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Last active August 3, 2016 15:48
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Restore images from chrome
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// get data about the formatting (changes between different versions of chrome)
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// no more chars
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// last updated 1/27/12
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function getBase64Char(base64Value) {
if (base64Value < 0) {
throw "Invalid number: " + base64Value;
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// A-Z
return String.fromCharCode(base64Value + "A".charCodeAt(0));
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// a-z
base64Value -= 26; // a
return String.fromCharCode(base64Value + "a".charCodeAt(0));
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// 0-9
base64Value -= 52; // 0
return String.fromCharCode(base64Value + "0".charCodeAt(0));
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return '+';
} else if (base64Value <= 63) {
return '/';
} else {
throw "Invalid number: " + base64Value;
function convertToBase64(input) {
var remainingBits;
var result = "";
var additionalCharsNeeded = 0;
var charIndex = -1;
var charAsciiValue;
var advanceToNextChar = function() {
charAsciiValue = input.charCodeAt(charIndex);
return charIndex < input.length;
while (true) {
var base64Char;
// handle 1st char
if (!advanceToNextChar()) break;
base64Char = charAsciiValue >>> 2;
remainingBits = charAsciiValue & 3; // 0000 0011
result += getBase64Char(base64Char); // 1st char
additionalCharsNeeded = 3;
// handle 2nd char
if (!advanceToNextChar()) break;
base64Char = (remainingBits << 4) | (charAsciiValue >>> 4);
remainingBits = charAsciiValue & 15; // 0000 1111
result += getBase64Char(base64Char); // 2nd char
additionalCharsNeeded = 2;
// handle 3rd char
if (!advanceToNextChar()) break;
base64Char = (remainingBits << 2) | (charAsciiValue >>> 6);
result += getBase64Char(base64Char); // 3rd char
remainingBits = charAsciiValue & 63; // 0011 1111
result += getBase64Char(remainingBits); // 4th char
additionalCharsNeeded = 0;
// there may be an additional 2-3 chars that need to be added
if (additionalCharsNeeded == 2) {
remainingBits = remainingBits << 2; // 4 extra bits
result += getBase64Char(remainingBits) + "=";
} else if (additionalCharsNeeded == 3) {
remainingBits = remainingBits << 4; // 2 extra bits
result += getBase64Char(remainingBits) + "==";
} else if (additionalCharsNeeded != 0) {
throw "Unhandled number of additional chars needed: " + additionalCharsNeeded;
return result;
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