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Last active June 10, 2017 02:09
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
#set up arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-r', '--read', metavar='read', help='The packet dump to read', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-w', '--write', metavar='write', help='The packet dump to read', required=True)
group_target = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group_target.add_argument('-b', '--bssid', metavar='bssid', help='The BSSID to search for')
group_target.add_argument('-s', '--ssid', metavar='ssid', help='The SSID to search for')
parser.add_argument('-x', '--netxml', metavar='netxml', help='The .netxml to read', required=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
#set up local information
read =
write = args.write
bssid = args.bssid
ssid = args.ssid
if ssid:
if args.netxml:
netxml = args.netxml
elif os.path.exists(os.path.splitext(read)[0] + '.netxml'):
netxml= os.path.splitext(read)[0] + '.netxml'
elif os.path.exists(os.path.splitext(read)[0] + '.kismet.netxml'):
netxml = os.path.splitext(read)[0] + '.kismet.netxml'
exit('error: you must specify a netxml file to use to search for BSSIDs')
#check if some of this stuff exists
exit('error: problem reading input packet capture: ' + read)
if os.path.exists(write):
exit('error: output file already exists, cowardly refusing to trample it')
exit('error: problem writing to output path: ' + write)
#read and parse input netxml file
bssids = []
if ssid:
tree = et.parse(netxml)
exit('error: unable to parse netxml file: ' + netxml)
root = tree.getroot()
for network in root.findall('wireless-network'):
try: #cause parsing fails sometimes
bssid = network.find('BSSID').text
for xmlssid in network.findall('SSID'):
if xmlssid.find('essid').text is not None:
if xmlssid.find('essid').text == ssid:
bssid = ' or wlan.bssid eq '.join(bssids)
if not bssid:
exit('error: could not find {0} in netxml file'.format(ssid))
#read files and write temporary output
#look for a few packets displaying the SSID
os.system('tshark -2 -c 5 -r {0} -w {1}.ssid -R "(wlan.bssid eq {2}) and ((wlan.fc.type_subtype eq 0x08) or '
'(wlan.fc.type_subtype eq 0x05)) and not (wlan_mgt.ssid eq \\"\\")" '
'2>/dev/null'.format(read, write, bssid))
#look for WPA1/2-PSK
os.system('tshark -2 -c 10 -r {0} -w {1}.psk -R \"(wlan.bssid eq {2}) and wlan_mgt.rsn.akms.type eq 2\" '
'2>/dev/null'.format(read, write, bssid))
#look for EAP-TLS
os.system('tshark -2 -c 10 -r {0} -w {1}.eaptls -R \"(wlan.bssid eq {2}) and eap.type eq 13\" '
'2>/dev/null'.format(read, write, bssid))
#look for PEAP
os.system('tshark -2 -c 10 -r {0} -w {1}.peap -R \"(wlan.bssid eq {2}) and eap.type eq 25\" '
'2>/dev/null'.format(read, write, bssid))
#look for open network
os.system('tshark -2 -c 10 -r {0} -w {1}.openauth -R \"(wlan.bssid eq {2}) and ((wlan.fc.type_subtype eq 0x08) or '
'(wlan.fc.type_subtype eq 0x05)) and not (wlan_mgt.tag.number eq 48)\" '
'2>/dev/null'.format(read, write, bssid))
#merge temporary outputs into final output
os.system('mergecap -w {0} {0}.ssid {0}.psk {0}.eaptls {0}.peap {0}.openauth'.format(write))
os.system('rm {0}.ssid {0}.psk {0}.eaptls {0}.peap {0}.openauth'.format(write))
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