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1. Building Scalable Stateless Applications with RxJava Rick Warren | Principal Engineer, eHarmony | @DangerLemming
2. RxJava • Encapsulates data sequences: Observable • Provides composable operations on them • Abstracts away threading and synch • Port from Microsoft .NET Reactive Extensions • Java 6+, Groovy, Clojure, JRuby, Kotlin, and Scala; Android-compatible
3. Netflix Client Client Client Client Client Coarse-Grained API Orchestration Layer Mi- -cro Ser- -vic- -es
4. Applicability Application or Presentation-Layer Service Client Client Client Client Client Data Source Data Source Data Source Data Source Data Source
5. 3 Problems 1. Streaming queries 2. Rate-limited APIs (with retries) 3. Using Futures
6. Streaming Queries Data Store Service Client 1 2 3 1. Query lots of data from NoSQL store 2. Enrich, filter, and score on the fly 3. Deliver “best” results to client
7. Streaming Queries 1 Query 2 Enrich 3 Deliver + = Too Much Latency
8. Streaming Queries 1 Query && = 2 Enrich 3 Deliver More Efficient
9. Streaming Queries Iterables Data Store Client Read Enrich Drain Score • Iterator pattern for fast start and lower footprint • Composed as Decorators for flexibility • Limitation: Doesn’t abstract timing, concurrency
10. Rate-Limited APIs Scenario: Ingest data from public API—they will refuse rapid requests! YouTube, Facebook, etc. Your Service
11. Rate-Limited APIs YouTube, Facebook, etc. Your Service Insight: The module responsible for what data is available is also responsible for when data is available
12. Rate-Limited APIs YouTube, Facebook, etc. Your Service Solution: Facade API with augmented Visitors to encapsulate timing and retries interface DataVisitor<T> extends { void accept(T data); } Limitation: Scheduling doesn't generalize
13. Using Futures Response invoke() Future<Response> submit() • API and implementation cluttered with concurrency variants • Caller responsible for concurrency, but has least information • What can you do with a Future besides block?
14. Using Futures What about Guava’s ListenableFuture? ListeningExecutorService service = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10)); ListenableFuture<Explosion> explosion = service.submit(new Callable<Explosion>() { public Explosion call() { return pushBigRedButton(); } }); Futures.addCallback(explosion, new FutureCallback<Explosion>() { public void onSuccess(Explosion explosion) { walkAwayFrom(explosion); } public void onFailure(Throwable thrown) { battleArchNemesis(); } }); • Requires access to ExecutorService! • Still hard to compose • Doesn’t generalize to multiple results
15. Make It Work Interactions should: • Support multiple values • Be efficient & incremental • Encapsulate timing • Compose operations
16. RxJava: Observable • Like Iterable, but offers fluent chaining operations • Like Stream, but supports async termination and error handling
17. Iterable Example try { for (E elem : elements) { onNext(elem); } onCompleted(); } catch (Throwable ex) { onError(ex); }
18. Iterable Example try { elements.forEach(elem -­‐> onNext(elem) ); onCompleted(); } catch (Throwable ex) { onError(ex); } First-class Visitor (Consumer)
19. Stream Example try { elements.parallelStream() Parallelize operations .filter(condition) .map(transformation) .forEach(elem -­‐> onNext(elem)); onCompleted(); } catch (Throwable ex) { onError(ex); } Still serial
20. Observable Example elements .filter(condition) .map(transformation) .subscribe( elem -­‐> onNext(elem), ex -­‐> onError(ex), () -­‐> onCompleted()); Fully async’able
21. Creating an Observable import rx.*; Observable<String> o = Observable.just( "a", "b", "c"); Iterable<String> it = ImmutableList.of( "a", "b", "c"); Observable<String> o = Observable.from(it); Future<String> f = exec.submit(myTask); Observable<String> o = Observable.from( f, Schedulers.from(exec));
22. Example: JDBC public final class ObservableDB { private final DataSource db; public ObservableDB(final DataSource source) { this.db = Objects.requireNonNull(source); } /** Each emitted List represents a row in the ResultSet. */ public Observable<List<Object>> select( final String sql, final Iterable<?> params) { return Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<List<Object>>() { @Override public void call(final Subscriber<? super List<Object>> sub) { // ... } }); } }
23. Example: JDBC @Override public void call(final Subscriber<? super List<Object>> sub) { try { try (Connection cx = db.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = cx.prepareStatement(sql)) { int i = 0; for (final Object p : params) { stmt.setObject(i++, p); } try (ResultSet results = stmt.executeQuery()) { while ( && !sub.isUnsubscribed()) { final Lists<Object> row = new ArrayList<>(); for (int col = 0; col < results.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); ++col) { row.add(results.getObject(col)); } sub.onNext(row); } } } if (!sub.isUnsubscribed()) { sub.onCompleted(); } } catch (final Exception ex) { if (!sub.isUnsubscribed()) { sub.onError(ex); } } } Serialize Call n times Call one or the other, once
24. Example: JDBC public void printProductCatalog( final DataSource source, final boolean awesome) { ObservableDB db = new ObservableDB(source); Subscription subscription = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE isAwesome=?", Collections.singleton(awesome)) // Func1<List<Object>, Product> : .map(unmarshallRowIntoProduct()) // Func1<Product, Observable<ProductWithPrice>> : .flatMap(remoteLookupPriceForProduct(this.priceService)) .take(NUM_PAGES * NUM_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE) .window(NUM_PAGES) .subscribe(new Observer<Observable<ProductWithPrice>>() { ... }); // Some time later, if we change our minds: //subscription.unsubscribe(); } interface PriceService { Observable<ProductWithPrice> getPrice(Product p); }
25. Example: JDBC .subscribe(new Observer<Observable<ProductWithPrice>>() { private final AtomicInteger pageNumber = new AtomicInteger(1); @Override public void onNext(final Observable<ProductWithPrice> page) { System.out.println("Page " + pageNumber.getAndIncrement()); page.forEach(new Action1<ProductWithPrice>() { @Override public void call(final ProductWithPrice product) { System.out.println("Product:" + product); } }); } @Override public void onError(final Throwable ex) { System.err.println("This is how you handle errors? Srsly?"); } @Override public void onCompleted() { System.out.println("Copyright 2014 ACME Catalog Company"); } });
26. Operations Useful stuff, built in
27. Content Filtering • Observable<T> filter(Func1<T, Boolean> predicate) • Observable<T> skip(int num) • Observable<T> take(int num) • Observable<T> takeLast(int num) • Observable<T> elementAt(int index) • Observable<T> distinct() • Observable<T> distinctUntilChanged()
28. Time Filtering • Observable<T> throttleFirst(long duration, TimeUnit unit) • Observable<T> throttleLast(long duration, TimeUnit unit) • Observable<T> timeout(long duration, TimeUnit unit)
29. Transformation • Observable<R> map(Func1<T, R> func) • Observable<R> flatMap(Func1<T, Observable<R>> func) • Observable<R> cast(Class<R> klass) • Observable<GroupedObservable<K, T>> groupBy(Func1<T, K> keySelector)
30. Concurrency Encapsulated, so usually you don’t care
31. Concurrency 1. Single-threaded and synchronous by default: RxJava doesn’t magically create new threads for you 2. When creating an Observable, invoke Subscriber from any thread you like (or use Actors, etc.) 3. Derive new Observables by binding subscription and/or observation to Schedulers
32. Rescheduling Observable<T> rescheduled = obs .subscribeOn(mySubScheduler) .observeOn(myObsScheduler);
33. What’s a Scheduler? Policy for time-sharing among Workers • Worker: Serial collection of scheduled Actions • Action: Callable unit of work, e.g. Observable’s subscription or notification
34. Built-in Schedulers • Immediate—Schedulers.immediate() • Run without scheduling in calling thread • Trampoline—Schedulers.trampoline() • Enqueue Actions in thread-local priority queue • Computation—Schedulers.computation() • Enqueue in event loop with as many threads as cores
35. Built-in Schedulers • New Thread—Schedulers.newThread() • Each Worker is a single-thread ExecutorService • I/O— • Mostly like New Thread, but with some pooling • Executor Service—Schedulers.from( ExecutorService) • Bind new Scheduler to arbitrary ExecutorService, with external serialization of Actions. Observations may hop threads!
36. Bring Data to Calling Thread Avoid whenever possible myObservable.toBlocking() Operations: • first() • last() • toFuture() • toIterable()
37. Learn More: • Wiki: • JavaDoc:
38. More Resources • Netflix API architecture: http:// optimizing-netflix-api.html • Jersey: apidocs/latest/jersey/index.html • Guava ListenableFuture: guava-libraries/wiki/ ListenableFutureExplained • rxjava-jdbc: davidmoten/rxjava-jdbc/ • Email: • Twitter: @DangerLemming • GitHub: https:// • LinkedIn: https:// rickbwarren
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