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Created December 10, 2023 19:48
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from bson import ObjectId
from operators.base_custom_operator import BaseCustomOperator
from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults
from transformers import pipeline
class GenerateSummaryOperator(BaseCustomOperator):
Operator responsible for generating a summary based on meeting transcribed text
using a summarization model and storing it in the BSON document in MongoDB.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _save_summary_to_bson(self, context, meeting_id, summary):
Saves the generated summary to the BSON document in MongoDB.
- context: The execution context.
- meeting_id: The ID of the meeting.
- summary: The summary text to be saved.
collection = self._get_mongodb_collection()
update_result = collection.update_one(
{"_id": ObjectId(meeting_id)},
{"$set": {"summary": summary}}
if update_result.modified_count == 1:
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Updated document with meeting_id {meeting_id} in MongoDB", context, "INFO")
error_message = f"Document with meeting_id {meeting_id} not updated in MongoDB"
self._log_to_mongodb(error_message, context, "WARNING")
raise Exception(error_message)
def execute(self, context):
The main execution method for generating a summary.
Retrieves the meeting information, generates a summary using a summarization model,
and saves the summary to the BSON document in MongoDB.
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Starting execution of GenerateSummaryOperator", context, "INFO")
# Get the configuration passed to the DAG from the execution context
dag_run_conf = context['dag_run'].conf
# Get the meeting_id from the configuration
meeting_id = dag_run_conf['meeting_id']
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Received meeting_id: {meeting_id}", context, "INFO")
meeting_info = self._get_meeting_info(context, meeting_id)
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Retrieved meeting from MongoDB: {meeting_id}", context, "INFO")
transcribed_text = self._get_transcribed_text_from_meeting_info(context, meeting_info)
summarizer = pipeline("summarization", model="Falconsai/text_summarization")
# Set the maximum length of the summary based on the length of the input text
max_summary_length = max(30, min(230, int(len(transcribed_text) * 0.5)))
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Generating summary using the summarization model...", context, "INFO")
# Generate the summary using the Hugging Face summary model with the maximum length set dynamically
summary = summarizer(transcribed_text, max_length=max_summary_length, min_length=30, do_sample=False)[0]['summary_text']
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Saving the summary to the BSON document...", context, "INFO")
# Save the summary to the BSON document
self._save_summary_to_bson(context, meeting_id, summary)
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Execution of GenerateSummaryOperator completed.", context, "INFO")
return {"meeting_id": str(meeting_id)}
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