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Last active July 27, 2017 11:47
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Google OrTools Sample showing SetSpanUpperBoundForVehicle() behaviour depending on orders' disjunctions set up.
using Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver;
using System;
/// <summary>
/// Google OrTools Sample showing SetSpanUpperBoundForVehicle() behaviour
/// depending on orders' disjunctions.
/// </summary>
public class VehicleRoutingProblemWithTimeWindows {
/// <summary>
/// A callback that computes driving time plus service time
/// </summary>
class TotalTime : NodeEvaluator2{
long[,] matrix_;
long[,] tw_;
public TotalTime(long[,] matrix, long[,] tw) {
matrix_ = matrix;
tw_ = tw;
public override long Run(int first_index, int second_index) {
if (first_index >= tw_.GetLength(0) || second_index >= tw_.GetLength(0)) {
return 0;
return matrix_[first_index, second_index] + tw_[first_index, SRVTIME];
/// <summary>
/// A callback that computes driving time
/// </summary>
class DriveTime : NodeEvaluator2 {
long[,] matrix_;
public DriveTime(long[,] matrix) {
matrix_ = matrix;
public override long Run(int first_index, int second_index) {
if (first_index >= matrix_.GetLength(0) || second_index >= matrix_.GetLength(0)) {
return 0;
return matrix_[first_index, second_index] ;
static readonly int
, SRVEND = 2;
long[,] costMx_;
long[,] timeSrvWindows_;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a vehicle routing problem with time windows.
/// </summary>
private VehicleRoutingProblemWithTimeWindows() {}
private int CreateOrders() {
// Index 0 == depot
Console.WriteLine("Creating orders.");
costMx_ = new long[,] {
timeSrvWindows_ = new long[,] {
{ 0, 0, 0 }
, { 0, 25200, 28800 }
, { 0, 25200, 28800 }
, { 600, 64800, 72000 }
, { 600, 39600, 43200 }
, { 0, 25200, 0 }
, { 600, 61200, 64800 }
, { 0, 25200, 0 }
, { 0, 25200, 0 }
, { 36000, 32640, 36000 }
, { 3540, 25200, 0 }
, { 0, 25200, 28800 }
, { 0, 25200, 28800 }
return timeSrvWindows_.GetLength(0) - 1;
/// <summary>
/// Solves the current routing problem.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number_of_orders"></param>
/// <param name="number_of_vehicles"></param>
/// <param name="spanUpperBoundForVehicle"> -1 == do not apply a span</param>
/// <param name="orderPenalty"> -1 == no disjunctions</param>
private void Solve(
int number_of_orders
, int number_of_vehicles
, int spanUpperBoundForVehicle
, int orderPenalty) {
Console.WriteLine("Creating model with " + number_of_orders +
" orders and " + number_of_vehicles + " vehicles,");
Console.WriteLine("SpanUpperBoundForVehicle = " + spanUpperBoundForVehicle + ", OrderPenalty = " + orderPenalty +" .");
// Finalizing model
int number_of_locations = number_of_orders + 1;
// Single depot at last location
RoutingModel model =
new RoutingModel(number_of_locations, number_of_vehicles, 0);
// Using matrix to set up cost
NodeEvaluator2 arc_cost_callback = new DriveTime(costMx_);
// Setting up total time dimension
const int big_number = 1000000;
NodeEvaluator2 totalTime = new TotalTime(costMx_, timeSrvWindows_);
totalTime, big_number, big_number, false, "time");
var time_dimension = model.GetDimensionOrDie("time");
// Setting up vehicles span conditionally
if (spanUpperBoundForVehicle > 0)
for (int vehicle = 0; vehicle < number_of_vehicles; ++vehicle) {
time_dimension.SetSpanUpperBoundForVehicle(spanUpperBoundForVehicle, vehicle);
// Setting up orders, skip depot at 0
for (int order = 1; order < number_of_locations; ++order)
IntExpr exp = time_dimension.CumulVar(order);
if (timeSrvWindows_[order, SRVSTART] > 0)
exp.SetMin(timeSrvWindows_[order, SRVSTART]);
if (timeSrvWindows_[order, SRVEND] > 0)
exp.SetMax(timeSrvWindows_[order, SRVEND]);
if (orderPenalty > 0) {
int[] orders = { order };
model.AddDisjunction(orders, orderPenalty);
// Solving
RoutingSearchParameters search_parameters =
search_parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy =
// NOTE: AllUnperformed will FAIL without disjunctions
search_parameters.TimeLimitMs = 60000;
Assignment solution = model.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters);
if (solution == null) {
Console.WriteLine("No solution, status =" + model.Status() +"\n");
String output = "Total cost: " + solution.ObjectiveValue() + "\n";
// Dropped orders
String dropped = "";
for (int order = 0; order < number_of_orders; ++order) {
if (solution.Value(model.NextVar(order)) == order) {
dropped += " " + order;
if (dropped.Length > 0) {
output += "Dropped orders:" + dropped + "\n";
// Routes
for (int vehicle = 0; vehicle < number_of_vehicles; ++vehicle) {
String route = "Vehicle " + vehicle + ": ";
long order = model.Start(vehicle);
if (model.IsEnd(solution.Value(model.NextVar(order)))) {
route += "Empty";
} else {
for (;
order = solution.Value(model.NextVar(order))) {
IntVar local_time = model.CumulVar(order, "time");
route += model.IndexToNode((int)order) +
" Time(" + solution.Min(local_time) + ", " +
solution.Max(local_time) + ") -> ";
IntVar time = model.CumulVar(order, "time");
route += model.IndexToNode((int)order) +
" Time(" + solution.Min(time) + ", " + solution.Max(time) + ")";
output += route + "\n";
public static void Main(String[] args)
Console.WriteLine("** "+typeof(RoutingModel).Assembly.FullName +" **");
VehicleRoutingProblemWithTimeWindows problem =
new VehicleRoutingProblemWithTimeWindows();
int span = 20 * 60 * 60;
int vehicles = 3;
int orders = problem.CreateOrders();
int order_penalty = -1;
problem.Solve(orders, vehicles, span, order_penalty);
order_penalty = 80 ;
problem.Solve(orders, vehicles, span, order_penalty);
order_penalty = 8000;
problem.Solve(orders, vehicles, span, order_penalty);
** Google.OrTools, Version=6.0.4217.18304, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=e5e5a
4177ad79658 **
Creating orders.
Creating model with 12 orders and 3 vehicles,
SpanUpperBoundForVehicle = 72000, OrderPenalty = -1 .
No solution, status =3
Creating model with 12 orders and 3 vehicles,
SpanUpperBoundForVehicle = 72000, OrderPenalty = 80 .
Total cost: 5710
Dropped orders: 1 7 10 11
Vehicle 0: 0 Time(0, 34314) -> 9 Time(32640, 36000) -> 8 Time(68640, 104630) ->
0 Time(70324, 106314)
Vehicle 1: 0 Time(0, 28279) -> 2 Time(25200, 28800) -> 4 Time(39600, 43200) -> 3
Time(64800, 72000) -> 0 Time(65968, 100279)
Vehicle 2: 0 Time(0, 64340) -> 6 Time(61200, 64800) -> 5 Time(61800, 135949) ->
0 Time(62191, 136340)
Creating model with 12 orders and 3 vehicles,
SpanUpperBoundForVehicle = 72000, OrderPenalty = 8000 .
Total cost: 17239
Vehicle 0: 0 Time(2882, 27187) -> 11 Time(25200, 28800) -> 9 Time(32640, 36000)
-> 8 Time(68640, 92945) -> 7 Time(69279, 93584) -> 10 Time(70753, 95058) -> 0 Ti
me(74882, 99187)
Vehicle 1: 0 Time(0, 23074) -> 1 Time(25200, 25901) -> 2 Time(28099, 28800) -> 4
Time(39600, 43200) -> 3 Time(64800, 72000) -> 0 Time(65968, 95074)
Vehicle 2: 0 Time(0, 25769) -> 12 Time(25200, 28800) -> 6 Time(61200, 64800) ->
5 Time(61800, 97378) -> 0 Time(62191, 97769)
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