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Created March 17, 2017 21:11
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Itinero contracted Db RouteNotFoundException
using Itinero;
using Itinero.LocalGeo;
using Itinero.IO.Osm;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace TestContracted
class Program
// RU-NIZ.osm.pbf from:
static string DATADIR = @"D:\Work";
static Itinero.Profiles.Profile _profile = Itinero.Osm.Vehicles.Vehicle.Car.Shortest();
static Coordinate[][] locs = new Coordinate[][]{
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.24175f,43.47343f), new Coordinate(56.44329f,44.0263f) },
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.33425f, 44.12278f),new Coordinate(56.2448f,43.86343f) },
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.23092f,43.84172f), new Coordinate(56.22433f,43.38098f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.22433f,43.38098f), new Coordinate(56.37904f,44.02538f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.28732f,44.19102f), new Coordinate(56.40525f,43.7187f) },
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.40525f,43.7187f), new Coordinate(56.19065f,43.94545f) },
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.19065f,43.94545f), new Coordinate(56.1445f,44.19062f) },
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.1445f,44.19062f), new Coordinate(56.1801f,44.16407f) },
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.1801f,44.16407f), new Coordinate(56.15202f,44.19229f) },
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.15202f,44.19229f), new Coordinate(56.17918f,43.76815f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.09786f,43.52808f), new Coordinate(56.24617f,43.44312f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.23349f,43.45108f), new Coordinate(56.32893f,43.87753f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.32799f,43.87498f), new Coordinate(56.32233f,44.02217f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.23554f,43.97579f), new Coordinate(56.29299f,43.94321f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.29208f,43.93661f), new Coordinate(56.23378f,43.94416f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.32786f,43.99297f), new Coordinate(56.24957f,43.83388f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.24957f,43.83388f), new Coordinate(56.31372f,44.03351f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.31372f,44.03351f), new Coordinate(56.32693f,43.95477f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.23178f,43.84582f), new Coordinate(56.27832f,43.98377f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.27832f,43.98377f), new Coordinate(56.32813f,43.92234f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.26929f,43.8903f), new Coordinate(56.31905f,43.88581f) },
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.31308f,43.87608f), new Coordinate(56.30759f,43.97815f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.30759f,43.97815f), new Coordinate(56.22009f,43.82857f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.30686f,43.9293f), new Coordinate(56.32406f,44.01607f) },
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.32406f,44.01607f), new Coordinate(56.24423f,43.85569f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.24364f,43.86111f), new Coordinate(56.34753f,43.86211f)},
new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(56.3233f,43.94979f), new Coordinate(56.32631f,43.98059f) }
static void Main(string[] args)
Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(System.IO.Path.Combine(DATADIR, "RU-NIZ.log")));
Itinero.Logging.Logger.LogAction = (o, level, message, parameters) =>
Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("[{0}] {1} - {2}", o, level, message));
var appAssemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
var itinero = appAssemblies.Where(a => a.GetTypes().Contains(typeof(Itinero.Router))).First().GetName();
Trace.WriteLine("**** Itinero version: " + itinero.Version);
RouterDb _routerDb = new RouterDb();
var fileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(DATADIR, "RU-NIZ.osm.pbf");
Trace.WriteLine("**** Reading " + fileName);
using (var stream = new FileInfo(fileName).OpenRead())
_routerDb.LoadOsmData(stream, Itinero.Osm.Vehicles.Vehicle.Car);
var _router = new Router(_routerDb);
Trace.WriteLine("**** Contraction:" + _routerDb.HasContracted);
Trace.WriteLine("**** Contracting...");
Trace.WriteLine("**** Contraction:" + _routerDb.HasContracted);
Trace.WriteLine("**** EOJ");
static void Calc(Router _router)
for (int i = 0; i < locs.Length; i++)
var route = _router.TryCalculate(_profile, locs[i][0], locs[i][1]);
var msg = route.IsError
? string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
, "#{0}. No route: ({1}f,{2}f) to ({3}f,{4}f)", i
, locs[i][0].Latitude, locs[i][0].Longitude
, locs[i][1].Latitude, locs[i][1].Longitude)
: string.Format ("#{0}. OK", i);
**** Itinero version:
**** Reading D:\Work\RU-NIZ.osm.pbf
[RestrictionProcessor] warning - A positive restriction (only_xxx) with a via-way not supported, relation 1523329 not processed!
[NodeIndex] information - Sorting node id's...
[NodeIndex] information - Sorting node id's...
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 3: highway=tertiary
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 4: highway=primary
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 5: highway=primary oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 6: highway=primary_link oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 7: highway=trunk
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 8: highway=residential motorcar=no
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 9: highway=residential
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 10: highway=tertiary maxspeed=40
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 11: highway=service maxspeed=15
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 12: highway=secondary
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 13: highway=secondary oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 14: highway=unclassified
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 15: highway=service
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 16: highway=tertiary oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 17: highway=primary oneway=yes junction=roundabout
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 18: highway=secondary_link oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 19: highway=secondary oneway=yes junction=roundabout
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 20: highway=secondary maxspeed=90
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 21: highway=primary maxspeed=90
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 22: highway=residential oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 23: highway=track
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 24: highway=primary_link oneway=yes junction=roundabout
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 25: highway=tertiary maxspeed=50
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 26: highway=trunk maxspeed=30 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 27: highway=motorway oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 28: highway=secondary maxspeed=50
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 29: highway=primary maxspeed=60
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 30: highway=primary maxspeed=50
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 31: highway=primary maxspeed=60 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 32: highway=trunk oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 33: highway=tertiary_link oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 34: highway=secondary_link
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 35: highway=primary_link
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 36: highway=unclassified oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 37: highway=motorway_link oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 38: highway=primary maxspeed=50 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 39: highway=secondary maxspeed=60 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 40: highway=living_street
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 41: highway=secondary maxspeed=40 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 42: highway=residential maxspeed=60
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 43: highway=secondary maxspeed=50 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 44: highway=secondary maxspeed=90 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 45: highway=secondary maxspeed=60
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 46: highway=secondary_link maxspeed=40
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 47: highway=trunk maxspeed=40 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 48: highway=primary maxspeed=40
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 49: highway=residential maxspeed=40
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 50: highway=unclassified maxspeed=40
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 51: highway=service oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 52: highway=service maxspeed=5 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 53: highway=tertiary maxspeed=90
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 54: highway=tertiary maxspeed=40 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 55: highway=secondary maxspeed=40
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 56: route=ferry access=November-May
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 57: highway=tertiary maxspeed=60
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 58: highway=trunk maxspeed=60
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 59: highway=trunk_link oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 60: highway=trunk maxspeed=90 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 61: highway=secondary maxspeed=15 oneway=yes junction=roundabout
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 62: highway=tertiary maxspeed=50 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 63: route=ferry vehicle=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 64: highway=service motorcar=no
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 65: highway=service oneway=yes junction=roundabout
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 66: highway=primary maxspeed=70 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 67: highway=secondary maxspeed=30
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 68: route=ferry
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 69: highway=secondary_link oneway=yes junction=roundabout
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 70: highway=service maxspeed=20
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 71: highway=secondary_link maxspeed=90 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 72: highway=residential maxspeed=40 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 73: highway=primary maxspeed=40 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 74: highway=tertiary oneway=yes junction=roundabout
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 75: highway=primary maxspeed=90 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 76: highway=unclassified maxspeed=20
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 77: highway=residential maxspeed=20
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 78: highway=unclassified maxspeed=40 motorcar=no
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 79: highway=secondary maxspeed=10
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 80: route=ferry motorcar=no
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 81: highway=trunk_link
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 82: highway=service maxspeed=40
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 83: highway=residential oneway=-1
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 84: route=ferry motorcar=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 85: highway=tertiary_link
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 86: highway=track motorcar=no
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 87: highway=service oneway=yes motorcar=no
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 88: highway=road
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 89: highway=service maxspeed=5 motorcar=no
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 90: highway=service junction=roundabout
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 91: highway=secondary junction=roundabout
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 92: route=ferry access=only high water
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 93: highway=tertiary maxspeed=20
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 94: highway=service maxspeed=30
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 95: highway=track maxspeed=30
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 96: highway=unclassified motorcar=no
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 97: highway=service maxspeed=10 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 98: highway=tertiary maxspeed=30
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 99: highway=service maxspeed=20 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 100: highway=unclassified maxspeed=50
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 101: highway=trunk maxspeed=60 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 102: highway=trunk maxspeed=90
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 103: highway=residential oneway=yes motorcar=no
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 104: highway=unclassified maxspeed=60
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 105: highway=unclassified maxspeed=90
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 106: highway=track maxspeed=60
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 107: highway=service maxspeed=10
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 108: highway=unclassified maxspeed=30
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 109: highway=residential maxspeed=10
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 110: highway=residential maxspeed=60 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 111: highway=primary maxspeed=60 oneway=yes junction=roundabout
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 112: highway=residential maxspeed=30
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 113: highway=primary maxspeed=70
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 114: highway=residential maxspeed=10 motorcar=no
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 115: highway=service oneway=-1
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 116: highway=track maxspeed=20
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 117: highway=track maxspeed=40
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 118: highway=road maxspeed=40
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 119: highway=tertiary junction=roundabout
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 120: highway=primary_link maxspeed=60
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 121: highway=unclassified maxspeed=5
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 122: highway=secondary maxspeed=30 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 123: highway=primary_link maxspeed=40 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 124: highway=track maxspeed=40 motorcar=no
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 125: highway=tertiary oneway=-1
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 126: highway=secondary maxspeed=20
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 127: highway=residential maxspeed=20 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 128: highway=trunk maxspeed=50
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 129: highway=service maxspeed=5
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 130: highway=living_street maxspeed=30
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 131: highway=unclassified maxspeed=20 oneway=yes
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 132: highway=trunk maxspeed=40
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 133: highway=residential maxspeed=90
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 134: highway=track maxspeed=90
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 135: highway=trunk maxspeed=70
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 136: highway=service maxspeed=60
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 137: highway=unclassified maxspeed=10
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 138: highway=residential maxspeed=50
[RouterDbStreamTarget] information - Normalized: # profiles 139: highway=secondary maxspeed=40 motorcar=no
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation -1!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No link could be found between to and via node for restriction relation 6331696!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No vertex found for via node for restriction relation 6435571!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No vertex found for via node for restriction relation 6435572!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No vertex found for via node for restriction relation 6435573!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No vertex found for via node for restriction relation 6435574!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation 6435656!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation 6435657!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation 6435658!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation 6435659!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation 6435660!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation 6458819!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No vertex found for via node for restriction relation 6458820!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No vertex found for via node for restriction relation 6458821!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No vertex found for via node for restriction relation 6458832!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No vertex found for via node for restriction relation 6458835!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No vertex found for via node for restriction relation 6529415!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No before vertex found for from way for restriction relation 6529416!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No after vertex found for to way for restriction relation 6529417!
[RouterDbStreamTarget] warning - No link could be found between to and via node for restriction relation 7022724!
**** Contraction:False
[RouterBaseExtensions] information - Profile(s) car.shortest not cached, building cache.
#0. OK
#1. OK
#2. OK
#3. OK
#4. OK
#5. OK
#6. OK
#7. OK
#8. OK
#9. OK
#10. OK
#11. OK
#12. OK
#13. OK
#14. OK
#15. OK
#16. OK
#17. OK
#18. OK
#19. OK
#20. OK
#21. OK
#22. OK
#23. OK
#24. OK
#25. OK
#26. OK
**** Contracting...
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Calculating queue...
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 1% [2010/201000] 198988q #2,38582032172633 max 6
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 2% [4020/201000] 196978q #2,37148122388681 max 6
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 3% [6030/201000] 194968q #2,37271566248993 max 6
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 4% [8040/201000] 192958q #2,3756963914614 max 6
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 5% [10050/201000] 190948q #2,37880271695584 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 6% [12060/201000] 188938q #2,38175284086398 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 7% [14070/201000] 186928q #2,38502319062318 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 8% [16080/201000] 184918q #2,38840789751188 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 9% [18090/201000] 182908q #2,39184512517153 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 10% [20100/201000] 180898q #2,39552457448632 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 11% [22110/201000] 178888q #2,39892894476463 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 12% [24120/201000] 176878q #2,40273859531092 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 13% [26130/201000] 174868q #2,4067501958609 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 14% [28140/201000] 172858q #2,41064682776135 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 15% [30150/201000] 170848q #2,41462343941141 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 16% [32160/201000] 168838q #2,41888426252228 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 17% [34170/201000] 166828q #2,4234635465057 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 18% [36180/201000] 164818q #2,42800890674012 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 19% [38190/201000] 162808q #2,43278934211254 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 20% [40200/201000] 160798q #2,43727883879875 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 21% [42210/201000] 158788q #2,4417686363665 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 22% [44220/201000] 156778q #2,44637355768311 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 23% [46230/201000] 154768q #2,45122731296319 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 24% [48240/201000] 152758q #2,45627426207294 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 25% [50250/201000] 150748q #2,48110435226768 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 26% [52260/201000] 148738q #2,50591976549526 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 27% [54270/201000] 146728q #2,52643989940639 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 28% [56280/201000] 144718q #2,55858594932248 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 29% [58291/201000] 142707q #2,59336547355439 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 30% [60300/201000] 140698q #2,62877490245133 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 31% [62310/201000] 138688q #2,65676441534657 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 32% [64320/201000] 136678q #2,67842170340725 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 33% [66330/201000] 134668q #2,70310167893131 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 34% [68340/201000] 132658q #2,72767019199602 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 35% [70350/201000] 130648q #2,75561236595764 max 7
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 36% [72360/201000] 128638q #2,77122801016799 max 9
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 37% [74370/201000] 126628q #2,79465209391214 max 9
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 38% [76380/201000] 124618q #2,81783676646418 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 39% [78390/201000] 122608q #2,84050926114722 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 40% [80400/201000] 120598q #2,86329074038757 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 41% [82410/201000] 118588q #2,88861530158784 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 42% [84420/201000] 116578q #2,91455579478294 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 43% [86430/201000] 114568q #2,93639640740514 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 44% [88440/201000] 112558q #2,93892092147229 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 45% [90450/201000] 110548q #2,94756171471474 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Calculating queue...
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 46% [92460/201000] 108538q #2,93649287352933 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 47% [94470/201000] 106528q #2,93773526457584 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 48% [96480/201000] 104518q #2,94648819831801 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 49% [98490/201000] 102508q #2,9555843877123 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 50% [100500/201000] 100498q #2,96359167752913 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 51% [102510/201000] 98488q #2,98327732030988 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 52% [104520/201000] 96478q #3,00846816405643 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 53% [106530/201000] 94468q #3,03532375699965 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 54% [108540/201000] 92458q #3,06066472706821 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 55% [110550/201000] 90448q #3,08600426759832 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 56% [112560/201000] 88438q #3,11274437748052 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 57% [114571/201000] 86427q #3,13956125329754 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 58% [116581/201000] 84417q #3,16911085313559 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 59% [118590/201000] 82408q #3,19933502408718 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 60% [120600/201000] 80398q #3,23004017462904 max 10
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 61% [122610/201000] 78388q #3,26262613376877 max 11
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 62% [124620/201000] 76378q #3,29818405582686 max 11
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 63% [126630/201000] 74368q #3,33749277252619 max 11
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 64% [128640/201000] 72358q #3,37992509570337 max 11
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 65% [130650/201000] 70348q #3,43857055537392 max 11
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 66% [132660/201000] 68338q #3,57099167386119 max 12
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Calculating queue...
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 67% [134670/201000] 66328q #3,61214551704383 max 12
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 68% [136680/201000] 64318q #3,58677840140549 max 12
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 69% [138690/201000] 62308q #3,59151968415478 max 12
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[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 71% [142710/201000] 58288q #3,87225720118719 max 13
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 72% [144720/201000] 56278q #3,92853462215036 max 13
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 73% [146730/201000] 54268q #3,98949676610957 max 13
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 74% [148740/201000] 52258q #4,05120649074801 max 13
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 75% [150750/201000] 50248q #4,11789289339091 max 13
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 76% [152760/201000] 48238q #4,18570036692303 max 13
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 77% [154770/201000] 46228q #4,27333491963919 max 13
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 78% [156780/201000] 44218q #4,37422827291436 max 13
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 79% [158790/201000] 42208q #4,46009144969082 max 15
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 80% [160800/201000] 40198q #4,54270006716585 max 15
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 81% [162810/201000] 38188q #4,62923878603786 max 15
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 82% [164820/201000] 36178q #4,72826777965118 max 15
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 83% [166830/201000] 34168q #4,84450817992918 max 15
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 84% [168840/201000] 32158q #4,97534127304954 max 15
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 85% [170850/201000] 30148q #5,12501243822349 max 16
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 86% [172860/201000] 28138q #5,26763566580191 max 16
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 87% [174870/201000] 26128q #5,42431780779976 max 16
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 88% [176880/201000] 24118q #5,58795969982172 max 16
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 89% [178890/201000] 22108q #5,75801709710977 max 16
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Calculating queue...
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 90% [180900/201000] 20098q #5,87661077665556 max 16
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 91% [182910/201000] 18088q #5,70667256343634 max 16
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 92% [184920/201000] 16078q #5,83382051122582 max 15
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 93% [186930/201000] 14068q #6,1040585684839 max 17
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 94% [188940/201000] 12058q #6,47317356331371 max 17
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 95% [190950/201000] 10048q #6,87809732311673 max 18
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 96% [192960/201000] 8038q #7,33648463739271 max 19
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 97% [194970/201000] 6028q #7,87327915077127 max 19
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 98% [196980/201000] 4018q #8,518039313262 max 24
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99% [198990/201000] 2008q #9,29815828770533 max 21
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,01% [199011/201000] 1987q #9,29879275653924 max 21
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,02% [199031/201000] 1967q #9,30386178861789 max 21
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,03% [199051/201000] 1947q #9,32135523613963 max 21
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,04% [199071/201000] 1927q #9,33817427385892 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,05% [199091/201000] 1907q #9,33123689727463 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,06% [199111/201000] 1887q #9,32097457627119 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,07% [199131/201000] 1867q #9,32334047109208 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,08% [199151/201000] 1847q #9,33766233766234 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,09% [199171/201000] 1827q #9,34682713347921 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,1% [199191/201000] 1807q #9,35840707964602 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,11% [199212/201000] 1786q #9,3676552881925 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,12% [199232/201000] 1766q #9,38200339558574 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,13% [199252/201000] 1746q #9,3886662850601 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,14% [199272/201000] 1726q #9,40938042848871 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,15% [199292/201000] 1706q #9,39425893380199 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,16% [199312/201000] 1686q #9,38707765263782 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,17% [199332/201000] 1666q #9,39772045590882 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,18% [199352/201000] 1646q #9,40619307832423 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,19% [199372/201000] 1626q #9,40012292562999 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,2% [199392/201000] 1606q #9,41630367143746 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,21% [199413/201000] 1585q #9,41361916771753 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,22% [199433/201000] 1565q #9,40357598978289 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,23% [199453/201000] 1545q #9,41267787839586 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,24% [199473/201000] 1525q #9,43643512450852 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,25% [199493/201000] 1505q #9,45551128818061 max 24
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,26% [199513/201000] 1485q #9,48452220726783 max 22
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,27% [199533/201000] 1465q #9,52660300136426 max 22
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,28% [199553/201000] 1445q #9,52973720608575 max 24
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,29% [199573/201000] 1425q #9,5413744740533 max 24
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,3% [199593/201000] 1405q #9,54196301564723 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,31% [199614/201000] 1384q #9,53068592057762 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,32% [199634/201000] 1364q #9,4959706959707 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,33% [199654/201000] 1344q #9,53011152416357 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,34% [199674/201000] 1324q #9,52603773584906 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,35% [199694/201000] 1304q #9,53409961685824 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,36% [199714/201000] 1284q #9,51750972762646 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,37% [199734/201000] 1264q #9,53201581027668 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,38% [199754/201000] 1244q #9,52289156626506 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,39% [199774/201000] 1224q #9,52489795918367 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,4% [199794/201000] 1204q #9,56182572614108 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,41% [199815/201000] 1183q #9,56418918918919 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,42% [199835/201000] 1163q #9,57731958762887 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,43% [199855/201000] 1143q #9,5979020979021 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,44% [199875/201000] 1123q #9,59252669039146 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,45% [199895/201000] 1103q #9,6304347826087 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,46% [199915/201000] 1083q #9,63653136531365 max 24
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,47% [199935/201000] 1063q #9,65413533834587 max 24
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,48% [199955/201000] 1043q #9,6455938697318 max 24
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,49% [199975/201000] 1023q #9,65234375 max 24
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,5% [199995/201000] 1003q #9,68725099601594 max 26
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,51% [200016/201000] 982q #9,67446592065107 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,52% [200036/201000] 962q #9,68016614745587 max 29
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,53% [200056/201000] 942q #9,68186638388123 max 29
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,54% [200076/201000] 922q #9,63596966413868 max 29
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,55% [200096/201000] 902q #9,62790697674419 max 29
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,56% [200116/201000] 882q #9,63306908267271 max 29
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[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,59% [200176/201000] 822q #9,58930741190765 max 29
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,6% [200196/201000] 802q #9,61892901618929 max 29
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,61% [200217/201000] 781q #9,66751918158568 max 29
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,62% [200237/201000] 761q #9,69816272965879 max 27
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,63% [200257/201000] 741q #9,74393530997305 max 27
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,64% [200277/201000] 721q #9,74238227146814 max 27
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,65% [200297/201000] 701q #9,72364672364672 max 27
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,66% [200317/201000] 681q #9,75659824046921 max 27
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,67% [200337/201000] 661q #9,75528700906344 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,68% [200357/201000] 641q #9,73520249221184 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,69% [200377/201000] 621q #9,72990353697749 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,7% [200397/201000] 601q #9,79734219269103 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,71% [200418/201000] 580q #9,82788296041308 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,72% [200438/201000] 560q #9,72549019607843 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,73% [200458/201000] 540q #9,72273567467652 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,74% [200478/201000] 520q #9,79270633397313 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,75% [200498/201000] 500q #9,79640718562874 max 25
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,76% [200518/201000] 480q #9,82952182952183 max 24
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,77% [200538/201000] 460q #9,8177874186551 max 24
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,78% [200558/201000] 440q #9,73242630385488 max 24
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,79% [200578/201000] 420q #9,82422802850356 max 24
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,8% [200598/201000] 400q #9,77556109725686 max 24
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,81% [200619/201000] 379q #9,67368421052632 max 24
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,82% [200639/201000] 359q #9,63333333333333 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,83% [200659/201000] 339q #9,56470588235294 max 23
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,84% [200679/201000] 319q #9,475 max 22
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,85% [200699/201000] 299q #9,36666666666667 max 22
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,86% [200719/201000] 279q #9,48571428571429 max 22
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,87% [200739/201000] 259q #9,30769230769231 max 22
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,88% [200759/201000] 239q #9,4 max 22
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,89% [200779/201000] 219q #9,27272727272727 max 20
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,9% [200799/201000] 199q #9,33 max 21
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,91% [200820/201000] 178q #8,90502793296089 max 19
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,92% [200840/201000] 158q #9,0188679245283 max 19
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,93% [200860/201000] 138q #9,02158273381295 max 19
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,94% [200880/201000] 118q #8,95798319327731 max 22
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,95% [200900/201000] 98q #8,70707070707071 max 22
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,96% [200920/201000] 78q #7,92405063291139 max 18
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,97% [200940/201000] 58q #7,49152542372881 max 16
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,98% [200960/201000] 38q #6,1025641025641 max 16
[HierarchyBuilder] information - Preprocessing... 99,99% [200980/201000] 18q #6,31578947368421 max 17
**** Contraction:True
#0. No route: (56.24175f,43.47343f) to (56.44329f,44.0263f)
#1. No route: (56.33425f,44.12278f) to (56.2448f,43.86343f)
#2. No route: (56.23092f,43.84172f) to (56.22433f,43.38098f)
#3. No route: (56.22433f,43.38098f) to (56.37904f,44.02538f)
#4. No route: (56.28732f,44.19102f) to (56.40525f,43.7187f)
#5. No route: (56.40525f,43.7187f) to (56.19065f,43.94545f)
#6. No route: (56.19065f,43.94545f) to (56.1445f,44.19062f)
#7. OK
#8. OK
#9. No route: (56.15202f,44.19229f) to (56.17918f,43.76815f)
#10. No route: (56.09786f,43.52808f) to (56.24617f,43.44312f)
#11. OK
#12. No route: (56.32799f,43.87498f) to (56.32233f,44.02217f)
#13. No route: (56.23554f,43.97579f) to (56.29299f,43.94321f)
#14. No route: (56.29208f,43.93661f) to (56.23378f,43.94416f)
#15. No route: (56.32786f,43.99297f) to (56.24957f,43.83388f)
#16. No route: (56.24957f,43.83388f) to (56.31372f,44.03351f)
#17. No route: (56.31372f,44.03351f) to (56.32693f,43.95477f)
#18. No route: (56.23178f,43.84582f) to (56.27832f,43.98377f)
#19. No route: (56.27832f,43.98377f) to (56.32813f,43.92234f)
#20. OK
#21. No route: (56.31308f,43.87608f) to (56.30759f,43.97815f)
#22. No route: (56.30759f,43.97815f) to (56.22009f,43.82857f)
#23. No route: (56.30686f,43.9293f) to (56.32406f,44.01607f)
#24. No route: (56.32406f,44.01607f) to (56.24423f,43.85569f)
#25. OK
#26. No route: (56.3233f,43.94979f) to (56.32631f,43.98059f)
**** EOJ
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