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Created January 27, 2020 13:55
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Integrant extention for parallel initialization
(ns app.lib.util.integrant
"Adapted integrant functionality.
- system rollback on failures;
- futures in `init-key` and `halt-key!` for parallel initialization."
[app.lib.util.exec :as exec]
[ :as log]
[integrant.core :as ig]
[ :as logging-context]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn ^:private init-key
"Wrapped version of integrant's `init-key` with logging."
[key value]
(logging-context/with-logging-context {:init key}
(log/info ">> starting.." key)
(ig/init-key key value)))
(defn ^:private resume-key
"Wrapped version of integrant's `resume-key` with logging."
[key value old-value old-impl]
(logging-context/with-logging-context {:resume key}
(log/info ">> resuming.." key)
(ig/resume-key key value old-value old-impl)))
(defn ^:private not-default-halt-key?
(not= f (get-method ig/halt-key! :default)))
(defn ^:private not-default-suspend-key?
(not= f (get-method ig/suspend-key! :default)))
(defn ^:private build-halt-key
"Produce wrapped version of integrant's halt-key!
with logging and handling of returned futures."
(fn halt-key!
[key value]
(when-some [method (exec/when-pred not-default-halt-key?
(get-method ig/halt-key! (#'ig/normalize-key key)))]
(logging-context/with-logging-context {:halt key}
(log/info ">> stopping.." key)
; wait for future values to complete
; ignore errors, they are reported on init
(when (future? value)
(deref value))
(let [ret (exec/try-log-error ["Stopping" key]
(method key value))]
(when (future? ret)
(swap! *futures conj [key ret]))
(defn ^:private build-suspend-key
"Produce wrapped version of integrant's suspend-key!
with logging and handling of returned futures."
(fn suspend-key!
[key value]
(when-some [method (or
(exec/when-pred not-default-suspend-key?
(get-method ig/suspend-key! (#'ig/normalize-key key)))
(exec/when-pred not-default-halt-key?
(get-method ig/halt-key! (#'ig/normalize-key key))))]
(logging-context/with-logging-context {:suspend key}
(log/info ">> suspending.." key)
; wait for future values to complete
; ignore errors, they are reported on init
(when (future? value)
(deref value))
(let [ret (exec/try-log-error ["Suspending" key]
(method key value))]
(when (future? ret)
(swap! *futures conj [key ret]))
(defn ^:private ex-in-future
"Unwrap exception from deref'ed future."
(or (ex-cause ex) ex))
(defn ^:private collect-failed-futures
"Scan `system` for futures and collect keys with exceptions."
(reduce (fn [failed [key state]]
(if (future? state)
(deref state)
(catch Throwable ex
(conj failed [key (ex-in-future ex)])))
(list) system))
(defn ^:private await-build-futures
"Deref all future key values.
If there are failed futures then log errors and throw exception to halt system back."
[system, log-key-error]
(when-some [failed (seq (collect-failed-futures system))]
(doseq [[key ex] failed]
(log-key-error ex key))
(let [failed-keys (map first failed)]
(exec/throw-ex-info "Errors on keys" failed-keys "when building system"
{:reason ::failed-futures
:system system
:failed-keys failed-keys}))))
(defn ^:private await-futures
"Deref all future suspend results.
Log errors for failed exceptions."
[futures, log-key-error]
(doseq [[key *f] futures]
(deref *f)
(catch Throwable ex
(log-key-error (ex-in-future ex) key)))))
(defn halt!
"Halt a system map by applying halt-key! in reverse dependency order.
Copy of integrant's `halt!` with customized `halt-key!` function and handling of futures."
(halt! system (keys system)))
([system keys]
{:pre [(map? system) (some-> system meta ::ig/origin)]}
(let [*futures (atom [])]
(ig/reverse-run! system keys (build-halt-key *futures))
(await-futures @*futures
(fn [ex key]
(logging-context/with-logging-context {:halt key}
(exec/log-error ex "Stopping" key)))))))
(defn suspend!
"Suspend a system map by applying suspend-key! in reverse dependency order.
Copy of integrant's `suspend!` with customized `suspend-key!` function and handling of futures."
(suspend! system (keys system)))
([system keys]
{:pre [(map? system) (some-> system meta ::ig/origin)]}
(let [*futures (atom [])]
(ig/reverse-run! system keys (build-suspend-key *futures))
(await-futures @*futures
(fn [ex key]
(logging-context/with-logging-context {:suspend key}
(exec/log-error ex "Suspending" key)))))))
(defn build
"Copy of integrant's `build` with
- handling of futures;
- rollback on exceptions."
([config, system-keys, f, log-key-error]
(build config, system-keys, f, log-key-error, (fn [_ _ _])))
([config, system-keys, f, log-key-error, assert-fn]
(let [system (ig/build config system-keys f assert-fn)]
(await-build-futures system log-key-error)
(catch Throwable ex
(let [{:keys [reason, system, key, failed-keys]} (ex-data ex)
cause (ex-cause ex)]
; integrant's exception on non-future key
(= reason ::ig/build-threw-exception)
(log-key-error cause key)
(some-> system halt!))
; exception after failed future keys
(= reason ::failed-futures)
(some-> system
(halt! (remove (set failed-keys) (keys system))))
; something unexpected, log error for investigation
(log/error "Unexpected error when building system:" (exec/ex-message-all ex)))
(throw ex))))))
(defn init
"Turn a config map into an system map. Keys are traversed in dependency
order, initiated via the init-key multimethod, then the refs associated with
the key are expanded.
Copy of integrant's `init` with
- customized `init-key` function;
- handling of futures;
- rollback on exceptions."
(init config (keys config)))
([config system-keys]
{:pre [(map? config)]}
(build config system-keys init-key
(fn [ex key]
(logging-context/with-logging-context {:init key}
(exec/log-error ex "Starting" key)))
(defn resume
"Turn a config map into a system map, reusing resources from an existing
system when it's possible to do so. Keys are traversed in dependency order,
resumed with the resume-key multimethod, then the refs associated with the
key are expanded.
Copy of integrant's `resume` with
- customized `resume-key` function;
- handling of futures;
- rollback on exceptions."
([config system]
(resume config system (keys config)))
([config system system-keys]
{:pre [(map? system) (some-> system meta ::ig/origin)]}
(exec/try-log-error "Halt missing keys on resume"
(#'ig/halt-missing-keys! config system system-keys))
(build config system-keys
(fn [k v]
(if (contains? system k)
(resume-key k v (-> system meta ::ig/build (get k)) (system k))
(init-key k v)))
(fn [ex key]
(logging-context/with-logging-context {:resume key}
(exec/log-error ex "Resuming" key))))))
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