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Last active June 28, 2022 10:19
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import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
// Profunctor Optics
public interface Optics {
static void main(final String[] args) {
System.out.println(Pair.<String, Optional<Pair<Integer, Boolean>>>
.apply(x -> x + 1).apply(
Pair.of("!", Optional.of(Pair.of(2, true)))
);// (!,Optional[(3,true)])
interface Optic<S, T, A, B> extends Function<Function<A, B>, Function<S, T>> {
static <S, T, A, B> Optic<S, T, A, B> lens(final Function<S, A> get,
final BiFunction<S, B, T> set) {
return f -> s -> set.apply(s, f.apply(get.apply(s)));
static <S, T, A, B> Optic<S, T, A, B> prism(final Function<S, Either<T, A>> match,
final Function<B, T> build) {
return f -> s -> match.apply(s).match(Function.identity(), build.compose(f));
default <C, D> Optic<S, T, C, D> compose(final Optic<A, B, C, D> f) {
return g -> apply(f.apply(g));
interface Lens<S, A> extends Optic<S, S, A, A> {
static <S, A> Lens<S, A> of(final Function<S, A> get,
final BiFunction<S, A, S> set) {
return f -> Optic.lens(get, set).apply(f);
default <B> Lens<S, B> compose(final Lens<A, B> f) {
return g -> Optic.super.compose(f).apply(g);
interface Prism<S, A> extends Optic<S, S, A, A> {
static <A> Prism<Optional<A>, A> optional() {
return of(Function.identity(), Optional::ofNullable);
static <S, A> Prism<S, A> of(final Function<S, Optional<A>> get,
final Function<A, S> set) {
return f -> Optic.prism((S s) -> get.apply(s).map(
Either::<S, A>right).orElse(Either.left(s)), set)
default <B> Prism<S, B> compose(final Prism<A, B> f) {
return g -> Optic.super.compose(f).apply(g);
final class Pair<A, B> {
public static <A, B> Lens<Pair<A, B>, A> lens1() {
return Lens.of(p -> p._1, (p, a) -> Pair.of(a, p._2));
public static <A, B> Lens<Pair<A, B>, B> lens2() {
return Lens.of(p -> p._2, (p, b) -> Pair.of(p._1, b));
public static <A, B> Pair<A, B> of(final A a, final B b) {
return new Pair<>(a, b);
public final A _1;
public final B _2;
public Pair(final A _1, final B _2) {
this._1 = _1;
this._2 = _2;
public String toString() {
return "(" + _1 + "," + _2 + ")";
interface Either<A, B> {
<C> C match(Function<A, C> left, Function<B, C> right);
static <A, B> Either<A, B> left(final A a) {
return new Either<A, B>() {
public <C> C match(final Function<A, C> left,
final Function<B, C> right) {
return left.apply(a);
static <A, B> Either<A, B> right(final B b) {
return new Either<A, B>() {
public <C> C match(final Function<A, C> left,
final Function<B, C> right) {
return right.apply(b);
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
// Profunctor Optics
public interface ProOptic {
static void main(final String[] args) {
System.out.println(Pair.<String, Optional<Pair<Integer, Boolean>>>
.apply(Profunctor.of(x -> x + 1))
.apply(Pair.of("!", Optional.of(Pair.of(2, true))))
);// (!,Optional[(3,true)])
interface Profunctor<A, B> {
B apply(A a);
<C, D> Profunctor<C, D> dimap(Function<C, A> f, Function<B, D> g);
<C> Profunctor<Pair<A, C>, Pair<B, C>> first();
<C> Profunctor<Either<C, A>, Either<C, B>> right();
static <A, B> Profunctor<A, B> of(final Function<A, B> h) {
return new Profunctor<A, B>() {
public B apply(A a) {
return h.apply(a);
public <C, D> Profunctor<C, D> dimap(final Function<C, A> f,
final Function<B, D> g) {
return of(g.compose(h.compose(f)));
public <C> Profunctor<Pair<A, C>, Pair<B, C>> first() {
return Profunctor.<Pair<A, C>, Pair<B, C>>of(
p -> Pair.<B, C>of(h.apply(p._1), p._2));
public <C> Profunctor<Either<C, A>, Either<C, B>> right() {
return Profunctor.<Either<C, A>, Either<C, B>>of(e ->
e.match(c -> Either.<C, B>left(c),
a -> Either.<C, B>right(h.apply(a))));
interface Optic<S, T, A, B> extends Function<Profunctor<A, B>, Profunctor<S, T>> {
static <S, T, A, B> Optic<S, T, A, B> of(final Function<S, A> from, final Function<B, T> to) {
return f -> f.dimap(from, to);
static <S, T, A, B> Optic<S, T, A, B> lens(final Function<S, A> get, final BiFunction<S, B, T> set) {
return f -> f.<S>first().dimap(s -> Pair.of(get.apply(s), s), bs -> set.apply(bs._2, bs._1));
static <S, T, A, B> Optic<S, T, A, B> prism(final Function<S, Either<T, A>> match, final Function<B, T> build) {
return f -> f.<T>right().dimap(match, e -> e.match(Function.identity(), build));
default <C, D> Optic<S, T, C, D> compose(final Optic<A, B, C, D> f) {
return g -> apply(f.apply(g));
interface Lens<S, A> extends Optic<S, S, A, A> {
static <S, A> Lens<S, A> of(final Function<S, A> get,
final BiFunction<S, A, S> set) {
return f -> Optic.lens(get, set).apply(f);
default <B> Lens<S, B> compose(final Lens<A, B> f) {
return g -> Optic.super.compose(f).apply(g);
interface Prism<S, A> extends Optic<S, S, A, A> {
static <A> Prism<Optional<A>, A> optional() {
return of(Function.identity(), Optional::ofNullable);
static <S, A> Prism<S, A> of(final Function<S, Optional<A>> get,
final Function<A, S> set) {
return f -> Optic.prism((S s) -> get.apply(s).map(
Either::<S, A>right).orElse(Either.left(s)), set)
default <B> Prism<S, B> compose(final Prism<A, B> f) {
return g -> Optic.super.compose(f).apply(g);
final class Pair<A, B> {
public static <A, B> Lens<Pair<A, B>, A> lens1() {
return Lens.of(p -> p._1, (p, a) -> Pair.of(a, p._2));
public static <A, B> Lens<Pair<A, B>, B> lens2() {
return Lens.of(p -> p._2, (p, b) -> Pair.of(p._1, b));
public static <A, B> Pair<A, B> of(final A a, final B b) {
return new Pair<>(a, b);
public final A _1;
public final B _2;
public Pair(final A _1, final B _2) {
this._1 = _1;
this._2 = _2;
public String toString() {
return "(" + _1 + "," + _2 + ")";
interface Either<A, B> {
<C> C match(Function<A, C> left, Function<B, C> right);
static <A, B> Either<A, B> left(final A a) {
return new Either<A, B>() {
public <C> C match(final Function<A, C> left,
final Function<B, C> right) {
return left.apply(a);
static <A, B> Either<A, B> right(final B b) {
return new Either<A, B>() {
public <C> C match(final Function<A, C> left,
final Function<B, C> right) {
return right.apply(b);
package opticj;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
public interface ProOpticTC {
static void main(final String[] args) {
final Lens<Pair<String, Optional<Pair<Integer, Boolean>>>, Integer>
lens = Pair.<String, Optional<Pair<Integer, Boolean>>>
final Pair<String, Optional<Pair<Integer, Boolean>>> pairs =
Pair.of("!", Optional.of(Pair.of(2, true)));
System.out.println(lens.apply(x -> x + 1).apply(pairs));
// (!,Optional[(3,true)])
// Right(2)
System.out.println(lens.get().apply(Pair.of("?", Optional.empty())));
// Left(Optional.empty)
interface Kind2<F, A, B> {
F unkind();
interface Profunctor<P> {
<A, B, C, D> Kind2<P, C, D> dimap(Kind2<P, A, B> h, Function<C, A> f, Function<B, D> g);
<A, B, C> Kind2<P, Pair<A, C>, Pair<B, C>> first(Kind2<P, A, B> h);
<A, B, C> Kind2<P, Either<C, A>, Either<C, B>> right(Kind2<P, A, B> h);
interface ProOptic<P, S, T, A, B> extends Function<Kind2<P, A, B>, Kind2<P, S, T>> {
default <C, D> ProOptic<P, S, T, C, D> compose(final ProOptic<P, A, B, C, D> f) {
return g -> apply(f.apply(g));
static <P, S, T, A, B> ProOptic<P, S, T, A, B> iso(final Profunctor<P> p,
final Function<S, A> from,
final Function<B, T> to) {
return h -> p.dimap(h, from, to);
static <P, S, T, A, B> ProOptic<P, S, T, A, B> lens(final Profunctor<P> p,
final Function<S, A> get,
final BiFunction<S, B, T> set) {
return h -> p.dimap(p.first(h), s -> Pair.of(get.apply(s), s), bs -> set.apply(bs._2, bs._1));
static <P, S, T, A, B> ProOptic<P, S, T, A, B> prism(final Profunctor<P> p,
final Function<S, Either<T, A>> get,
final Function<B, T> set) {
return h -> p.dimap(p.right(h), get, e -> e.match(Function.identity(), set));
interface Optic<S, T, A, B> {
<P> ProOptic<P, S, T, A, B> apply(Profunctor<P> p);
default Function<S, T> apply(final Function<A, B> f) {
return apply(Fun.profunctor).apply(Fun.of(f)).unkind();
default Function<S, A> get() {
return apply(Forget.forget()).apply(Forget.identity()).unkind();
default <C, D> Optic<S, T, C, D> compose(final Optic<A, B, C, D> f) {
return new Optic<S, T, C, D>() {
public <P> ProOptic<P, S, T, C, D> apply(final Profunctor<P> p) {
return Optic.this.apply(p).compose(f.apply(p));
static <S, T, A, B> Optic<S, T, A, B> iso(final Function<S, A> from,
final Function<B, T> to) {
return new Optic<S, T, A, B>() {
public <P> ProOptic<P, S, T, A, B> apply(final Profunctor<P> p) {
return ProOptic.iso(p, from, to);
static <S, T, A, B> Optic<S, T, A, B> lens(final Function<S, A> get,
final BiFunction<S, B, T> set) {
return new Optic<S, T, A, B>() {
public <P> ProOptic<P, S, T, A, B> apply(final Profunctor<P> p) {
return ProOptic.lens(p, get, set);
static <S, T, A, B> Optic<S, T, A, B> prism(final Function<S, Either<T, A>> get,
final Function<B, T> set) {
return new Optic<S, T, A, B>() {
public <P> ProOptic<P, S, T, A, B> apply(final Profunctor<P> p) {
return ProOptic.prism(p, get, set);
interface Lens<S, A> extends Optic<S, S, A, A> {
default <B> Lens<S, B> compose(final Lens<A, B> h) {
return new Lens<S, B>() {
public <P> ProOptic<P, S, S, B, B> apply(final Profunctor<P> p) {
return Lens.this.apply(p).compose(h.apply(p));
static <A> Lens<Optional<A>, A> optional() {
return prism(Function.identity(), Optional::ofNullable);
static <S, A> Lens<S, A> of(final Function<S, A> get, final BiFunction<S, A, S> set) {
return new Lens<S, A>() {
public <P> ProOptic<P, S, S, A, A> apply(final Profunctor<P> p) {
return ProOptic.lens(p, get, set);
static <S, T> Lens<S, T> iso(final Function<S, T> from, final Function<T, S> to) {
return new Lens<S, T>() {
public <P> ProOptic<P, S, S, T, T> apply(final Profunctor<P> p) {
return ProOptic.iso(p, from, to);
static <S, A> Lens<S, A> prism(final Function<S, Optional<A>> get, final Function<A, S> set) {
return new Lens<S, A>() {
public <P> ProOptic<P, S, S, A, A> apply(final Profunctor<P> p) {
return ProOptic.prism(p, (S s) -> get.apply(s)
.map(Either::<S, A>right).orElse(Either.left(s)), set);
interface Forget<R, A, B> extends Function<A, R>, Kind2<Forget, A, B> {
static <R, A, B> Forget<R, A, B> of(final Function<A, R> f) {
return a -> f.apply(a);
static <A, B> Forget<A, A, B> identity() {
return a -> a;
static <A, B> Function<A, B> of(final Kind2<Forget, A, B> f) {
return f.unkind();
default Forget<R, A, B> unkind() {
return this;
static <R> Profunctor<Forget> forget() {
return new Profunctor<Forget>() {
public <A, B, C, D> Kind2<Forget, C, D> dimap(final Kind2<Forget, A, B> k,
final Function<C, A> f,
final Function<B, D> g) {
return Forget.of(Forget.of(k).compose(f));
public <A, B, C> Kind2<Forget, Pair<A, C>, Pair<B, C>> first(final Kind2<Forget, A, B> k) {
return Forget.of(p -> Forget.<A, B>of(k).apply(p._1));
public <A, B, C> Kind2<Forget, Either<C, A>, Either<C, B>> right(final Kind2<Forget, A, B> h) {
return Forget.of(e -> e.match(Either::left, a -> Either.right(Forget.<A, B>of(h).apply(a))));
interface Fun<A, B> extends Kind2<Fun, A, B>, Function<A, B> {
default Fun<A, B> unkind() {
return this;
static <A, B> Fun<A, B> of(final Function<A, B> f) {
return a -> f.apply(a);
static <A, B> Function<A, B> of(final Kind2<Fun, A, B> f) {
return f.unkind();
Profunctor<Fun> profunctor = new Profunctor<Fun>() {
public <A, B, C, D> Kind2<Fun, C, D> dimap(final Kind2<Fun, A, B> h,
final Function<C, A> f,
final Function<B, D> g) {
return Fun.of(g.compose(Fun.<A, B>of(h).compose(f)));
public <A, B, C> Kind2<Fun, Pair<A, C>, Pair<B, C>> first(final Kind2<Fun, A, B> h) {
return Fun.of(p -> Pair.<B, C>of(Fun.<A, B>of(h).apply(p._1), p._2));
public <A, B, C> Kind2<Fun, Either<C, A>, Either<C, B>> right(final Kind2<Fun, A, B> h) {
return Fun.of(e -> e.match(Either::left, a -> Either.right(Fun.<A, B>of(h).apply(a))));
final class Pair<A, B> {
public static <A, B> Lens<Pair<A, B>, A> lens1() {
return Lens.of(p -> p._1, (p, a) -> Pair.of(a, p._2));
public static <A, B> Lens<Pair<A, B>, B> lens2() {
return Lens.of(p -> p._2, (p, b) -> Pair.of(p._1, b));
public static <A, B> Pair<A, B> of(final A a, final B b) {
return new Pair<>(a, b);
public final A _1;
public final B _2;
public Pair(final A _1, final B _2) {
this._1 = _1;
this._2 = _2;
public String toString() {
return "(" + _1 + "," + _2 + ")";
interface Either<A, B> {
<C> C match(Function<A, C> left, Function<B, C> right);
static <A, B> Either<A, B> left(final A a) {
return new Either<A, B>() {
public String toString() {
return "Left(" + a + ")";
public <C> C match(final Function<A, C> left,
final Function<B, C> right) {
return left.apply(a);
static <A, B> Either<A, B> right(final B b) {
return new Either<A, B>() {
public String toString() {
return "Right(" + b + ")";
public <C> C match(final Function<A, C> left,
final Function<B, C> right) {
return right.apply(b);
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