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Created May 23, 2017 12:21
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Программа для проверки парадокса Монти Холла (Парадокс_Монти_Холла)
function rnd(a, b) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (b - a)) + a;
function randBool() {
return Math.random() >= .5;
var success = 0;
var tries = 1000000;
for (var i = 0; i < tries; i++) {
var won = rnd(1, 4);
var chosen = rnd(1, 4);
var opened = 0;
if (chosen == won) switch (chosen) {
case 1:
opened = randBool() ? 2 : 3;
case 2:
opened = randBool() ? 1 : 3;
case 3:
opened = randBool() ? 1 : 2;
} else
opened = 6 - (chosen + won);
if (chosen != won) success++;
console.log((success / tries * 100) + '%');
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