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Last active October 12, 2017 08:35
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import Data.ConfigFile
import Data.Either.Utils
import Data.Map
secds = [
("WORD", "Text"),
("AREC", "Rec"),
("APLY", ""),
("ICON", ""),
("PATH", "RecPath"),
("MAIL", "")]
secxdic = fromList secds
nopts = ["NAME","WORD","AREC","APLY","ICON","PATH","MAIL"]
typedic = fromList[("0", "[NAME]"), ("1", "[GENRE]"), ("2", "[M3U]"), ("3", "[URL]"), ("4", "[URL]"), ("5", "[MAIN]")]
main = do
val <- readfile emptyCP "Reserve.dat"
let cp = forceEither val
secs = tail $ sections cp
makeSecOut n cp [] nsecs = nsecs
makeSecOut n cp (sec:secs) nsecs = makeSecOut (n+1) cp secs $ tuple2str (makeSec n cp sec) : nsecs
putStrLn "[FAVORITE]"
printList2 $ reverse $ makeSecOut 0 cp secs []
tuple2str :: (String, String) -> String
tuple2str t = fst t ++ "=" ++ snd t
makeSec :: Int -> ConfigParser -> SectionSpec -> [(String, String)]
makeSec n cp sec = let optsmap = fromList $ forceEither $ items cp sec
in reverse $ modSec n optsmap $ (\x -> (x, findWithDefault "" (findWithDefault "" x secxdic) optsmap)) nopts
modSec :: Int -> Map String String -> [(String, String)] -> [(String, String)]
modSec n optmap = (\t -> case fst t of
"WORD" -> ("WORD" ++ show n, findWithDefault "" (findWithDefault "" "Type" optmap) typedic ++ snd t)
"ICON" -> ("ICON" ++ show n, "Icon001.bmp")
otherwise -> (fst t ++ show n, snd t))
printList2 :: [[String]] -> IO ()
printList2 [] = putStr ""
printList2 (xs:xss) = do printList2in xs
printList2 xss
where printList2in [] = putStr ""
printList2in (x:xs) = do printList2in xs
putStrLn x
-- mapM (writeSec cp) secs
-- putStrLn $ show $ length secs
-- putStrLn $ show $ take 10 $ mapM (forceEither . items cp) secs
-- putStrLn $ show $ forceEither $ options cp "Item1"
-- putStrLn $ show $ length $ sections cp
-- mapM putStrLn $ sections cp
-- putStrLn $ forceEither $ get cp "file1" "user"
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