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Created December 10, 2023 19:41
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import tempfile
from bson import ObjectId
from operators.base_custom_operator import BaseCustomOperator
from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults
from moviepy.editor import AudioFileClip
import speech_recognition as sr
class TranscriptionOperator(BaseCustomOperator):
An operator that performs audio transcription for meetings.
This operator retrieves meeting information from MongoDB, downloads the corresponding audio file from MinIO,
transcribes the audio content, and updates the MongoDB document with the transcribed text.
Inherits from BaseCustomOperator.
def __init__(
*args, **kwargs
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.audio_segment_duration = int(audio_segment_duration)
def _initialize_recognizer(self):
Initializes and returns a Recognizer object from the speech_recognition library.
Recognizer: Initialized Recognizer object.
return sr.Recognizer()
def _get_audio_duration(self, audio_file_path):
Obtains the duration of the audio file in seconds.
audio_file_path (str): Path to the audio file.
float: Duration of the audio in seconds.
audio = AudioFileClip(audio_file_path)
return audio.duration
def _download_file_from_minio(self, context, minio_client, file_path):
Downloads a file from MinIO to a temporary file.
- context (dict): The execution context.
- minio_client: MinIO client instance.
- file_path (str): Path to the file in MinIO.
- str: Path to the downloaded temporary file.
file_data = minio_client.get_object(self.minio_bucket_name, file_path)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.wav', delete=False) as temp_file:
temp_file_path =
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Downloaded file '{file_path}' from MinIO to temporary file", context, "INFO")
return temp_file_path
except Exception as e:
error_message = f"Error downloading file '{file_path}' from MinIO: {str(e)}"
self._log_to_mongodb(error_message, context, "ERROR")
raise e
def _update_transcribed_text(self, context, meeting_id, combined_text):
Updates the 'transcribed_text' field in MongoDB for a given meeting ID.
context (dict): The execution context.
meeting_id (str): The ID of the meeting.
combined_text (str): The transcribed text to update.
collection = self._get_mongodb_collection()
update_result = collection.update_one(
{"_id": ObjectId(meeting_id)},
{"$set": {"transcribed_text": combined_text}}
if update_result.modified_count == 1:
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Updated document with meeting_id {meeting_id} in MongoDB", context, "INFO")
error_message = f"Document with meeting_id {meeting_id} not updated in MongoDB"
self._log_to_mongodb(error_message, context, "WARNING")
raise Exception(error_message)
def _transcribe_segment(self, context, recognizer, audio_segment, language):
Transcribes an audio segment using the provided recognizer.
context (dict): The execution context.
recognizer: Speech recognizer instance.
audio_segment: Audio segment to transcribe.
str: Transcribed text.
text = recognizer.recognize_google(audio_segment, language=language)
return text
except sr.UnknownValueError as e:
self._log_to_mongodb(f"This segment could not be trascripted #{e}", context, "ERROR")
except sr.RequestError as e:
self._log_to_mongodb(f"An error ocurred when trying to transcript the segment #{e}", context, "ERROR")
def _transcribe_audio(self, context, audio_file_path, language):
Transcribes the entire audio file.
context (dict): The execution context.
audio_file_path (str): Path to the audio file.
language (str): Language of the audio file for transcription.
str: Combined transcribed text from all segments.
recognizer = self._initialize_recognizer()
audio_duration = self._get_audio_duration(audio_file_path)
num_segments = int(audio_duration / self.audio_segment_duration) + 1
transcribed_texts = []
with sr.AudioFile(audio_file_path) as source:
for i in range(num_segments):
start_time = i * self.audio_segment_duration
end_time = min((i + 1) * self.audio_segment_duration, audio_duration)
audio_segment = recognizer.record(source, offset=start_time, duration=end_time - start_time)
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Transcribing segment {i + 1} of {num_segments}...", context, "INFO")
text = self._transcribe_segment(context, recognizer, audio_segment, language)
if text:
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Segment {i + 1} of {num_segments} transcribed successfully.", context, "INFO")
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Failed to transcribe segment {i + 1} of {num_segments}.", context, "ERROR")
combined_text = ' '.join(transcribed_texts)
return combined_text
def _correct_punctuation_with_spacy(self, transcript):
Corrects punctuation in the transcription using spaCy.
- transcript (str): The transcript text to be corrected.
- str: The corrected transcript with appropriate punctuation.
nlp = self._load_spacy_model()
# Process the text with spaCy
doc = nlp(transcript)
# Iterate through the text to find sentences without punctuation and correct them
corrected_transcript = ''
for i, token in enumerate(doc[:-1]):
# Concatenate each word or space to the corrected text
if token.is_space:
corrected_transcript += token.text
corrected_transcript += token.text
# Check if the next token is an entity and should be preceded by a period
if doc[i+1].ent_iob == 2 and doc[i+1].text[0].isupper() and doc[i+1].text not in {'.', ',', '!', '?', ';', ':', '-', '/'}:
# Add a period at the end of the sentence
corrected_transcript += '.'
# Add a space between words, except when the next token is punctuation
if doc[i+1].text not in {'.', ',', '!', '?', ';', ':', '-', '/'}:
corrected_transcript += ' '
# Add the last word or space
corrected_transcript += doc[-1].text
return corrected_transcript
def execute(self, context):
Executes the TranscriptionOperator.
context (dict): The execution context.
dict: A dictionary containing the meeting_id.
# Log the start of the execution
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Starting execution of TranscriptionOperator", context, "INFO")
# Get the configuration passed to the DAG from the execution context
dag_run_conf = context['dag_run'].conf
# Get the meeting_id from the configuration
meeting_id = dag_run_conf['meeting_id']
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Received meeting_id: {meeting_id}", context, "INFO")
meeting_info = self._get_meeting_info(context, meeting_id)
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Retrieved meeting from MongoDB: {meeting_id}", context, "INFO")
# Extract file_id from meeting information
file_id = self._get_file_id_from_meeting_info(context, meeting_info)
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Received file_id: {file_id}", context, "INFO")
# Extract language from meeting information
language = self._get_language_from_meeting_info(context, meeting_info)
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Received language: {language}", context, "INFO")
# Get MinIO client
minio_client = self._get_minio_client(context)
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Attempting to download file '{file_id}' from MinIO...", context, "INFO")
# Download the file from MinIO and get the file path
file_path = self._download_file_from_minio(context, minio_client, file_id)
# Transcribe the file and combine transcribed texts
combined_text = self._transcribe_audio(context, file_path, language)
# Correct punctuation in the combined text using spaCy
corrected_text = self._correct_punctuation_with_spacy(combined_text)
# Update the transcribed_text field in MongoDB for the meeting_id document
self._update_transcribed_text(context, meeting_id, corrected_text)
return {"meeting_id": str(meeting_id)}
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