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Created September 5, 2014 11:00
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Web components, Polymer and the future of web development

Web components & Polymer are quickly becoming the hottest thing on the web. Everyone wants to create a web component, but not many know how or what they even are!

Big Data de andar por casa by Jorge Lería, William Viana

Charla sobre como indexar información de varios cientos de millones de webs y procesar los datos casi sin dinero (menos de 5€ al día) usando Spot Instances de Amazon.

Stateless token-based authentication for pure frontend applications

This talk is about how to secure your frontend applications using a RESTful approach. As opposed to traditional and monolithic server-side applications, when your frontend application is running on a browser and not securely from the server, there are few things you need to consider.

Scala @ RealLife

Hay pocas fuentes de información que arrojen luz sobre el estado del desarrollo de aplicaciones Scala en España, dada la novedad del lenguaje; o de los errores más comunes al desarrollar aplicaciones, buenas prácticas, documentación.

Cómo mejorar tus retrospectivas (Scrum)

A lo largo de esta sesión repasaremos estas prácticas que tratan de aportar luz sobre estas situaciones comunes.

Reactive programming for the normal developer

Reactive programming has been getting a lot of publicity lately in the Scala and Java communities, but it can be difficult to understand what are the benefits it provides and how to better apply to our day to day work.

##Workshops Hands on elasticsearch / Kibana David Pilato


Contruyendo proyectos de Internet of Things

Introducción al apasionante mundo del Internet of Things, cuáles son sus áreas de aplicación, así como las principales oportunidades y tendencias actuales.

Graph Databases, a little connected tour

There are many kinds of NoSQL databases like, document databases, key-value, column databases and graph databases. In some scenarios is more convenient to store our data as a graph, because we want to extract and study information relative to these connections. In this scenario, graph databases are the ideal, they are designed and implemented to deal with connected information in a efficient way.

Make sense of your (BIG) data!

During this session, you will discover how elasticsearch actually works behind the scene and why this great open source software is really more than "search".

Build your next big thing in a week with App Engine

This presentation is built around two of the most important blocks of a cross platform app: client + api development, as well as how to reach, based on that foundation, the quickest MVP that allows to identify the main pitfalls, issues and use cases of your project.

Scrum Bad Smells

Scrum constituye una práctica que, sobre el papel, parece muy sencilla de implementar. Sin embargo, vemos como tiene serias dificultades a la hora de pasar del modelo teórico al práctico

##Workshop Programación funcional con Scala y aplicaciones para la Web

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