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Observatório de impulsionamento de conteúdo nas eleições
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
library(shiny) | |
library(shinydashboard) | |
library(tidyverse) | |
library(lubridate) | |
library(htmlwidgets) | |
library(DT) | |
#desabilita notação científica para números | |
options(scipen = 999) | |
options(shiny.sanitize.errors = FALSE) | |
ui <- dashboardPage( | |
dashboardHeader(), | |
dashboardSidebar(collapsed = TRUE), | |
dashboardBody( | |
tags$head( | |
tags$link(rel = "stylesheet", type = "text/css", href = "custom.css"), | |
tags$style(type="text/css", | |
".shiny-output-error { visibility: hidden; }", | |
".shiny-output-error:before { visibility: hidden; }" | |
) | |
), | |
fluidRow( | |
column(4, | |
column(6,uiOutput('estados')), | |
column(6,uiOutput('legenda')), | |
column(6,uiOutput('cargos')), | |
column(6,uiOutput('politicos')), | |
column(6, | |
textInput(inputId = "valor_custom", | |
label = tags$div(icon("money-bill", class = "icons"), | |
'Valor mínimo', tags$br(), | |
tags$span(style="font-weight:300;font-size:0.7em;line-height:1.3em", "Filtre por valor acima de R$1")), | |
value = "", | |
placeholder = "Apenas números")), | |
column(6, | |
selectInput(inputId = "rede", | |
label = tags$div(icon("share-alt-square", class = "icons"), | |
'Redes', tags$br(), | |
tags$span(style="font-weight:300;font-size:0.7em;line-height:1.3em", "Selecione uma rede")), | |
choices = c("Todas", | |
"Facebook", | |
"Google", | |
"ByteDance (TikTok)" = "ByteDance", | |
"YouTube"), | |
selected = "Todas" | |
) | |
), | |
column(12, | |
dateRangeInput(inputId = "data", | |
label = tags$div(icon("calendar", class = "icons"), | |
'Datas (dd/mm/aa)',tags$br(), | |
tags$span(style="font-weight:300;font-size:0.7em;line-height:1.3em", "Desde início de agosto")), | |
start = "2022-08-04", end = Sys.Date(), | |
min = "2022-08-04", max = Sys.Date(), | |
format = "dd/mm/yyyy", weekstart = 0, | |
language = "pt", separator = " ATÉ ", | |
width = NULL, autoclose = TRUE), | |
) | |
), | |
valueBox(textOutput("n_gastos"), "gastos com rubrica \"impulsionamento\"", icon = icon("list-alt")), | |
valueBox(textOutput("n_candidatos"), "candidatos impulsionaram conteúdo", icon = icon("users")), | |
valueBox(textOutput("total_gasto"), "gastos com rubrica \"impulsionamento\"", icon = icon("money-bill")), | |
valueBox(textOutput("media_gasto"), "foi a média de gastos", icon = icon("grip-lines")), | |
valueBox(textOutput("maior_gasto"), "foi o maior gasto", icon = icon("sort-up")), | |
valueBox(textOutput("menor_gasto"), "foi o menor gasto", icon = icon("sort-down")), | |
tags$div(style="padding:20px", | |
DT::DTOutput("table"), | |
) | |
) | |
) | |
) | |
server <- function(input, output) { | |
dt <- reactive({ | |
d <- read.csv("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQw_zM_7VqGQ0tuxEvmYVBOR1hK702jiThBeKc9NmNWOQGKKD78f-4OKLmLJqRQwD37snObfdEW4jzl/pub?gid=0&single=true&output=csv", header = T) | |
d <- d %>% | |
filter(DS_ORIGEM_DESPESA == "Despesa com Impulsionamento de Conteúdos") | |
d$valor <- gsub(".", "", d$VR_DESPESA_CONTRATADA) | |
d$valor <- as.numeric(gsub(",", ".", d$VR_DESPESA_CONTRATADA)) | |
d$DT_DESPESA <- as_date(d$DT_DESPESA,format="%d/%m/%Y") | |
#d$DT_DESPESA <- sub("^0+", "", d$DT_DESPESA) | |
d <- d %>% | |
rename(Candidato = NM_CANDIDATO, | |
Partido = SG_PARTIDO, | |
Cargo = DS_CARGO, | |
"Turno" = ST_TURNO, | |
UF = SG_UF, | |
"Valor" = valor, | |
"Descrição" = DS_DESPESA, | |
"Data da despesa" = DT_DESPESA, | |
"Tipo de fornecedor" = DS_TIPO_FORNECEDOR, | |
"Nome do fornecedor" = NM_FORNECEDOR, | |
"Nome do prestador" = NM_FORNECEDOR_RFB, | |
"Origem da despesa" = DS_ORIGEM_DESPESA | |
) | |
return(d) | |
}) | |
output$estados <- renderUI({ | |
d <- dt() | |
selectizeInput(inputId = "uf", | |
#multiple = TRUE, | |
label = tags$div(icon("map-marker-alt", class = "icons"), | |
'UF', tags$br(), tags$span(style="font-weight:300;font-size:0.7em;line-height:1.3em", "Escolha um cargo.")), | |
choices = c("Todas", as.list(unique(d$UF))), | |
selected = "Todas") | |
}) | |
output$legenda <- renderUI({ | |
d <- dt() | |
selectizeInput(inputId = "partido", | |
#multiple = TRUE, | |
label = tags$div(icon("paste", class = "icons"), | |
'Partidos', tags$br(), tags$span(style="font-weight:300;font-size:0.7em;line-height:1.3em", "Escolha um partido")), | |
choices = c("Todos", as.list(unique(d$Partido))), | |
selected = "Todos") | |
}) | |
output$cargos <- renderUI({ | |
d <- dt() | |
selectizeInput(inputId = "cargo", | |
#multiple = TRUE, | |
label = tags$div(icon("suitcase", class = "icons"), | |
'Cargo', tags$br(), tags$span(style="font-weight:300;font-size:0.7em;line-height:1.3em", "Escolha um ou mais cargos")), | |
choices = c("Todos", as.list(unique(d$Cargo))), | |
selected = "Todos") | |
}) | |
output$politicos <- renderUI({ | |
d <- dt() | |
d <- d %>% arrange(Candidato) | |
selectizeInput(inputId = "politico", | |
#multiple = TRUE, | |
label = tags$div(icon("user", class = "icons"), | |
'Candidato', tags$br(), tags$span(style="font-weight:300;font-size:0.7em;line-height:1.3em", "Escolha um candidato")), | |
choices = c("Todos", as.list(unique(d$Candidato))), | |
selected = "Todos", | |
multiple = FALSE) | |
}) | |
dados <- reactive({ | |
d <- dt() | |
d <- d %>% filter(`Data da despesa` >= input$data[1] & `Data da despesa` <= input$data[2]) | |
if (input$partido != "Todos") { | |
d <- d %>% filter(Partido == input$partido) | |
} | |
if(input$uf != "Todas"){ | |
d <- d %>% filter(UF == input$uf) | |
} | |
if(input$cargo != "Todos"){ | |
d <- d %>% filter(Cargo == input$cargo) | |
} | |
if(input$politico != "Todos"){ | |
d <- d %>% filter(Candidato == input$politico) | |
} | |
if(input$valor_custom != ""){ | |
d <- d %>% filter(Valor >= input$valor_custom) | |
} | |
if(input$rede != "Todas"){ | |
d <- d %>% filter(str_detect(Descrição, regex(input$rede, ignore_case = TRUE)) | | |
str_detect(`Nome do prestador`, regex(input$rede, ignore_case = TRUE)) | | |
str_detect(`Nome do fornecedor`, regex(input$rede, ignore_case = TRUE)) | |
) | |
} | |
return(d) | |
}) | |
# STATS | |
output$n_gastos <- renderText({ | |
d <- dados() | |
d <- d %>% | |
tally() | |
paste0(format(round(d$n, 1), big.mark=".", small.mark = ",")) | |
}) | |
output$n_candidatos <- renderText({ | |
d <- dados() | |
d <- d %>% | |
n_distinct(na.rm = FALSE) | |
paste0(format(round(d), big.mark=".", small.mark = ",")) | |
}) | |
output$total_gasto <- renderText({ | |
d <- dados() | |
d <- d %>% | |
summarise(t = sum(Valor)) | |
paste0("R$", format(round(d$t, 0), big.mark=".", small.mark = ",")) | |
}) | |
output$media_gasto <- renderText({ | |
d <- dados() | |
d <- d %>% | |
summarise(t = mean(Valor)) | |
paste0("R$", format(round(d$t, 0), big.mark=".", small.mark = ",")) | |
}) | |
output$maior_gasto <- renderText({ | |
d <- dados() | |
d <- d %>% | |
summarise(t = max(Valor)) | |
paste0("R$", format(round(d$t, 0), big.mark=".", small.mark = ",")) | |
}) | |
output$menor_gasto <- renderText({ | |
d <- dados() | |
d <- d %>% | |
summarise(t = min(Valor)) | |
paste0("R$", format(round(d$t, 0), big.mark=".", small.mark = ",")) | |
}) | |
output$table <- DT::renderDT({ | |
# Importa os dados principais e filtra pelas datas do input$date | |
main_table <- dados() | |
# Gera a tabela principal | |
main_table | |
}, escape = FALSE, | |
filter = "top", | |
callback=JS('$(\'div.has-feedback input[type="search"]\').attr( "placeholder", "Busca" )'), | |
extensions = c("Buttons", "Scroller"), | |
rownames = FALSE, | |
options = list( | |
#language = list(searchPlaceholder = "Busca por palavra-chave...", | |
# zeroRecords = "Não há resultados para a sua busca.", | |
# sSearch = ""), | |
scrollY = 500, scroller = TRUE, scrollX = T, | |
pageLength = 50, | |
lengthMenu = list( c(10, 50, 100, -1) # declare values | |
, c(10, 50, 100, "Todos") # declare titles | |
), | |
dom = 'fBlrtip', | |
buttons = | |
list('copy', list( | |
extend = 'collection', | |
buttons = c('csv', 'excel'), | |
text = 'Baixe os dados', | |
exportOptions = list( | |
modifiers = list(selected = TRUE) | |
) | |
)), | |
language = list( | |
lengthMenu = "Mostrando _MENU_ registros", | |
buttons = list(copy = 'Copiar tabela', | |
copyTitle = "Tabela copiada com sucesso", | |
copySuccess = "%d linhas copiadas"), | |
info = 'FONTE: TSE/Análise Núcleo Jornalismo', | |
paginate = list(previous = 'Anterior', `next` = 'Próxima'), | |
processing = "CARREGANDO OS DADOS...", | |
searchPlaceholder = "Busque em todas as colunas", | |
search = "", | |
info = TRUE | |
) | |
# Fecha DT::datatable | |
) | |
} | |
shinyApp(ui, server) |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
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