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Created April 28, 2023 17:28
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analise de termos do PL das Fake News
d <- read.csv("texto_pl_2630.txt", header = F, sep = "&")
######################################################################################################################################################################################### STOPWORDS
stopwords_pt <- read.csv("", header = T)
bigram_stop <- read.csv("", header = T) %>% .$bigram
############ GERA OS BIGRAMAS
bigrama <- d %>%
unnest_tokens(bigram, V1, token = "ngrams", n = 2) %>%
separate(bigram, c("word1", "word2"), sep = " ") %>%
!word1 %in% stopwords_pt$word, # remove stopwords from both words in bi-gram
!word2 %in% stopwords_pt$word,
!str_detect(word1, pattern = "[[:digit:]]"), # removes any words with numeric digits
!str_detect(word2, pattern = "[[:digit:]]"),
!str_detect(word1, pattern = "[[:punct:]]"), # removes any remaining punctuations
!str_detect(word2, pattern = "[[:punct:]]"),
!str_detect(word1, pattern = "(.)\\1{2,}"), # removes any words with 3 or more repeated letters
!str_detect(word2, pattern = "(.)\\1{2,}"),
!str_detect(word1, pattern = "\\b(.)\\b"), # removes any remaining single letter words
!str_detect(word2, pattern = "\\b(.)\\b")
) %>%
unite("bigram", c(word1, word2), sep = " ") %>%
count(bigram) %>%
filter(n >= 2) %>%
#slice_max(n, n = 100) %>%
#filter(!bigram %in% bigram_stop) %>%
mutate(bigram = str_to_upper(bigram)) %>%
arrange(desc(n)) %>%
rename(freq = n, words = bigram)
unigrama <- d %>%
unnest_tokens(unigram, V1, token = "ngrams", n = 1) %>%
!unigram %in% stopwords_pt$word, # remove stopwords from both words in bi-gram
!str_detect(unigram, pattern = "[[:digit:]]"), # removes any words with numeric digits
!str_detect(unigram, pattern = "[[:punct:]]"), # removes any remaining punctuations
!str_detect(unigram, pattern = "(.)\\1{2,}"), # removes any words with 3 or more repeated letters
!str_detect(unigram, pattern = "\\b(.)\\b"), # removes any remaining single letter words
) %>%
count(unigram) %>%
filter(n >= 4) %>%
#slice_max(n, n = 100) %>%
filter(!unigram %in% stopwords_pt) %>%
mutate(unigram = str_to_upper(unigram)) %>%
arrange(desc(n)) %>%
rename(freq = n, words = unigram)
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