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Last active November 13, 2016 19:31
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Device discovery component for ziggo wifi routers.
Device discovery component for ziggo wifi routers.
Tested on Cisco EPC3928AD EuroDocsis 3.0 2-PORT Voice Gateway
Modem software version: e3928A-E10-5-c3220r5592-150612c-ZIG
Module parses output from login screen
place this file in custom_components/device_tracker/
add in your configuration the following.
- platform: ziggo_router
username: ziggo
password: your_ziggo_password
import logging
import requests
import voluptuous as vol
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from collections import namedtuple
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_USERNAME
from homeassistant.components.device_tracker import DOMAIN, PLATFORM_SCHEMA
from homeassistant.util import Throttle
REQUIREMENTS = ['beautifulsoup4==4.4.1']
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_SCANS = timedelta(seconds=60)
vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string,
vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string,
vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME): cv.string
Device = namedtuple('Device', ['mac', 'name', 'ip', 'last_update'])
def get_scanner(hass, config):
"""Validate the configuration and return an instance of scanner."""
return ZiggoDeviceScanner(config[DOMAIN])
except ConnectionError:
return None
class ZiggoDeviceScanner(object):
"""Fetch connected devices from ziggo wifi router"""
def __init__(self, config):
"""Initialize the scanner.""" = config[CONF_HOST]
self.params = {
'Zigloginnaam': config[CONF_USERNAME],
'Zigpassword': config[CONF_PASSWORD]
self.last_results = []
self.mac2name = {}
self.login_url = 'http://{host}/goform/login_zig'.format(
data = self._get_ziggo_clients()
if not data:
raise ConnectionError('Cannot connect to Ziggo router')
def _update_info(self):
Check for clients on wifi router.
:return: True if scan successful
:rtype: `bool`
""""Getting clients...")
result = self._get_ziggo_clients()
if result is None:"No data received")
return False
last_results = []
for device in result:
mac = device['mac_address'].upper()
Device(mac, device['hostname'], device['ipaddress'], device['active_since'])
self.mac2name[mac] = device['hostname']
self.last_results = last_results"Scanning successful. Got {} clients.".format(len(self.last_results)))
return True
def scan_devices(self):
"""Scan for new devices and return a list with found device IDs."""
return [device.mac for device in self.last_results]
def get_device_name(self, mac):
Return a name of device or None
:param mac: Mac address
:return: name of device
:rtype: str or None
return self.mac2name.get(str.upper(mac), None)
def _get_ziggo_clients(self):
Fetch data from wifi router.
:return: parsed out
:rtype: collection.iterable[dict] or None
with requests.Session() as session:
response =, data=self.params)
return self._parse_table_gebruikers(response.content)
except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
_LOGGER.exception('Connection to the router timed out')
return None
except MissingHTMLTable:
_LOGGER.exception('Login page missing users table. check credentials.')
return None
def _parse_table_gebruikers(cls, html_input):
Parse html table and return a list of connected clients.
:param html_input: HTML content
:type html_input: str
:return: List of clients
:rtype: list[dict]
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_input, 'html.parser')
table = soup.find('table', {"class": "gebruikers"})
if not table:
raise MissingHTMLTable()
result = []
for row in table.findAll("tr", {"class": "blue"}):
cols = row.findAll("td")
active_since = cols[4].text.strip().replace(' ', '')
# datetime.strptime('13/11/2016 10: 8:35', '%d/%m/%Y%H:%M:%S')
"hostname": cols[0].text,
"mac_address": cols[1].text,
"ipaddress": cols[2].text,
# "port": cols[3].text,
"active_since": datetime.strptime(active_since, '%d/%m/%Y%H:%M:%S')}
return result
class MissingHTMLTable(Exception):
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