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Created September 20, 2022 23:14
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PBG Minting
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Swap where
import Language.Marlowe.Extended.V1
main :: IO ()
main = printJSON $ contract
-- We can set explicitRefunds True to run Close refund analysis
-- but we get a shorter contract if we set it to False
explicitRefunds :: Bool
explicitRefunds = False
lovelacePerAda, amountOfAda, amountOfLovelace, amountOfDollars :: Value
lovelacePerAda = Constant 1000000
amountOfAda = ConstantParam "Amount of Ada"
amountOfLovelace = MulValue lovelacePerAda amountOfAda
amountOfDollars = ConstantParam "Amount of dollars"
adaDepositTimeout, dollarDepositTimeout :: Timeout
adaDepositTimeout = TimeParam "Timeout for Ada deposit"
dollarDepositTimeout = TimeParam "Timeout for dollar deposit"
dollars :: Token
dollars = Token "85bb65" "dollar"
data SwapParty = SwapParty { party :: Party
, currency :: Token
, amount :: Value
adaProvider, dollarProvider :: SwapParty
adaProvider = SwapParty { party = Role "Ada provider"
, currency = ada
, amount = amountOfLovelace
dollarProvider = SwapParty { party = Role "Dollar provider"
, currency = dollars
, amount = amountOfDollars
makeDeposit :: SwapParty -> Timeout -> Contract -> Contract -> Contract
makeDeposit src timeout timeoutContinuation continuation =
When [ Case (Deposit (party src) (party src) (currency src) (amount src))
] timeout
refundSwapParty :: SwapParty -> Contract
refundSwapParty swapParty
| explicitRefunds = Pay (party swapParty) (Party (party swapParty)) (currency swapParty) (amount swapParty) Close
| otherwise = Close
makePayment :: SwapParty -> SwapParty -> Contract -> Contract
makePayment src dest =
Pay (party src) (Party $ party dest) (currency src) (amount src)
contract :: Contract
contract = makeDeposit adaProvider adaDepositTimeout Close
$ makeDeposit dollarProvider dollarDepositTimeout (refundSwapParty adaProvider)
$ makePayment adaProvider dollarProvider
$ makePayment dollarProvider adaProvider
{"valueParameterInfo":[["Amount of Ada",{"valueParameterFormat":{"contents":[0,"₳"],"tag":"DecimalFormat"},"valueParameterDescription":"Amount of Ada to be exchanged for dollars."}],["Amount of dollars",{"valueParameterFormat":{"contents":[0,"$"],"tag":"DecimalFormat"},"valueParameterDescription":"Amount of dollar tokens to be exchanged for Ada."}]],"timeParameterDescriptions":[["Timeout for Ada deposit","Deadline by which Ada must be deposited."],["Timeout for dollar deposit","Deadline by which dollar tokens must be deposited (must be after the deadline for Ada deposit)."]],"roleDescriptions":[["Ada provider","The party that provides the Ada."],["Dollar provider","The party that provides the dollar tokens."]],"contractType":"Swap","contractShortDescription":"Atomically exchange of Ada and dollar tokens.","contractName":"Swap of Ada and dollar tokens","contractLongDescription":"Waits until one party deposits Ada and the other party deposits dollar tokens. If both parties collaborate it carries the exchange atomically, otherwise parties are refunded.","choiceInfo":[]}
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