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Created January 27, 2016 07:57
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Python Observer Metaclass
Implements the observer patter via a metaclass
import inspect
def __receive__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
Method attached to class on class creation used to pass
messages to assigned methods.
if name in self.observers:
argspec = self.observers[name]['argspec']
inargs = {arg:kwargs[arg] for arg in argspec if arg in kwargs}
self.observers[name]['func'](self, *args, **inargs)
class Observer(type):
Observer metaclass. All inheriting classes will be able to
assigne methods to observer particular events via the @observes
decorator. When a message is received via
instance.receive("message_name", **parameters) the associated function
will be called with the arguments in **parameters that match the functions
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if not hasattr(cls, 'observers'):
cls.receive = __receive__
observers = {}
for attr in vars(cls).values():
if hasattr(attr, '__observes__'):
spec = inspect.getargspec(attr).args
argspec = [arg for arg in spec if arg != 'self']
observers[attr.__observes__] = {'func': attr, 'argspec': argspec}
cls.observers = observers
return super(Observer, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
def observes(event):
Used to annotate a function with the event it observers.
The annotation is lost before class is fully composed, but
is held long enough for the metaclass to intercept and
derive the classes observer mapping
def wrapper(func):
func.__observes__ = event
return func
return wrapper
class Friend(metaclass=Observer):
A simple observer class example
def __init__(self):
self.greetings_received = []
self.consolations = []
def acnkowledge(self, message="hi"):
def greaving(self, consolation="it'll be alright", affirmation="pat on the back"):
self.consolations.append((consolation, affirmation))
if __name__ == "__main__":
ted = Friend()
ted.receive("greeting", **{"message": "s'up", "postscript": "homie"})
ted.receive("consoling", **{"consolation": "chin up mate"})
ted.receive("consoling", **{"consolation": "thing'll get better", "affirmation": "hug"})
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