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Created May 12, 2017 00:17
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Получение курса одной валюты на заданную дату от сервиса ЦБ РФ
# this code is provided under MIT license terms
require 'savon'
# Интерфейс к сервису по РФ: курс одной валюты на заданную дату
# возвращает #rate как строку, как число можно получить float_rate,
# decimal_rate.
# используется сервис:
# @author
class CBRRate
# @return [String] currency full name as returned by the bank's service
attr :name,
# @return [Date] as passed to the constructor
# @return [String] exchange rate as String
# @return [String] Currency symbolic code, e.g. USD
# Creates an instance ot currency rate by loading data from Russia's central bank soap
# service.
# @param [Date or Time] date object, time object or anyting that has .strftime() methid
# @param [String] currency_code known to ЦБ РФ (например EUR)
def initialize date, currency_code
# Convert date to something CB interface takes
cbr_date = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT07:00:00+03:00")
@@client = Savon.client(wsdl: "", log: false)
res =, message: {
'On_date' => cbr_date
@raw_data = res.body[:get_curs_on_date_response][:get_curs_on_date_result][:diffgram][:valute_data]
raise ArgumentError, "No rate data returned for #{date}" if @raw_data == nil
data = @raw_data[:valute_curs_on_date].find{|x| x[:vch_code] == currency_code }
@rate = data[:vcurs]
@name = data[:vname].strip
@code = currency_code
# rate as float. not recommended. use {#decimal_rate} instead.
def float_rate
@float_rate ||= @rate.to_f
# exhnage rate as a BigDecimal. recommended to use in calculations
def decimal_rate
@decimal_rate ||=
def to_s
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