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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Some Rails Best Practices which are really best practices to me

Keep in mind

  1. Single Responsibity Principle (SRP).
  2. Skinny Controller, Fat Model.


  1. Start a new projet


  1. Use OpenStruct in your search
  2. Have too many things like post.creatable_by?(user), give cancan a try.
  3. Try to make your app really REST
  4. Tired of keep doing @post = Post.find(post_id) in your actions? Check out decent_exposure


  1. Don't use default_scope in your model

  2. Tired of going to schema.rb to see your table schema? Use annotate gem

  3. Don't check @user.login.blank? again

  4. Prevent SQL Injection by using ? in queries

  5. Follow Law of Demeter, use delegate

  6. Use batched finder to large data query

    Just don't write something like this:

    #Let's say you have 10000 users in your User table
    User.all.each do |user|

    Use batched finder instead

    User.find_in_batches(:batch_size => 5000) do
  7. Use all? to check the validity of a collection


  1. Always use local variables in your partial
  2. Use collection on rendering partial


  1. When you generate a new migration, double-check by using rake db:migrate, rake db:migrate:redo


  1. Don't use time_ago_in_words
  2. As a Rubyist, you should always know Enumerable
  3. Pulling your hair with working days? Give business_time a try.
  4. Holidays? There is a gem


  1. Organising your locales folder
  2. Use Rails Lazy look-up for page_title
  3. Raise missing tranlation errors in your test
  4. Find all missing translations in your app


  1. Wanna have friendly URL, friendly_id can help.
  2. Language switching ( Try this

Assets Pipeline

  1. Font doesn't work on Heroku? See this:


  1. Use rake spec:[controllers|features|models] to run examples in specified directory
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