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Created February 19, 2019 22:48
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import dask.delayed as delayed
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
def lagged_difference(a, dim, lag, order=1):
return (a.shift(**{dim: -lag}) - a) ** order
def norm(dx, dy):
return xr.ufuncs.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) / 1.e3
def strfunc(data, dim, max_lag, vars=None, order=2, r_bins=None):
Compute the nth order structure function on variables of a DataArray or a
Dataset. DataArrays and Datasets must have `lon` and `lat` as coordinates
for longitude and latitude.
data : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
The data containing the variables used to compute structure function
dim : str
The dimension along which the structure function is compute
max_lag : int
The maximum lag in number of points
vars : str or list of str, optional
The name of the variable to process. If the data input is a DataArray,
the corresponding variable will be processed.
order : int, optional
The order of the structure function to compute
r_bins : int or array of scalars
If not None, the structure functions are averaged over these different
res : Dataset
A dataset with the nothdifferent structure functions
dy, dx = latlon2dydx(data['lat'], data['lon'], dim=dim)
# Compute curvilinear coordinate
s = norm(dx, dy).cumsum(dim=dim)
output = xr.Dataset()
dvar_dict = {}
if vars is None:
vars = [var for var in data.variables]
# The above code line does not apply on a DataArray
except AttributeError:
vars = []
elif isinstance(vars, str):
vars = [vars]
# Compute nth order structures functions on the different variables
for var in vars:
distance_list, delta_list = [], []
for lag in range(1, max_lag):
# Compute distance between points
distance = lagged_difference(s, dim, lag)
# Compute variable difference between points
delta = lagged_difference(data[var], dim, lag, order=order)
# The above code line does not apply on a DataArray
except AttributeError:
delta = lagged_difference(data, dim, lag, order=order)
delta_list.append(delta.isel(**{dim: slice(None, -1)}))
dvar = delayed(xr.concat)(delta_list, dim='lags').stack(r=(dim, 'lags'))
dvar_dict['D%s%s' % (order, var)] = dvar.compute()
# Store the results into a dataset
output = output.assign(**dvar_dict)
r = delayed(xr.concat)(distance_list, dim='lags').stack(r=(dim, 'lags'))
output = output.assign_coords(r=r.compute())
if r_bins is not None:
output = avg_strfunc(output, r_bins)
output = output.rename({'r_bins' : 'r'})
return output
def avg_strfunc(dn, r_bins, mode='mean'):
Average the structure functions over different bins using
dn : xarray.DataSet
The Dataset containing the nth structure functions
r_bins : int or array of scalars
The list of bins over which the structure functions are averaged (see
mode : {'mean', 'median'}, optional
Define if the averaged is performed by using the mean (default) or
the median
res : xarray.DataSet
The structure functions averaged
r_labels = r_bins[1:] - np.diff(r_bins) / 2
if mode is 'mean':
avg_dn = dn.groupby_bins('r', r_bins, labels=r_labels).mean(dim='r')
elif mode is 'median':
avg_dn = dn.groupby_bins('r', r_bins, labels=r_labels).median(dim='r')
raise(ValueError, "This mode is not available.")
return avg_dn
def helmdec_on_strfunc(d2, ul='u', ut='v'):
Perform a Helmholtz decomposition of the second order structure functions
d2 : xarray.DataSet
The Dataset containing the structure functions
ul : str, optional
The longitudinal velocity name. Default is 'u'.
ut : str, optional
The transverse velocity name, default is 'v'
res : xarray.DataSet
The structure functions averaged
d2l = 'D2%s' % ul
d2t = 'D2%s' % ut
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
integral = cumtrapz((1. / d2['r_bins'] * (d2[d2t] - d2[d2l])),
x=( d2['r_bins']), initial=0, axis=-1)
d2r = d2[d2t] + integral
d2d = d2[d2l] - integral
return d2.assign(D2r=d2r, D2d=d2d)
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