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Last active June 6, 2023 15:30
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Arch Linux install script (X SERVER/NVIDIA GPU/GNOME 3)
# Ask if Wi-Fi is needed
read -p "Do you need to connect to a Wi-Fi network? (y/n): " need_wifi
if [[ "$need_wifi" =~ [yY](es)* ]]; then
# Ask for hostname, username, and password
read -p "Enter the hostname for the new system: " hostname
read -p "Enter the username for the new system: " username
read -s -p "Enter the password for the new user: " password
echo "We need 2 MBR|DOS partitions. One for swap and second one for root (/) - make sure you have created 2 partitions."
# Ask if partitioning is done
read -p "Has the partitioning already been done? (y/n): " is_partitioned
if [[ "$is_partitioned" =~ [nN](o)* ]]; then
# Ask if cfdisk should be used for partitioning
read -p "Do you want to use cfdisk to partition your disks? (y/n): " use_cfdisk
if [[ "$use_cfdisk" =~ [yY](es)* ]]; then
echo "Please partition your disks manually and re-run the script."
# Ask for partition information
read -p "Enter the swap partition (e.g. /dev/sda1): " swap_partition
read -p "Enter the root partition (e.g. /dev/sda2): " root_partition
# Format the partitions
mkfs.ext4 $root_partition
mkswap $swap_partition
swapon $swap_partition
# Mount the partitions
mount $root_partition /mnt
# Save partition mounts in fstab
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
# Install essential packages and GNOME 3
pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware xorg-server xorg-apps xorg-xinit nvidia nvidia-utils gnome gdm networkmanager network-manager-applet alsa-utils python jdk17-openjdk openjdk17-doc tree git firefox thunderbird neofetch file-roller gnome-boxes gnome-connections gnome-dictionary gnome-notes gnome-sound-recorder gnome-terminal gnome-tweaks gnome-calendar simple-scan
# Configure the system
arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash -c "echo $hostname > /etc/hostname; \
tree /usr/share/zoneinfo/* | less; \
read -p 'Enter the appropriate time zone: ' timezone; \
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$timezone /etc/localtime; \
hwclock --systohc; \
echo 'pl_PL.UTF-8 UTF-8' > /etc/locale.gen; \
locale-gen; \
echo 'LANG=pl_PL.UTF-8' > /etc/locale.conf; \
echo 'KEYMAP=pl' > /etc/vconsole.conf; \
echo 'FONT=Lat2-Terminus16' >> /etc/vconsole.conf; \
echo 'root:$password' | chpasswd; \
useradd -m -G wheel $username; \
echo '$username:$password' | chpasswd; \
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL' >> /etc/sudoers; \
systemctl enable NetworkManager.service; \
systemctl enable gdm.service"
# Ask for the drive to install GRUB
read -p "Enter the drive to install GRUB (e.g. /dev/sda): " drive
# Install GRUB
arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash -c "pacman -S grub; \
grub-install --target=i386-pc $drive; \
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
# Unmount the partitions
umount -R /mnt
# Reboot the system
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