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Created May 15, 2024 18:36
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Verify Voice ID operator
from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults
import jwt
from operators.base_web3_custom_operator import BaseWeb3CustomOperator
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
class VerifyVoiceIdOperator(BaseWeb3CustomOperator):
An operator to verify a user's voice ID using a Smart Contract on the Ethereum blockchain.
- BaseWeb3CustomOperator: Base class for Ethereum blockchain interaction operators.
- jwt_secret (str): The secret key used for JWT token generation.
- jwt_duration_hours (int): The duration, in hours, for which the JWT token will be valid.
- *args: Additional arguments.
- **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.
def __init__(
*args, **kwargs
Initialize the operator.
- jwt_secret (str): The secret key used for JWT token generation.
- jwt_duration_hours (int): The duration, in hours, for which the JWT token will be valid.
- *args: Additional arguments.
- **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.jwt_secret = jwt_secret
self.jwt_duration_hours = jwt_duration_hours
def generate_jwt(self, user_id):
Generate a JWT token with user ID as claim.
- user_id (str): The ID of the current authenticated user.
- str: The generated JWT token.
token_expiry = + timedelta(hours=self.jwt_duration_hours)
token_payload = {'user_id': user_id, 'exp': token_expiry}
jwt_token = jwt.encode(token_payload, self.jwt_secret, algorithm='HS256')
return jwt_token
def execute(self, context):
Execute the operator.
- context (dict): The execution context.
- dict: The result of the operator execution.
# Log the start of the execution
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Starting execution of VerifyVoiceIdOperator", context, "INFO")
# Get task arguments
args = context['task_instance'].xcom_pull(task_ids='find_most_similar_voice_task')
voice_id = args['voice_matched_id']
if voice_id is None:
self._log_to_mongodb("voice_id is not defined - authentication failed", context, "ERROR")
return {"result": { "type": "authentication", "result": False}}
user_info = self._find_user_by_voice_id(voice_id)
user_id = str(user_info["_id"])
# Connect to Web3 provider
web3 = self._connect_to_web3()
# Check if the connection to the Web3 provider is successful
self._check_connection(web3, context)
# Load the contract ABI from clearthe specified file
contract_abi = self._load_contract_abi(context)
# Get an instance of the Smart Contract using the Web3 provider and contract ABI
contract = self._get_contract_instance(web3, contract_abi)
# Generate the SHA256 hash of the user ID
user_id_hash = self._sha256(user_id)
# Generate the SHA256 hash of the voice ID
voice_file_id_hash = self._sha256(voice_id)
result = contract.functions.verifyVoiceID(user_id_hash, voice_file_id_hash).call()
if result:
# Generate session token
session_token = self.generate_jwt(user_id)
result = {"result": {
"type": "authentication",
"isSuccess": True,
"session_token": session_token,
"user_id": user_id
result = {
"type": "authentication",
"isSuccess": False
# Log completion of operator execution
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Execution of VerifyVoiceIdOperator completed", context, "INFO")
# Return information about the executed operation
return {"result": result}
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