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Created May 16, 2014 12:40
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A more compositional approach
public class Wireup
public void DoWireup()
var identity = new IdentityFormatter();
var stringFormat = new FormattingStringFormatter();
// that would normally get registered in your container or what not.
Selectors = new[]
new AggregateFormatter(IsDouble, Converters.Double, identity, stringFormat),
new AggregateFormatter(IsSingleSelectList, Converters.SelectListLong, identity,stringFormat,new SelectOptionFormatter()),
new AggregateFormatter(IsPerson, identity,stringFormat, new PersonNameFormatter(null)),
new AggregateFormatter(_=>true, identity,stringFormat)
static bool IsPerson(IField arg)
return arg.Type == FieldType.Person;
static bool IsSingleSelectList(IField arg)
return arg.Type == FieldType.Selection &&
(arg.SelectListType == SelectListType.Radio || arg.SelectListType == SelectListType.Select) &&
static bool IsDouble(IField arg)
return arg.Type == FieldType.Number || arg.Type == FieldType.Range || arg.Type == FieldType.Money;
public IEnumerable<IFieldSelector> Selectors { get; set; }
public enum SelectListType
public interface IFieldSelector : IFieldFormatter
bool CanFormat(IField field);
public interface IFieldFormatter
IEnumerable<Tuple<string, object>> GetEntries(IField field, object value);
public class ChangeApplier
readonly IEnumerable<IFieldSelector> formatters;
public ChangeApplier(IEnumerable<IFieldSelector> formatters)
this.formatters = formatters;
public void ApplyChange(IField field, object newValue, Record record, bool overwrite)
var formatter = GetFormatterFor(field);
foreach (var change in formatter.GetEntries(field, newValue))
record.AddOrSetValue(change.Item1, change.Item2, overwrite);
IFieldFormatter GetFormatterFor(IField field)
return formatters.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.CanFormat(field));
public static class Converters
public static object Double(IField field, object fieldValue)
if (fieldValue == null) return null;
if (field.SelectListSubType != SelectListSubType.Numeric) return fieldValue;
double value = 0D;
double.TryParse(fieldValue.ToString(), out value);
return value;
public static object SelectListLong(IField field, object fieldValue)
if (fieldValue == null) return 0;
if (fieldValue is long) return fieldValue;
long val = 0;
long.TryParse(fieldValue.ToString(), out val);
return val;
public class AggregateFormatter : IFieldFormatter, IFieldSelector
readonly Func<IField, bool> selector;
readonly Func<IField, object, object> valueConverter;
readonly IFieldFormatter[] formatters;
public AggregateFormatter(Func<IField, bool> selector, params IFieldFormatter[] formatters)
: this(selector, _ => _, formatters)
public AggregateFormatter(Func<IField, bool> selector, Func<IField, object, object> valueConverter, params IFieldFormatter[] formatters)
this.selector = selector;
this.valueConverter = valueConverter;
this.formatters = formatters;
public IEnumerable<Tuple<string, object>> GetEntries(IField field, object value)
value = valueConverter(field, value);
return formatters.SelectMany(_ => _.GetEntries(field, value));
public bool CanFormat(IField field)
return selector(field);
public class IdentityFormatter : IFieldFormatter
public IEnumerable<Tuple<string, object>> GetEntries(IField field, object value)
yield return Tuple.Create(field.Identifier, value);
public class FormattingStringFormatter : IFieldFormatter
string formatSuffix;
public IEnumerable<Tuple<string, object>> GetEntries(IField field, object value)
if (field.FormatString != null)
yield return Tuple.Create(field.Identifier + formatSuffix, (object)string.Format(field.FormatString, value));
public class SelectOptionFormatter : IFieldFormatter
public IEnumerable<Tuple<string, object>> GetEntries(IField field, object value)
yield return Tuple.Create(field.Identifier + ".SELECTText", (object)field.SelectListOptions.TextFor(value));
public class PersonNameFormatter : IFieldFormatter
Func<object, object> personNameProvider;
public PersonNameFormatter(Func<object, object> personNameProvider)
this.personNameProvider = personNameProvider;
public IEnumerable<Tuple<string, object>> GetEntries(IField field, object value)
yield return Tuple.Create(field.Identifier + ".THATGUY", this.personNameProvider(value));
public static class UsefulExtensions
public static string TextFor(this IEnumerable<SelectOption> options, object value)
return options.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Value == (value ?? string.Empty).ToString()).Text;
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