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Last active January 21, 2022 12:46
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import xarray as xr
def expfit(phi, dim):
def exp_func(z, phi_bottom, delta_phi, z0):
return phi_bottom - delta_phi * np.exp(- z / z0)
mean_phi_max = phi.max(dim).mean()
mean_phi_min = phi.min(dim).mean()
delta_phi = mean_phi_max - mean_phi_min
fit = phi.curvefit(phi[dim],
p0={'phi_bottom': mean_phi_max,
'delta_phi': delta_phi,
'z0': 1000})
phi_fit = exp_func(phi[dim],
return phi_fit
def mld_thres(phi, phi_step, dim='depth', ref_depth=10):
Find the Mixed Layer Depth (MLD) using a threshold criterium
phi : array_like
Vertical profiles, either density, salinity, temperature
phi_step : float
The step tin
ref_depth : float, optional
The depth at which the reference value is taken
mld_interp : array_like
The mixed layer depth interpolated between depth levels
# Define the depth vector
z = phi[dim]
# Drop the surface or first level
z_sdrop = z.isel(**{dim: slice(1, None)})
phi_sdrop = phi.isel(**{dim: slice(1, None)})
# Compute regression coefficients for linear interpolation
delta_z = z.diff(dim)
delta_phi = phi.diff(dim)
alpha = delta_z / delta_phi
beta = z_sdrop - alpha * phi_sdrop
# Get the reference denisty at the reference depth
phi_ref = phi_sdrop.sel(**{dim: ref_depth})
# Evaluate the density at the base of the mixed layer
phi_mlb = phi_ref + phi_step
# Mask profile where the density is larger or equals than the density at the base of the mixed layer and smaller or equals than the reference depth
not_ml = (phi_sdrop >= phi_mlb) & (z_sdrop >= ref_depth)
success = (not_ml.sum(dim) > 0)
# Find the first depth level at which the
#z_bcast = z_sdrop * xr.ones_like(phi_sdrop)
ind_below_ml = (z_sdrop.where(not_ml).fillna(9e6).astype(int)
# Linear interpolation between the neighbouring poin to find the MLD
#z_below_ml = z.isel(**{dim: ind_below_ml}).where(success)
z_below_ml = z.sel(**{dim: z_sdrop[ind_below_ml]})#.where(success)
#z_below_ml = z_below_ml.where(z_below_ml > ref_depth)
mld_interp = (alpha.isel(**{dim: ind_below_ml}) * phi_mlb
+ beta.isel(**{dim: ind_below_ml}))
#mld_interp = alpha.sel(**{dim: ind_below_ml}) * phi_mlb + beta.sel(**{dim: ind_below_ml})
#return z_below_ml
return mld_interp.drop(dim)
def mld_rvar(phi, dim='depth'):
# Get the depth vector and its length
z = phi[dim]
n = z.size
# Define a running window of maximum size of the vector length
running_window = phi.rolling(**{dim: n}, min_periods=1)
# Compute the cumulative standard deviation (delta),
# maximum, minimum and amplitude (sigma)
delta = running_window.std()
phi_min = running_window.min()
phi_max = running_window.max()
sigma = phi_max - phi_min
# The ratio of the standard deviation and the amplitude yields
# the khi quantity
chi = delta / sigma
# I found that detrending the khi quantity was necessary to avoid
# detecting minima well below the mixed layer due to the variance
# decrease with depth
# The retained solution for the moment is to remove a exponential curve
# but this could be improved in the future
trend = expfit(chi, dim)
chi_dtr = (chi - trend).isel(**{dim: slice(1, None)})
# Find the depth zn1 where khi is minimum
k_zn1 = chi_dtr.fillna(9e6).argmin(dim=dim).compute()
zn1 = z.isel(**{dim: k_zn1})
# Find the first depth zn2 above zn1 that satisfies a small
# change in standard deviation
delta_diff = delta.diff(dim=dim)
r = delta_diff / delta_diff.sel(**{dim: z[k_zn1 + 1]})
not_ml = (r <= 0.3) & (z <= zn1)
success = (not_ml.sum(dim) > 0)
k_zn2 = z.where(not_ml).fillna(-9e6).argmax(dim).compute()
zn2 = z.isel(**{dim: k_zn2}).where(success)
return zn2
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