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Created December 10, 2023 20:01
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from collections import Counter
from bson import ObjectId
from operators.base_custom_operator import BaseCustomOperator
from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer
import numpy as np
from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
class NaturalLanguageProccessingOperator(BaseCustomOperator):
This operator executes Natural Language Processing tasks including the extraction of key phrases,
named entities, and frequent expressions from meeting transcriptions.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _analyze_sentiment(self, text):
Analyzes sentiment using VADER SentimentIntensityAnalyzer.
- text: The text to analyze sentiment for.
A dictionary containing sentiment scores.
analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
sentiment_scores = analyzer.polarity_scores(text)
return sentiment_scores
def _extract_sentiment_phrases(self, nlp, text, num_phrases):
Extracts the most positive and most negative phrases from the text.
- nlp: The spaCy natural language processing pipeline.
- text: The input text to extract sentiment phrases from.
- num_phrases: The number of positive/negative phrases to extract.
A tuple containing lists of the most positive and most negative phrases.
doc = nlp(text)
sentences = [sent.text for sent in doc.sents]
sentiment_scores = [self._analyze_sentiment(sentence)['compound'] for sentence in sentences]
sorted_indices = np.argsort(sentiment_scores)
most_positive_phrases = [sentences[i] for i in sorted_indices[-num_phrases:]]
most_negative_phrases = [sentences[i] for i in sorted_indices[:num_phrases]]
return most_positive_phrases, most_negative_phrases
def _extract_most_frequent_expressions(self, nlp, text):
Extracts most frequent expressions using CountVectorizer.
- nlp: The spaCy natural language processing pipeline.
- text: The input text to extract frequent expressions from.
A list of most frequent expressions extracted using CountVectorizer.
# Process the text
doc = nlp(text)
# Get the nouns and adjectives from the document
nouns_adjs = [token.text for token in doc if token.pos_ in ('NOUN', 'PROPN', 'ADJ')]
# Use CountVectorizer to find the most frequent expressions
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2))
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(nouns_adjs)
vocab = vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()
word_freq = Counter(dict(zip(vocab, np.asarray(X.sum(axis=0)).ravel())))
most_common_words = word_freq.most_common(5)
return [word[0] for word in most_common_words]
def _extract_key_phrases(self, nlp, text):
Extracts key phrases from the provided text using TF-IDF scoring.
- nlp: The spaCy natural language processing pipeline.
- text: The input text to extract key phrases from.
A list of key phrases extracted based on TF-IDF scoring.
# Process the text
doc = nlp(text)
# Get the sentences from the document
sentences = [sent.text for sent in doc.sents]
# Calculate TF-IDF for the sentences
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words="english")
tfidf_matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform(sentences)
# Calculate TF-IDF scores per sentence
sentence_scores = tfidf_matrix.sum(axis=1).A1
# Get the indices of sentences ordered by their TF-IDF score
top_sentence_indices = sentence_scores.argsort()[::-1][:5] # Get only the top 3 most important sentences
# Get the most important key phrases (highest TF-IDF score sentences)
key_phrases = [sentences[i] for i in top_sentence_indices]
return key_phrases
def _extract_named_entities(self, nlp, text):
Extracts Named Entities Recognition (NER) from the provided text.
- nlp: The spaCy natural language processing pipeline.
- text: The input text to extract NER from.
A list of dictionaries containing information about recognized entities.
# Process the text
doc = nlp(text)
# Extract named entities
entities = []
for ent in doc.ents:
"text": ent.text,
"start_char": ent.start_char,
"end_char": ent.end_char,
"label": ent.label_
return entities
def _update_nlp_results_in_mongodb(self, context, meeting_id, key_phrases, named_entities, frequent_expressions, most_positive, most_negative):
Updates the MongoDB document with extracted Named Entities, Key Phrases, Frequent Expressions,
Most Positive Phrases, and Most Negative Phrases.
- context: The execution context.
- meeting_id: The ID of the meeting/document in MongoDB.
- key_phrases: List of key phrases to be updated in the MongoDB document.
- named_entities: List of named entities to be updated in the MongoDB document.
- frequent_expressions: List of frequent expressions to be updated in the MongoDB document.
- most_positive: List of most positive phrases to be updated in the MongoDB document.
- most_negative: List of most negative phrases to be updated in the MongoDB document.
collection = self._get_mongodb_collection()
update_result = collection.update_one(
{"_id": ObjectId(meeting_id)},
{"$set": {
"key_phrases": key_phrases,
"named_entities": named_entities,
"frequent_expressions": frequent_expressions,
"most_positive_phrases": most_positive,
"most_negative_phrases": most_negative
if update_result.modified_count == 1:
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Updated document with meeting_id {meeting_id} in MongoDB", context, "INFO")
error_message = f"Document with meeting_id {meeting_id} not updated in MongoDB"
self._log_to_mongodb(error_message, context, "WARNING")
raise Exception(error_message)
def execute(self, context):
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Starting execution of NaturalLanguageProccessingOperator", context, "INFO")
# Get the meeting_id from the configuration
meeting_id = context['dag_run'].conf.get('meeting_id')
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Received meeting_id: {meeting_id}", context, "INFO")
meeting_info = self._get_meeting_info(context, meeting_id)
self._log_to_mongodb(f"Retrieved meeting from MongoDB: {meeting_id}", context, "INFO")
transcribed_text = self._get_transcribed_text_from_meeting_info(context, meeting_info)
nlp = self._load_spacy_model()
# Extract key phrases using TF-IDF
self._log_to_mongodb("Extracting key phrases using TF-IDF...", context, "INFO")
key_phrases = self._extract_key_phrases(nlp, transcribed_text)
# Extract Named Entities using spaCy
self._log_to_mongodb("Extracting Named Entities using spaCy...", context, "INFO")
named_entities = self._extract_named_entities(nlp, transcribed_text)
# Extract most frequent expressions using CountVectorizer
self._log_to_mongodb("Extracting most frequent expressions...", context, "INFO")
frequent_expressions = self._extract_most_frequent_expressions(nlp, transcribed_text)
# Extract sentiment phrases using VADER Sentiment
self._log_to_mongodb("Extracting sentiment phrases...", context, "INFO")
most_positive, most_negative = self._extract_sentiment_phrases(nlp, transcribed_text, num_phrases=3)
# Update Named Entities and Key Phrases in MongoDB document
self._log_to_mongodb("Updating NLP results in MongoDB document...", context, "INFO")
self._update_nlp_results_in_mongodb(context, meeting_id, key_phrases, named_entities, frequent_expressions, most_positive, most_negative)
self._log_to_mongodb("Execution of NaturalLanguageProccessingOperator completed.", context, "INFO")
return {"meeting_id": str(meeting_id)}
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