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Created May 3, 2018 07:35
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  • Save serapath/2a24d193f22c3a433822ea43ac31b4ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at


Install and Setup Metamask Extension for Chrome Browser and open Remix

  1. Install chrome extension : go to and install chrome extension
  2. Open Metamask : click metamask extension icon to open metamask overlay
  3. Signup or Import : accept terms and follow steps to restore or create a new vault
  4. Switch to Ropsten : click network dropdown menu and choose Ropsten Test Network
  5. Create ropsten account : click first dropdown in upper right corner and click create account
  6. Open test ether faucet : click buy and then click ropsten test faucet to open faucet page
  7. Request test ether : click request 1 ether from faucet, then click transaction link
  8. Await mining : wait on etherscan until status switches to success
  9. Re-open remix : go to
  10. Open run tab : in the devtools panel on the right, click the Run tab
  11. Switch remix to ropsten : click on Environment dropdown and choose Injected Web3

Load tutorial files and setup contracts

  1. Enter load command : type remix:loadgist 1483e5599012c3783def91ead259ece8 into terminal
  2. Load tutorial : press in terminal and click gist in file explorer on the left
  3. Open dependencies.txt : click dependencies.txt in the file explorer to open file in editor
  4. Load dependencies : type remix:batch in terminal, the press
  5. Explorer dependencies : click github in file explorer pane to explore all imported files
  6. Open AwardToken.sol : click gist/AwardToken.sol in file explorer to show it in the editor
  7. Compile : click on Compile tab and click Start to compile
  8. Wait for compilation : Wait until dropdown input field in compile tab shows AwardToken
  9. Choose owner account : click on Run tab and select owner address from Account dropdown
  10. Choose contract : click gist/AwardToken.sol in file explorer to show it in editor
  11. Deploy to ropsten : on Run tab click dropdown, select AwardToken + click deploy
  12. Confirm transaction : see below => ## Confirm Transactions in Metamask Popup // when transaction is successfully mined, a dapp interface will be generated in the run tab
  13. publish contract address : click copy icon on generated AwardToken dapp dropdown and share it // the address can be coded into a dapp to enable users to conveniently interact with the contract

Confirm Transactions in Metamask Popup

// blue function buttons are read only & free, pink function buttons change state and cost ether

  1. Set max gas price : Type e.g. 1 into the Gas price input field if not prefilled yet
  2. Allow transaction : click submit button to pay and send the transaction // a pending transaction log appears in terminal and updates upon success or fail
  3. Await confirmation : click etherscan link in terminal to check status details of transaction

Contract Administration (start round)

  1. Start Round : click the pink startRound function button on the awardToken udapp // round will be open for 7 hours after which the owner can close it which mints 100 tokens to the winner
  2. Confirm transaction : see above => ## Confirm Transactions in Metamask Popup

User Interaction (make proposal and vote)

  1. Select AwardToken : select AwardToken from dropdown in remix devtools panel on Run tab
  2. Connect to contract : paste AwardToken address into At address input field + click blue button
  3. Lookup ballot Address : click the currBallot button to get Ballot contract address
  4. Copy ballot address : check dapp or expanded terminal log to copy the address to clipboard
  5. Select ballot : select Ballot from dropdown in remix devtools panel on Run tab
  6. Connect to contract : paste ballot address into At address input field and click blue button // a ballot dapp will be generated on the bottom of devtools run tab
  7. Copy account address : on devtools Run tab click copy icon after Account dropdown
  8. Goto ballot dapp : scroll down on Run tab to ballot contract udapp
  9. Expand addProposal : expand the pink addProposal button by clicking arrow down after input field
  10. Add description : fill desc: input with your proposal description text (in quotation marks)
  11. Add title : fill title: input with a short title for your proposal (in quotation marks)
  12. Add your address : fill targetAddr: by pasting (ctrl+v) your account address
  13. Submit proposal : click pink transact button to send proposal // every address can only create one proposal
  14. Confirm transaction : see above => ## Confirm Transactions in Metamask Popup
  15. Lookup proposal address : click the blue getProposals button and copy a proposal address
  16. Lookup proposal details : click the blue proposals button after pasting the proposal address
  17. Vote for proposal : paste proposal address into pink vote input field and press vote button
  18. Confirm transaction : see above => ## Confirm Transactions in Metamask Popup

Contract Administration (close round)

  1. Timeout round : wait for 7 hours or press pink timeoutEarly button
  2. Confirm transaction : see above => ## Confirm Transactions in Metamask Popup
  3. Close round : click the pink closeRound button to finish round and mint 100 to winner
  4. Confirm transaction : see above => ## Confirm Transactions in Metamask Popup

User Interaction (check status)

  1. check winner : click blue winningProposal on ballot to see address of winner
  2. check Ballot : click blue currBallot on AwardToken to see active ballot gone
  3. check previous winner : click blue getPreviousWinners to see winner added to hall of fame
  4. copy winner address : select and copy address of winning proposal (ctrl+c)
  5. check balance of winner : paste winner address into blue balanceOf input field and click button // see the winner now owns a token supply of 100 freshly minted tokens
  6. check total supply : click totalSupply to see number of all minted tokens is 100
import "github/OpenZeppelin/zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/MintableToken.sol";
import "gist/Ballot.sol";
contract AwardToken is MintableToken {
uint quantity;
uint ballotPeriod = 7 hours;
Ballot public currBallot;
address[] public prevWinners;
event log (string _msg);
event winLog (address _win);
event newBallot (address _addr);
function AwardToken () {
quantity = 100;
function getPreviousWinners() constant returns (address[]) {
return prevWinners;
// either a name change or it works fine without it
// function approve(address spender, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
function startRound() onlyOwner canMint public returns (bool) {
// if this is the first minting then we should let this go immediately
if (address(currBallot) == 0x0) {
currBallot = new Ballot(ballotPeriod);
} else {
return false;
function closeRoundEarly () onlyOwner {
if (address(currBallot) != 0x0 && !currBallot.timeOut()) {
} else revert();
function closeRound() onlyOwner {
// this can only be done by the owner of the contract
if (address(currBallot) != 0x0 && currBallot.timeOut()) {
// get winner
address winner = currBallot.winningProposal();
// send to winner - but first make sure the address is valid
if ( winner == 0x0){
log("no winner");
} else {
winLog(winner);, quantity);
delete currBallot;
// start new round
}else revert();
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
function increaseApproval(address _spender, uint _addedValue) public returns (bool) {
function decreaseApproval(address _spender, uint _subtractedValue) public returns (bool) {
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract Ballot {
uint _duration;
uint _startTime;
bool _finishEarly;
struct Proposal {
string description;
string title;
uint voteCount;
address targetAddress;
event log (string _msg);
address chairperson;
mapping(address => mapping (address => uint8)) voters; // map between proposal and voter and votes
mapping(address => Proposal) public proposals;
address[] public proposalsSender;
function getProposals() constant returns (address[]) {
return proposalsSender;
/// Create a new ballot with $(_numProposals) different proposals.
function Ballot(uint duration) public {
chairperson = msg.sender;
_duration = duration;
_startTime = now;
_finishEarly = false;
// duration issues...
// add a new proposals
function addProposal(string desc, string title, address targetAddr) public {
if (timeOut() || targetAddr == 0x0 || proposals[msg.sender].targetAddress != 0x0){
proposals[msg.sender].description = desc;
proposals[msg.sender].title = title;
proposals[msg.sender].voteCount = 0;
proposals[msg.sender].targetAddress = targetAddr;
/// Give a single vote to proposal $(toProposal).
function vote(address proposal) public {
// is this msg.sender in vote - the voter the proposal or the owner of the contract?
// apparantly you can't vote more than once
uint8 vote = voters[proposal][msg.sender];
// the revert - takes it back to the initial state - but that blows away everyting - I suppose...
// check on revert();
if (timeOut()) revert();
if (vote != 0) {
revert(); // already voted for this proposal
} else {
voters[proposal][msg.sender] = 1;
proposals[proposal].voteCount += 1;
function finish() {
if (chairperson == msg.sender) _startTime = now - _duration;
else revert();
// timeOut vs duration in voteCount
// for use in vote(), addProposal(),
function timeOut() public constant returns ( bool timeOver) {
if (_startTime + _duration > now){
timeOver = false;
}else timeOver = true;
function winningProposal() public constant returns (address currLeader) {
// does this need to be run only by the contract owner? Currently I think it is not limited
uint vote = 0;
if (timeOut()){
// timeOut - mean that at least the _duration is over
// what if there is tie?
if(proposalsSender.length > 0) {
for (uint8 k = 0; k < proposalsSender.length; k++) {
Proposal proposal = proposals[proposalsSender[k]];
if (vote < proposal.voteCount) {
vote = proposal.voteCount;
currLeader = proposal.targetAddress;
if (vote > 0) {
return currLeader;
log("aint no voters!");
log("aint no proposals!");
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