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Created January 4, 2015 00:26
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package com.scrumplus.entity
import java.util.Date
import javax.persistence._
import com.scrumplus.core.framework.crud.{AppEntity, BaseCRUD}
import scala.beans.BeanProperty
* @project simple-heroku-webapp
* @author sergiovilar
* @date: 12/21/14
class User extends AppEntity{
override val validations = Map(
"email" -> Map(
"function" -> ((bo: BaseCRUD[User], email: String) => bo.findBy("email", email).size() > 0),
"message" -> "201: Este email já está em uso"
"username" -> Map(
"function" -> ((bo: BaseCRUD[User], username: String) => bo.findBy("username", username).size() > 0),
"message" -> "202: Este nome de usuário já está em uso"
var id: Long = 0
// ----- Dados pessoais
var name = ""
var lastName = ""
var email = ""
var username = ""
var password = ""
def setPassword(pass: String) = password = pass
// ----- Status
var active = true
var lastLogin = new Date()
var created = new Date()
def getCreated() = created
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