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Created July 2, 2024 19:24
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "./DeFiPlexGovernanceTokenContract.sol";
import "./IDeFiPlexGovernanceContract.sol";
* @title DeFiPlexGovernanceContract
* @dev This contract manages governance proposals for DeFiPlex platform.
contract DeFiPlexGovernanceContract is Ownable, IDeFiPlexGovernanceContract {
struct LoanProposal {
uint256 loanProposalId; // Unique ID of the loan proposal
address proposer; // Address of the proposer who created the proposal
uint256 votingStartTime; // Start time of the voting period
uint256 votingEndTime; // End time of the voting period
bool executed; // Flag indicating whether the proposal has been executed
uint256 forVotes; // Total number of votes in favor of the proposal
uint256 againstVotes; // Total number of votes against the proposal
mapping(address => bool) hasVoted; // Mapping to track addresses that have voted
uint256 public proposalCount; // Total count of proposals created
mapping(uint256 => LoanProposal) public loanProposals; // Mapping to store all loan proposals
DeFiPlexGovernanceTokenContract public governanceToken; // Instance of the governance token contract
uint256 public minimumVotesRequired; // Minimum number of votes required to approve a proposal
uint256 public votingPeriod; // Duration of the voting period for each proposal
* @dev Constructor to initialize the contract with initial values.
* @param initialOwner Address of the initial owner of the contract
* @param governanceTokenAddress Address of the DeFiPlexGovernanceTokenContract contract
* @param _minimumVotesRequired Minimum number of votes required to approve a proposal
constructor(address initialOwner, address governanceTokenAddress, uint256 _minimumVotesRequired) Ownable(initialOwner) {
governanceToken = DeFiPlexGovernanceTokenContract(governanceTokenAddress);
minimumVotesRequired = _minimumVotesRequired;
* @dev Sets the minimum number of votes required to approve a proposal.
* @param minimumVotes Minimum number of votes required
function setMinimumVotesRequired(uint256 minimumVotes) external onlyOwner {
minimumVotesRequired = minimumVotes;
* @dev Sets the duration of the voting period for each proposal.
* @param period Duration of the voting period in seconds
function setVotingPeriod(uint256 period) external onlyOwner {
votingPeriod = period;
* @dev Proposes a new loan request.
* @param loanProposalId Unique ID of the loan proposal
* @return loanProposalId ID of the created loan proposal
function proposeLoanRequest(uint256 loanProposalId) external returns (uint256) {
require(loanProposals[loanProposalId].proposer == address(0), "Proposal ID already exists");
LoanProposal storage newProposal = loanProposals[loanProposalId];
newProposal.loanProposalId = loanProposalId;
newProposal.proposer = msg.sender;
newProposal.votingStartTime = block.timestamp;
newProposal.votingEndTime = block.timestamp + votingPeriod;
newProposal.executed = false;
newProposal.forVotes = 0;
newProposal.againstVotes = 0;
emit LoanProposalCreated(loanProposalId, msg.sender);
return loanProposalId;
* @dev Votes on a loan proposal.
* @param proposalId ID of the proposal to vote on
* @param support Boolean indicating whether to support (true) or oppose (false) the proposal
function vote(uint256 proposalId, bool support) external {
LoanProposal storage proposal = loanProposals[proposalId];
require(proposal.votingStartTime <= block.timestamp && block.timestamp <= proposal.votingEndTime, "Voting period has not started or has ended");
require(!proposal.hasVoted[msg.sender], "You have already voted");
if (support) {
proposal.forVotes += governanceToken.balanceOf(msg.sender);
} else {
proposal.againstVotes += governanceToken.balanceOf(msg.sender);
proposal.hasVoted[msg.sender] = true;
emit LoanProposalVoted(proposalId, msg.sender, support);
* @dev Checks the approval status of a loan proposal.
* @param proposalId ID of the proposal to check
* @return Whether the proposal is approved or not
function checkProposalApprovalStatus(uint256 proposalId) external view returns (bool) {
LoanProposal storage proposal = loanProposals[proposalId];
return block.timestamp > proposal.votingEndTime &&
proposal.forVotes > minimumVotesRequired &&
proposal.againstVotes == 0;
* @dev Retrieves the details of a loan proposal.
* @param proposalId ID of the proposal to retrieve details for
* @return loanProposalId ID of the loan proposal
* @return proposer Address of the proposer
* @return votingStartTime Start time of the voting period
* @return votingEndTime End time of the voting period
* @return executed Whether the proposal has been executed
* @return forVotes Total votes in favor of the proposal
* @return againstVotes Total votes against the proposal
function getProposalDetails(uint256 proposalId) external view returns (
) {
LoanProposal storage proposal = loanProposals[proposalId];
return (
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