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Created April 19, 2021 21:02
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AppleMusicPlayBehavior partial implementation
export class AppleMusicPlayBehavior implements IPlayBehaviour {
public TAG: string;
public playState: PlayStateEnum;
public playedMs: number;
public playlist: NowPlayingPlaylistModel = new NowPlayingPlaylistModel();
public progress: number;
public trackPlayedLabel: string;
public trackRemainingLabel: string;
public volume: number;
musicKit: MusicKitInstance;
constructor(private streamingService: StreamingService, private publisher: PublisherService) {
this.musicKit = AppleMusicKit.getInstance();
seek(seekToMs: number): void {
this.isSeeking = true;
if (seekToMs < 0) {
seekToMs = 0;
if (seekToMs > this.playlist.currentTrack.durationMs) {
this.playlist.progressMs = seekToMs;
this.playedMs = this.playlist.progressMs;
this.progress = Math.min(this.playedMs / Math.floor(this.playlist.currentTrack.durationMs) * 100, 100);
const playbackTimeDidChangeModel = new PlaybackTimeDidChangeModel();
playbackTimeDidChangeModel.currentPlaybackDuration = this.playlist.progressMs / 1000;
playbackTimeDidChangeModel.currentPlaybackTime = this.playlist.currentTrack.durationMs / 1000;
playbackTimeDidChangeModel.currentPlaybackTimeRemaining = (this.playlist.currentTrack.durationMs - this.playlist.progressMs) / 1000;
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