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Last active December 1, 2020 19:28
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Cited Title Authors
121 Unsupervised data augmentation for consistency training Qizhe Xie et al.
95 Fixmatch: Simplifying semi-supervised learning with consistency and confidence Kihyuk Sohn et al.
77 Language Models are Few-Shot Learners Tom B. Brown et al.
55 On adaptive attacks to adversarial example defenses Ekin D. Cubuk et al.
54 Randaugment: Practical automated data augmentation with a reduced search space Florian Tramèr et al.
46 What makes for good views for contrastive learning Yonglong Tian et al.
46 Debiased Contrastive Learning Ching-Yao Chuang et al.
44 Big Self-Supervised Models are Strong Semi-Supervised Learners Ting Chen et al.
37 Unsupervised Learning of Visual Features by Contrasting Cluster Assignments Mathilde Caron et al.
31 Big Bird: Transformers for Longer Sequences Manzil Zaheer et al.
28 Stochastic latent actor-critic: Deep RL with a latent variable model Alex X. Lee et al.
27 Gradient surgery for multi-task learning Tianhe Yu et al.
23 wav2vec 2.0: A Framework for Self-Supervised Learning of Speech Representations Alexei Baevski et al.
21 Self-supervised learning by cross-modal audio-video clustering Humam Alwassel et al.
21 Bayesian Deep Learning and a Probabilistic Perspective of Generalization Andrew Gordon Wilson et al.
21 Bootstrap Your Own Latent: A New Approach to Self-Supervised Learning Jean-Bastien Grill et al.
21 MOPO: Model-based Offline Policy Optimization Tianhe Yu et al.
20 Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions Vincent Sitzmann et al.
20 Open Graph Benchmark: Datasets for Machine Learning on Graphs Weihua Hu et al.
19 Rethinking Pre-training and Self-training Barret Zoph et al.
18 NVAE: A Deep Hierarchical Variational Autoencoder Arash Vahdat et al.
17 GANSpace: Discovering Interpretable GAN Controls Erik Härkönen et al.
15 Self-distillation amplifies regularization in hilbert space Hossein Mobahi et al.
14 Global convergence and variance-reduced optimization [...] Junchi Yang et al.
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