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Last active January 6, 2019 13:48
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Test if the string is a permuted palindrome (problem 1.4. from "Cracking the Coding Interview")
def is_permuted_palindrome(s):
"""Checks if the string is a permuted version of a palindrome
Upper case do not matter, spaces can be ignored.
"cat cat" -> Yes (palindrome: "cat tac")
"cat do" -> No
Algorithm #1:
1. Make a dictionary of symbols (symbol:occ_cnt);
2. Iterate over string and count occurences.
Time complexity: n O(1) dictionary insertions => O(n);
Space complexity: O(n) for dictionary.
3. Check that no more than 1 symbol have odd number of occurences. Time complexity: O(n)
Overall complexity: space O(n), time O(n)
! Correction: this is not particularly True, since the number of letters in alpahber is constant! (So Algorithm would
have O(1) space complexity as well, and Algo#2 do not make any sense!).
Algorithm #2 (not relevant for finite alphabet):
1. Sort string with some inplace algorithm. Example: heap sort. Space: O(1), time: O(n*log(n))
2. Iterate over sorted string: iterate until we find more than 2 symbols that have odd number of occurences
Overall complexity: space O(1), time O(n log(n))
Corner cases:
0. Handling spaces? Special symbols, etc.? Upper\lower case?
1. Null string;
2. 1 character;
3. Check that it works for both odd and even;
4. Very large string that do not fit in memory? Can we apply map-reduce strategy here?
#algo 1 implementation
occ_dict = {} # symbol occurency dictionary
for x in s:
x = x.lower()
if x==' ':
if x in occ_dict:
occ_dict[x] += 1
occ_dict[x] = 1
odd_cnt = 0
for x in occ_dict.keys():
if occ_dict[x] % 2 !=0:
odd_cnt += 1
if odd_cnt>1:
is_perm_pal = False
is_perm_pal = True
return is_perm_pal
# Demo
print("Test is_permuted_palindrome function")
test_strings = ['', ' ', 'Tact Coa', 'abd']
for s in test_strings:
print("\'%s\' : %r" %(s, is_permuted_palindrome(s)))
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