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Last active November 24, 2020 03:40
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  • Save sergiolucero/bcb6c67d977942e7ab0cbe5846600990 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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here isolines
from creds import ID,CODE # isolines: driving from my house
import folium
import requests
home =[-33.406654,-70.572701] # 085 LOS MILITARES / ALONSO DE CORDOVA
head = ''
URL_BASE = '{}app_id={}&app_code={}&mode=shortest;car;traffic:disabled&start=geo!{},{}&range={}&rangetype={}'
def isodata(home, range, type):
url = URL_BASE.format(head, ID, CODE, home[0],home[1], range, type)
js = requests.get(url).json()['response']
center = js['center'] # {'latitude': -33.406654, 'longitude': -70.572701}
iso = js['isoline']
comps = [(float(x.split(',')[0]),float(x.split(',')[1])) for x in iso[0]['component'][0]['shape']]
return comps
fm = folium.Map(location = home, zoom_start=13, tiles='CartoDBPositron')
for time, color in zip([60,300,600],['green','blue','red']): # 1,5,10 min
isoline = isodata(home, time, 'time')
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import branca.colormap as cm
colormap = cm.linear.Set1.scale(0, 30).to_step(5)
colormap.caption = 'A colormap caption'

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All APIs listed here
Modes can be publicTransport, bicycle...

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Great example! Still works in 2018.
If you add the following code, it will even take into account the traffic situation in the rush hour time (in this example 2018-08-07T08:00:00 considered to be a time of high traffic - the start of working hours on a working day.)

Works also with the free plan.

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