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Created November 1, 2022 14:17
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// Script for extracting all the binaries
// Author: SerHack
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
values := [483]int{0, 603748, 8754151, 9552791, 10763591, 10780919, 10803359, 10887239, 10901999, 10917271, 11107143, 11756279, 11853991, 11945047, 12277247, 12441007, 12457815, 12493063, 12547247, 13255255, 13272071, 13291447, 13445479, 13469967, 16397503, 16412783, 16439319, 16455111, 16470383, 16570655, 16600783, 16858743, 16895007, 16951759, 16969591, 17095967, 17112271, 17237119, 17253415, 17269199, 17284983, 17300255, 17370823, 17386095, 17421343, 17669583, 17757559, 17796391, 17811671, 17881215, 18099759, 18180063, 18244495, 18259767, 18391271, 18406551, 18421823, 23679463, 24991119, 25169727, 25591535, 25772703, 27251759, 27906527, 28454279, 28541743, 28717783, 28816519, 29030455, 29378015, 29953423, 29987639, 30529223, 30688887, 30756391, 30783439, 30855551, 30997295, 31014615, 31165063, 31180335, 31268831, 33333615, 33577239, 33948871, 42373751, 42443815, 42459095, 42474375, 42489655, 42504935, 43576983, 43592767, 43622383, 43638687, 43653959, 43669751, 43712679, 43732567, 43750911, 43958191, 43973471, 44001543, 44017847, 44072031, 44087823, 44103103, 44300647, 44610319, 44626103, 44652647, 44668951, 44685767, 44761975, 45118247, 45172439, 45384839, 45474863, 46166999, 46600063, 46778671, 46850271, 46883975, 46986807, 47452127, 47597967, 47613239, 47628519, 47646871, 47663687, 47679471, 48539039, 48554319, 48570111, 48672423, 49500239, 49894903, 50007455, 50023759, 50503423, 50519207, 50628183, 50644999, 50662839, 50678119, 50693391, 50771127, 51120231, 51136535, 51151807, 51197799, 51212559, 51227839, 51243631, 51266079, 51281871, 51297663, 51314479, 51329759, 51345551, 51363391, 51388399, 51443615, 51501903, 51617023, 51637927, 52141143, 52163583, 52242863, 60964183, 60991239, 61015223, 61038175, 61061647, 61080511, 61539175, 62003991, 62233799, 62503023, 63180831, 63513543, 79331695, 80636191, 82290351, 82772567, 83755519, 83776431, 84080479, 84350223, 85387455, 86354031, 86369311, 86391247, 86664055, 87644447, 87763151, 88603255, 88637983, 89063375, 89224063, 89265447, 90737359, 90856575, 91400743, 96275927, 109699455, 109827879, 109847247, 111279735, 111680039, 112544719, 112594303, 112873255, 115085519, 115291263, 116787340, 126348836, 126368044, 126386740, 126405436, 126424132, 126446412, 126465108, 126483804, 126502500, 126521708, 126540404, 126560124, 126581380, 126600588, 126619284, 126639004, 126659748, 126678956, 126697140, 126716348, 126735044, 126755788, 126774996, 126794716, 126813924, 126832620, 126852340, 126875132, 126894340, 126915084, 126934804, 126954012, 126981924, 127008812, 127080244, 127099964, 127123268, 127148108, 127172948, 127194204, 127213412, 127983364, 128227988, 129532964, 135134132, 135271236, 135871732, 136463524, 137728052, 138992580, 140311892, 140491492, 140505724, 141522308, 146417492, 146571492, 147797652, 147895876, 149851092, 149959516, 150156524, 150201988, 150240788, 150259100, 150338356, 150410964, 150762596, 150778868, 150843780, 150863652, 150884524, 150899804, 150918124, 151005052, 151020820, 151134884, 151348788, 151395780, 151435092, 151453412, 151532676, 151605284, 151964116, 151980388, 152048876, 152068732, 152089612, 152104860, 152123196, 152214732, 152230500, 152340468, 152543644, 152589092, 152628404, 152646724, 152725996, 152798604, 153150236, 153166540, 153232484, 153252348, 153273220, 153288468, 153306788, 153396268, 153412028, 153525068, 153732308, 153778780, 153818612, 153836924, 153916188, 153989324, 154347132, 154363396, 154430868, 154450724, 154471596, 154486860, 154505180, 154595684, 154611460, 154722964, 154928668, 154974124, 155013444, 155031764, 155111020, 155184140, 155537836, 155554100, 155620044, 155639900, 155660772, 155676028, 155694348, 155785884, 155801644, 155923900, 156150604, 156199660, 156241532, 156260364, 156340140, 156417356, 156809964, 156826236, 156900356, 156920716, 156942108, 156957364, 156975700, 157074908, 157091180, 157205244, 157417100, 157463068, 157503404, 157521716, 157600988, 157675132, 158031388, 158047652, 158117164, 158137020, 158157900, 158173180, 158191516, 158283596, 158299356, 158412396, 158622220, 158668188, 158708012, 158726332, 158805596, 158878204, 159230364, 159246628, 159316148, 159336004, 159356884, 159372132, 159390468, 159480972, 159496732, 159606180, 159808820, 159854268, 159893060, 159911380, 159990644, 160062732, 160407708, 160423980, 160489404, 160509252, 160530132, 160545380, 160563692, 160652668, 160668428, 160806548, 161064484, 161118644, 161162580, 161181924, 161263244, 161344540, 161802684, 161819468, 161904340, 161925732, 161947636, 161962900, 161981724, 162093732, 162110004, 162217412, 162413404, 162457836, 162496116, 162514452, 162593716, 162665812, 163013356, 163029620, 163095044, 163114900, 163135788, 163151044, 163169372, 163254796, 163270556, 163370796, 163554484, 163597380, 163634132, 163652444, 163731212, 163800764, 164107868, 164124140, 164184948, 164204292, 164224692, 164239948, 164258260, 164337516, 164353276, 164454540, 164638740, 164681628, 164718900, 164737220, 164815972, 164885508, 165197732, 165213996, 165274820, 165294156, 165314516, 165329772, 165348084, 165428348, 165444108}
for i:=0; i<len(values); i++{
offset := values[i]
if i != len(values) -1 {
difference := values[i+1] - values[i]
fmt.Printf("dd if=EiraLauncher.exe of=first_binary.exe bs=1 skip=%d count=%d", i, offset, difference)
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