoft YaHei UI", "STHeiti", "SimHei", "SansSerif"]
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