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Created February 27, 2019 00:45
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import Cont._
object ContTest extends App {
def fib() = loop(for {
(x, y) <- take[(BigInt, BigInt), Stream[BigInt]]
_ <- put(x)
} yield (y, x + y))(1, 1)
object Cont {
type Cont[R, B, A] = (A => B) => R
def pure[S, A](a: A): Cont[S, S, A] = _ (a)
def reset[R, A](c: Cont[R, A, A]): R = c(identity)
def shift[R, B, A](f: (A => B) => R): Cont[R, B, A] = f(_)
def take[A, B]: Cont[A => B, B, A] = shift(identity[A => B])
def loop[A, B](f: Cont[A => B, B, A]): A => B = f(loop(f))(_)
def put[A](a: A): Cont[Stream[A], Stream[A], A] = shift(a #:: _ (a))
def pipe[A]: Cont[A => Stream[A], Stream[A], A] = take[A, Stream[A]] >>= put
def lift[A](f: A => A): Cont[A => Stream[A], Stream[A], A] = pipe[A] map f
def repeat[A](a: A): Stream[A] = loop(pipe[A])(a)
def gen[A](f: A => A): A => Stream[A] = loop(lift(f))
def unfold[A](a: A)(f: A => A): Stream[A] = gen(f)(a)
def suspend[A, B](b: B): Cont[B @@ A, B @@ A, A] = shift(@@(b)(_))
def channel[A, B]: Cont[B => B @@ A, B @@ A, A] = take[B, B @@ A] >>= suspend
case class @@[A, B](get: A)(put: B => A @@ B) {
def apply(): A = get
def apply(b: B): A @@ B = put(b)
def @@(f: A => B): Stream[A] = get #:: (put(f(get)) @@ f)
def toStream[C >: A <: B]: Stream[C] = @@(identity[C])
def putAll(b: B): Stream[A] = @@(_ => b)
trait IxMonad[M[_, _, _]] {
def pure[S, A](a: A): M[S, S, A]
def bind[S1, S2, S3, A, B](m: M[S1, S2, A])(f: A => M[S2, S3, B]): M[S1, S3, B]
def map[S1, S2, A, B](m: M[S1, S2, A])(f: A => B): M[S1, S2, B] = bind(m)(a => pure(f(a)))
object ContIxMonad extends IxMonad[Cont] {
override def pure[S, A](a: A): Cont[S, S, A] = _ (a)
override def bind[S1, S2, S3, A, B](m: Cont[S1, S2, A])(
f: A => Cont[S2, S3, B]): Cont[S1, S3, B] = k => m(f(_)(k))
implicit class ContMonad[R1, R2, A](val c: Cont[R1, R2, A]) extends AnyVal {
def map[B](f: A => B): Cont[R1, R2, B] =
def flatMap[R3, B](f: A => Cont[R2, R3, B]): Cont[R1, R3, B] = ContIxMonad.bind(c)(f)
def >>=[R3, B](f: A => Cont[R2, R3, B]): Cont[R1, R3, B] = ContIxMonad.bind(c)(f)
def withFilter(a: A => Boolean): ContMonad[R1, R2, A] = this
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