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Created January 5, 2019 11:34
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* ATtiny85 as an I2C Slave
* ATtiny I2C slave receiving and sending data to a RaspberryPi master.
* ATTiny Pin 1 = (RESET) N/U ATTiny Pin 2 = (D3) BUZZER)
* ATTiny Pin 3 = (D4) to LED1 ATTiny Pin 4 = GND
* ATTiny Pin 5 = I2C SDA ATTiny Pin 6 = (D1) to LED2
* ATTiny Pin 7 = I2C SCL ATTiny Pin 8 = VCC (2.7-5.5V)
* Use pullups on the SDA & SCL lines! (4k7)
* Install ATTiny85 cards -->
* File -> Preferences, enter the above URL in "Additional Board Manager URLs:
* Install Card: "ATTiny Core by Spence Konde"
* TinyWireS library:
* More Info:
#include "TinyWireS.h"
#define I2C_SLAVE_ADDR 0x2d
#define LED1_PIN 4
#define LED2_PIN 1
#define BUZZER_PIN 3
// 0x00 --> Nothing happens
// 0x01 --> Buzzer ON, LEDs OFF
// 0x10 --> Buzzer OFF, LEDs ON
// 0x11 --> Buzzer ON, LEDs ON
#define BUZZER_ON_LEDS_OFF 0x01
#define BUZZER_OFF_LEDS_ON 0x10
#define BUZZER_ON_LEDS_ON 0x11
bool tinyLatch = false;
void setup() {
pinMode(LED1_PIN, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED2_PIN, OUTPUT);
blinkLed(LED1_PIN, 2);
void loop() {
if (tinyLatch == false) {
byte bytesReceived = 0;
if (TinyWireS.available()) {
tinyLatch = true;
bytesReceived = TinyWireS.receive();
if (bytesReceived) {
bytesReceived = 0;
tinyLatch = false;
bool isOptionValid(byte checkOption) {
return (checkOption == BUZZER_OFF_LEDS_ON || checkOption == BUZZER_ON_LEDS_ON || checkOption == BUZZER_ON_LEDS_OFF);
void performOption(byte option) {
if (!isOptionValid(option)) {
} else {
// return the option sent plus 10
int inputValue = (int)option;
int response = inputValue + 10;
int high = (int)(inputValue >> 4);
int low = (int)(inputValue & 0xF);
if (low == 1) {
tone(BUZZER_PIN, 300, 250);
if (high == 1) {
blinkLed(LED1_PIN, 5);
if (low == 1) {
tone(BUZZER_PIN, 500, 250);
if (high == 1) {
blinkLed(LED2_PIN, 1);
void blinkLed(byte led, byte times) {
for (byte i = 0; i < times; i++) {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
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