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Last active May 30, 2024 10:24
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[C++] Short IntervalMap data structure implementation
* NOTE 1: This works on VC++ but might need a little extra syntax to work on GCC.
* NOTE 2: It breaks when calling set_interval on the minimum key (std::numeric_limits<K>::lowest()) and maybe on the maximum key too.
* N = number of unique intervals. (Neighboring intervals with the same value are joined.)
* Iterators run in key-sorted order. (Or reverse, if you like - they're bidirectional.)
* get_min(): O(1)
* get_max(): O(1)
* O(1) amortized
* iterating entire tree: O(N) amortized
* map an interval to a value: O(log N)
* get value for interval containing key: O(log N)
* get iter to interval containing key: O(log N)
// Backstory, as with any shitty recipe blog:
// I discovered interval maps when I was asked to implement an interval map function during a coding challenge.
// Bombed the challenge, but learned about IntervalMaps and how cool they are.
// Came up with a really beautiful, simple implementation.
// Could be slightly improved with `const`, `&`, and `private:` in the right places, but otherwise it works great.
// Variable names are changed for the sake of the company that gives this test out.
#include <iterator> // std::prev, std::next
#include <limits> // std::numeric_limits
#include <map> // std::map
template <typename K, typename V>
class IntervalMap
std::map<K, V> my_map;
inline IntervalMap() : IntervalMap(0) {}
// create interval map with default v
inline IntervalMap(const V& v) {
// map [begin, end) -> v
// O(log N)
void set_interval(const K& begin, const K& end, const V& v) {
if (begin >= end) return;
// get end intersector (inclusive)
auto end_intersect = --my_map.upper_bound(end);
// if required, insert at end
auto inserted_end = my_map.end();
if (end_intersect->second != v) {
inserted_end = my_map.insert_or_assign(end_intersect, end, end_intersect->second);
// get begin intersector (inclusive)
auto begin_intersect = --my_map.upper_bound(begin);
// if required, insert at start
auto inserted_start = my_map.end();
if (begin_intersect->second != v) {
inserted_start = my_map.insert_or_assign(begin_intersect, begin, v);
// delete everyone inside
auto del_start = inserted_start != my_map.end() ? inserted_start : begin_intersect;
if (del_start->first < begin || (del_start->first == begin && std::prev(del_start)->second != v)) {
auto del_end = inserted_end != my_map.end() ? inserted_end : end_intersect;
if (del_end != my_map.end() && del_end->first == end && std::next(del_end) != my_map.end() && del_end->second == v) {
if (del_start != my_map.end() && (del_end == my_map.end() || del_start->first < del_end->first)) {
my_map.erase(del_start, del_end);
// iterator which traverses elements in sorted order (smallest to largest)
// O(1)
inline auto begin() {
return my_map.begin();
// end of elements
// O(1)
inline auto end() {
return my_map.end();
// get iterator containing key `k`
// O(log N)
inline auto get_interval(K const& k) {
return --my_map.upper_bound(k);
// get value at key `k`
// O(log N)
const inline V& operator[](K const& k) const {
return (--my_map.upper_bound(k))->second;
// clear
inline void clear(V const& v) {
my_map.insert(my_map.end(), { std::numeric_limits<K>::lowest(), v });
// get num intervals overall
// always at least 1
inline auto num_intervals() {
return my_map.size();
// get number of intervals in a range
inline auto num_intervals(const K& start, const K& end) {
return get_interval(end) - get_interval(start);
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Hi, how would one add a first element into this interval_map? Lets say you don't have any elements, so you add key: 1, 6 and value would this be represented internaly in the class? That is, with std::map?
(1, W) , (6, ?) ---> I mean we need to somehow know that W is mapped on interval from 1 to 6, 6 excluded...

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