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Created October 3, 2014 02:14
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RVM Workflow
1. first install the ruby you want to use, say 1.9.3 (rvm install 1.9.3)
2. create gemset for project, say proj (rvm gemset create proj)
3. then say 'rvm 1.9.3@proj'. this will cause rvm to use the specified ruby version and the specified gemset hereon
4. now install the rails version you want to use in this project: 'gem install rails -v 3.2.14' will install rails 3.2.14 in the proj gemset
5. now you can create your project with rails new...
6. After the project is created, from the project directory run:
7. rvm --ruby-version use 1.9.3@proj This will add .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset files to the project and make sure that anytime you switch to this project directory, the correct ruby version and gemset are used.
8. To find where rubies and gems for the current gemset are installed do: rvm info
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