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Last active October 27, 2023 08:34
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Blocksy Theme
- New: Add typography option for image figcaption
- New: Breadrumbs module as a block for Gutenberg
- New: Cart page option to update cart in real time
- New: Color option - allow inserting CSS variables in color option
- New: Color palette - add possibility to save a color palette as a preset
- New: Color palette - better organize predefined color palettes inside a modal
- New: Color palette - possibility to add new colors to a palette
- New: Content block footer builder element
- New: Footer - option for making container boxed/fluid
- New: Header - background option for entire header (all rows)
- New: Hooks above/below single product gallery
- New: Option to add "Blog" and "Shop" pages in breadcrumb trail
- New: Option to change the image width for simple post type structure
- New: Option to output inline the header logo SVG image file
- New: Performance option to load Gravatars locally
- New: Product archive - drag and drop layers (for content arrangement)
- New: Product archives - SKU layer
- New: Related posts typography option
- New: Search block with live results
- New: Single product - possibility to reorder single product elements (drag & drop)
- New: Support for CSS variables inside color option
- New: Support for CSS variables inside spacing option
- Improvement: Accessibility improvements for search box, header cart, menu and block widgets
- Improvement: Better drag + scroll behaviour in Flexy
- Improvement: Better vertical alignment in off-canvas panels when too much content
- Improvement: Cache busting for all dynamic chunks and all dynamically loaded css files
- Improvement: Cart header element - option for custom label
- Improvement: Close drawer canvas only on close button (not on title click)
- Improvement: Filter to add custom social profiles in author box
- Improvement: Filter to disable comments date anchor links
- Improvement: Fractional numbers support for customizer options
- Improvement: Header elements - change label text per device (desktop/mobile)
- Improvement: Implement `ctEvents` using native DOM events
- Improvement: Introduce filter for swapping Google Fonts CSS2 endpoint
- Improvement: Make customizer follow the dashboard color scheme
- Improvement: More customizer shortcuts for different parts of the theme
- Improvement: Performance - Load theme slider CSS only when needed
- Improvement: Performance - Optimize fonts loading logic in frontend
- Improvement: Performance - Smarter loading of overlays JS files on trigger event
- Improvement: Performance - Split WooCommerce related JS from the main bundle
- Improvement: Performance - WooCommerce mini cart JS performance
- Improvement: Prefix CSS variables in order to not conflict with other plugins
- Improvement: Remove legacy Tag Cloud widget CSS
- Improvement: Remove unused CSS styles for RTL
- Improvement: Rework customizer spacing option and units list
- Improvement: Show updated date only when it is different than creation date
- Improvement: Smarter detection of changes in header/footer builder
- Improvement: Sync gradients from `theme.json` into the background option
- Improvement: Transform old widget in to Gutenberg blocks
- Improvement: WooCommerce minicart image size options
- Fix: Ensure Lazy Loading option works for Related Posts images
- Fix: HTML validator complains about `itemprop` on search results page
Blocksy Companion Free
- New: Convert old legacy widgets to block widgets
- New: Dropdown menu for account widget in header
- New: Footer builder logo element - add lazy loading attribute to image
- New: More integrations for newsletter module (Sendinblue, CampaignMonitor, ConvertKit)
- New: New dashboard extensions screen
- Improvement: Account modal - integration with Two-Factor plugin
- Improvement: Account modal - use core registration if WooCommerce registration is disabled
- Improvement: Automatically load Google analytics on cookies notice approve
- Improvement: Performance - Faster PHP classes autoloader
- Improvement: Performance - Smarter load extensions CSS files (only when extensions is activated and present on a page)
- Improvement: Prefix CSS variables in order to not conflict with other plugins
- Fix: Prevent errors on SVG's size calculation
Blocksy Companion Pro
- New: Add option to preload specific Custom Font or Local Google Font
- New: Archive products new cards type (type 3)
- New: Better flow for video thumbnails in archive and single pages
- New: Color Switch (dark mode) extension
- New: Compare bottom bar for for compare products extension
- New: Custom thank you pages extension
- New: Display conditions module - AND & OR relations functionality
- New: Display conditions module - range date/time option
- New: Display conditions module - recurring days option
- New: Display conditions module - request cookie option
- New: Display conditions module - request referer option
- New: Display conditions module - request url option
- New: Dynamic data block
- New: Filter Canvas - option to display filter inside an inline canvas
- New: Free shipping progress bar module that could be displayed in single product page, cart page, minicar and checkout
- New: Functionality to duplicate a content block
- New: Gutenberg block for selecting a Content Block from the list
- New: Integrate new Mailerlite API in newsletter subscribe extension
- New: Local Google Fonts - possibility to pick and load certain font variations
- New: More advanced options for affiliate products
- New: Off-canvas cart empty state hook
- New: Option to copy CPT options in Customizer and apply them to a different CPT
- New: Option to enable navigation arrows (+ keyboard navigation) in Quick View modal
- New: Option to load mega menu content with AJAX
- New: Option to show posts count in PTE filters items
- New: Popups - JS API for controlling and observing popups
- New: Popups - option to close the popup on custom button click or form submit
- New: Popups - option to load content with AJAX
- New: Popups - option to trigger popup when selector matches
- New: Popups - rework re-launching options
- New: Possibility to create a custom "no results page" in content blocks templates
- New: Product "New" & "Featured" Badges
- New: Product Brand - show brand and it's description in single product tabs
- New: Product Brands - WooCommerce module to display brands in archive and single product pages
- New: Product image option on the checkout page order review table
- New: Product sale countdown functionality
- New: Quantity option on the checkout page
- New: Related posts - option to display items in carousel
- New: Search box header item - option to scope results by certain taxonomy
- New: Shop filter module - allow filtering without page refresh (AJAX)
- New: Support for Pods plugin in Post Types Extra extension
- New: Video thumbnails - option to display videos in thumbnail/featured image for all post types
- New: Wishlist - add possibility to save a product with preselected variation
- New: WooCommerce accordion tabs with possibility to place them in product entry summary
- New: WooCommerce advanced product reviews module
- New: WooCommerce compare products module
- New: WooCommerce custom tabs module
- New: WooCommerce filter widget - allow filter by category, attribute, brands widget (also supports AJAX)
- New: WooCommerce related products - option to display items in carousel
- New: WooCommerce size guide module
- New: WooCommerce variation swatches module (color, image, button)
- Improvement: Add loading indicator to wishlist, quick view, compare, size guide buttons
- Improvement: Bypass caching for Wishlist & Darkmode automatically
- Improvement: Bypass caching for Wishlist, Compare & Dark Mode when caching plugin is detected
- Improvement: Contacts module icon link protection for spam bots
- Improvement: Custom Fonts and Local Google Fonts - switch to HTTPS when needed
- Improvement: Custom Fonts and Local Google Fonts - switch to HTTPS when needed
- Improvement: Don't load/show offcanvas cart or quantity inputs if WooCommerce Extra extension is deactivated
- Improvement: Floating cart - when clicking select options the anchor starts behind sticky header
- Improvement: Load quick view modal CSS only when quick view is opened
- Improvement: Make "Contacts" element icons clickable if they do not contain title/content
- Improvement: Move divider & search box css from theme to companion plugin
- Improvement: Performance - Filtering content blocks by type in PHP, not SQL, to avoid table JOINs
- Improvement: Performance - Optimize Content Block Popups logic
- Improvement: Performance - Smarter load extensions CSS files (only when extensions is activated and present on a page)
- Improvement: Performance - Smarter load of "Newsletter Subscribe" CSS file
- Improvement: Popups - make editor to inherit the popup background color
- Improvement: Popups - overal code improvements
- Improvement: Prefix CSS variables in order to not conflict with other plugins
- Improvement: Refactor container and it's behavior for shortcuts bar, floating cart, compare bar
- Improvement: Smarter loading styles from third party builder for content blocks
- Fix: Footer contact widget label for "E-mail" string translation with WPML is not working
- Fix: Locally hosted videos cannot be played from the product archives and redirects user to the single page
- Fix: Quick View doesn't scroll on mobile landscape if it has a gallery at the top
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